Paul: "If Christ be not raised your faith is in vain and you are still in your sins"


Well-known member
The one requirement in the bible for being saved is belief in Christ and this same faith or belief is also spoken of as the gift of God. Both sides need to be upheld together. Faith is a requirement but God gives me everything to meet the requirement. Which comes first, the requirement or the gift? It's just like the chicken and the egg.

Promoting salvation by works, by what a person does !


Well-known member
The best point for free will is that it promotes the justice and righteousness of God. God is off the hook because salvation is up to man, not God. "Chose this day whom you will serve".

Calvinism teaches that God is an unjust, unrighteous tyrant that delights in damning people to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam, which was not their fault.

Promoting salvation by works, by what a person does. This rejects salvation by the work of Christ alone, therefore antichrist !

Ben Masada

New member
If man was totally depraved he would not be able to hear and believe the Gospel. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17, Which is the Gospel.

If man was totally depraved he would be like an animal, he would have no knowledge of God whatsoever.

Man is not totally depraved like Calvinist want us to believe. On the day of Pentecost over 8,000 Jews heard and believed the Gospel and were saved, some of them had participated in the crucifixon of Christ, Acts 2:36.

No Jew participated in the crucifixion of Jesus. True that his disciples themselves caused the crucifixion of Jesus but none participated with. Read Luke 19:37-40. The Romans did it themselves alone. The point is that, about the 4th Century, the Church was consulted by Emperor Constantine to apply for the position of the official religion of the Empire but the charge that the Romans had killed the god of Christianity was the only barrier. Then the Fathers of the Church opened the doors of pious forgeries and Rome was clear of that charge because they used the Jews to replace the Romans. It was then that Antisemitism woke up to the present day.


New member
No Jew participated in the crucifixion of Jesus.


True that his disciples themselves caused the crucifixion of Jesus but none participated with.


Read Luke 19:37-40. The Romans did it themselves alone.

Incorrect. You personally today continue crucifying Him.

The point is that, about the 4th Century, the Church was consulted by Emperor Constantine to apply for the position of the official religion of the Empire but the charge that the Romans had killed the god of Christianity was the only barrier. Then the Fathers of the Church opened the doors of pious forgeries and Rome was clear of that charge because they used the Jews to replace the Romans.


It was then that Antisemitism woke up to the present day.

Antisemitism has always been from the beginning of time because the Jewish lineage is the vessel God chose to use to preach to the whole world Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary is the only way to salvation (do you not know what the altar and sacrifice represented?).

However, the Jewish lineage chose to reject God's commandment to them.
Some day the Jewish lineage will preach Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary to the whole world, but it will take the time of Jacob's trouble to bring them to God again.


Ben Masada, you are an example of a NONbeliever in Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary lecturing believers in Him and His finished work.

You should go back and study your own Scriptures for they are all about Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary before lecturing others all about something you do not even care about.

Fixing the mote of your own eye so that you can see the speck on the other person's eye would be a good starting point.


He hasn't given you any, unbeliever! Show me your faith - Is Christ the savior of the world?
If God already planned to give me the gift then its on its way due to his promises to only to his children, not the goats. The goats don't and won't ever believe. The Bible is really simple to understand but the goats won't care to understand them. They like being just goats like you and the rest of mankind. You need to get the timing right.

Jesus saves all that is given to him by God as it states in the bible only understood by the wise.


New member
If God already planned to give me the gift then its on its way due to his promises to only to his children, not the goats. The goats don't and won't ever believe. The Bible is really simple to understand but the goats won't care to understand them. They like being just goats like you and the rest of mankind. You need to get the timing right.


Brother Ducky

New member
The one requirement in the bible for being saved is belief in Christ and this same faith or belief is also spoken of as the gift of God. Both sides need to be upheld together. Faith is a requirement but God gives me everything to meet the requirement. Which comes first, the requirement or the gift? It's just like the chicken and the egg.

Sounds to me that if you take this seriously, you should be a Calvinist. One starts off with a heart of stone, God changes it to a heart of flesh, and belief follows.

Brother Ducky

New member
The Canons of Dort First Head: Article #1. "God would have done no injustice by leaving them all to perish and delivering them over to condemnation on account of sin".

Here we see the injustice of the Calvinist God. All men are sinners without works. We are born into sin, Psalm 51:5. We do not become sinners by what we do. We are all born with a sin nature. It is not our fault that we are sinners.

If God condemned people to hell because they are sinners he would be unjust. People will never go to hell because of sin, they will go to hell because of unbelief.

In the Gospel "God so loves the world that he gives his only begotten Son" to provide salvation for fallen man. No one is forced or made to believe. If God forced or made some to believe he would be unjust.

I certainly do not see that the statement of Dort is shows any injustice. Why would God have to save any?

You certainly are not consistent with your hamartiology. You say here that in essence that all sin so God does not care about it. And elsewhere you posit a patish doctrine of the re-imputation of sin to the lost. The two positions do not seem to be compatible.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I certainly do not see that the statement of Dort is shows any injustice. Why would God have to save any?

You certainly are not consistent with your hamartiology. You say here that in essence that all sin so God does not care about it. And elsewhere you posit a patish doctrine of the re-imputation of sin to the lost. The two positions do not seem to be compatible.

Nothing is going to make sense to you simply because you are not a Christian.

"Why would God have to save any?"

The answer is because he is kind, just, merciful, righteous and is not willing that any should perish, 2 Peter 3:9.


Well-known member
"Why would God have to save any?"

The answer is because he is kind, just, merciful, righteous and is not willing that any should perish, 2 Peter 3:9.

It is God's Will that all of those Chosen by the Father to give Eternal Life to shall not perish!

John 6:39
And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.



New member
Sounds to me that if you take this seriously, you should be a Calvinist. One starts off with a heart of stone, God changes it to a heart of flesh, and belief follows.

No I am a grace based believer who is not a Calvinist. Calvinists do not own grace, they do own hyper-grace but they can have that.


New member
I certainly do not see that the statement of Dort is shows any injustice. Why would God have to save any?

Because God is Love and that's what love does! It saves the lost, all of the lost once and for all time. It doesn't pick and choose who to save and who to throw away. Only Calvinists do that.


New member
It is God's Will that all of those Chosen by the Father to give Eternal Life to shall not perish!

John 6:39
And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.


It is God's will that all men come to repentance and that all men be saved. Acts 17:30 1Tim. 2:4