may be LONGEST thread in TOL history: List of lib lies..

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
there are other and MUCH better ways to make sure that people are educated than... BIG government..
Not really, given the poorest members of our society couldn't afford the education that would lift them out of it without help. And it's in our own best interest to have better educated and upwardly mobile citizens.

there has to be... Big gov = tyrannical gov
Depends on how loosely you define tyranny, I suppose. Some would (and have) thought a police force tyrannical.

and loss of freedom is the result
Freedom isn't an inherent virtue. The freedom to starve or live in ignorant squalor, by way of. The freedom to build a nuclear device, for another. The freedom to murder without consequence. And so on.

So no one is really for unfettered liberty without regard for others. The rest is negotiation.


New member
Not really, given the poorest members of our society couldn't afford the education that would lift them out of it without help. And it's in our own best interest to have better educated and upwardly mobile citizens.

loosely tion.

just another lib lie. I've been essentially poor all my life and I went to college (Pell Grant)

but I u/stand how with you libs, when it comes to gouging the taxpayers, it is never enough...



New member
  • we libs are so compassionate toward the little people and those mean old Rs are just so uncaring. Of course, we won't let those poor convicts out of their punishments.. just people who can pay for it... Marc Rich, et al

[That last part is not a lie]


Well-known member
there are other and MUCH better ways to make sure that people are educated than... BIG government..

Not really, given the poorest members of our society couldn't afford the education that would lift them out of it without help. And it's in our own best interest to have better educated and upwardly mobile citizens.

just another lib lie. I've been essentially poor all my life and I went to college (Pell Grant)


Are you for real?

This is so immaculately absurd, I find it difficult to believe.

Do you not understand that a Pell Grant is Federal financial assistance for the poor to get a college education?


The 1% want a government just big enough to protect them from the other 99% BUT not big enough to protect the other 99% from them!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So, you're not really going to respond to anyone substantively and the larger point of the thread seems to be advancing your stream of unconscious approach to political rhetoric...okay, good enough. Off subscribe you go.



Well-known member
Do you not understand that a Pell Grant is Federal financial assistance for the poor to get a college education?

geez, this is the dumbest thing I've read here in a long time..

do you ever read anything b4 spoutating?

I didn't read about Pell Grants "b4 spoutating," because I know what a Pell Grant is. Here you go:

"The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain postbaccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education."

From The US Dept of Education website

You folks are unreal. It's intense. This place really seems to be making the leap from website to clown car.


New member
I didn't read about Pell Grants "b4 spoutating," because I know what a Pell Grant is. Here you go:

You folks are unreal. It's intense. This place really seems to be making the leap from website to clown car.

moron city

I was the one who said that Pell Grants helped ME, poor person (allegedly) to go to college... then you come on like I ... what? said that poor people are not being educated..?

just so dumb...

but then again... maybe not b/c I don't think I even KNOW what you are saying enough to say it is BONZO

which crappy writing on your part makes it loony tunes or bonzo just the same



New member
  • We have to pass the bill so we can see what's in it

This says it all about the loony left...

[Rand Paul was working on a bill to make Congresspersons have to actually READ a bill before passing it... Gee, do ya think??? wonder what happened to that... but anyway, thank you, Rand Paul... I like you more and more... as I learn more and more]


New member
moron city

I was the one who said that Pell Grants helped ME, poor person (allegedly) to go to college... then you come on like I ... what? said that poor people are not being educated..?

just so dumb...

but then again... maybe not b/c I don't think I even KNOW what you are saying enough to say it is BONZO

which crappy writing on your part makes it loony tunes or bonzo just the same


Did you or did you not state that there has to be a better "solution" to education than big government?


New member
  • Iran can be persuaded to be any ally of the US

[Well, anything's possible.. in LaLa Land... or if the Iranian leaders convert to Jesus Christ and HIS religion... yeh, anything's possible.]



New member
  • If you are Republican, you hate the poor, you hate women and everyone else who is not rich and White, and you are stupid and mean and just -- like a robot -- repeat everything the R party says because you are mean and stupid and hateful
