may be LONGEST thread in TOL history: List of lib lies..


New member
They weren't misinformed about Iraq. American and foreign intelligence all said Iraq did not have WMDs. The Bush admin and their cronies in the two major parties lied outright and should have been put on trial. You aren't for truth. You're a partisan hack. You only care if a Democrat lies.


I never claimed to know all about wmds but what i have heard/read they didn't know, were misinformed. If you have evidence otherwise, let's hear it.

But ... never mind

b/c if you think I am going to sit here and believe a liberal...


ha ha ha... LOL





New member

I never claimed to know all about wmds but what i have heard/read they didn't know, were misinformed. If you have evidence otherwise, let's hear it.

But ... never mind

b/c if you think I am going to sit here and believe a liberal...


ha ha ha... LOL


Is this a 14 year old girls blog post entry? Seriously, could you at least try to formulate a single, concrete thought?


New member

I never claimed to know all about wmds but what i have heard/read they didn't know, were misinformed. If you have evidence otherwise, let's hear it.

But ... never mind

b/c if you think I am going to sit here and believe a liberal...


ha ha ha... LOL




I'm not a liberal. You're a partisan hack which is why I usually don't respond to your partisan stupidity. I'm sorry I engaged you in this thread. Quit pumping 10 hours of republican TV and radio into your head everyday and read the bible.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
liberals' elevators in the Logic Building never go to the top, not even close...
Honest people can differ honestly. Dishonest people can't. And the choice as to which you mean to be is always yours.

Usually they may get to the 2nd floor or so, but then they get stuck .. never reaching the 20th floor.. Then they get all ticked off and snarky when they see that Conservatives are all up there on the 20th floor (some foolishly waiting for them to catch up.. but we all know they won't... barring some miraculous divine intervention)
Pride. That's another killer.

I know. It absolutely derailed much of what I meant to do for the good with apostates and those outside of the faith.


New member
Honest people can differ honestly. Dishonest people can't. And the choice as to which you mean to be is always yours.

Pride. That's another killer.

I know. It absolutely derailed much of what I meant to do for the good with apostates and those outside of the faith.

as is usually the case, I don't get your posts

I don't think you do either

ho hum... boredom sets in

creeping boredom



New member
[RE $300,000 speaking fees]

--"I have to pay all our bills"

--Bill [no pun intended :D] Clinton

What bills?

well, I am sure most of their houses are paid off.

electric bill?

well, some Americans pay 30% of their income on the electric bill. With the Clinton's, it's probably something like .000001%

and worse, 1/4 of all Americans pays more than HALF the monthly income on rent.

so just...



Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
as is usually the case, I don't get your posts
That's okay.

I don't think you do either
That's silly, but not unexpected.

ho hum... boredom sets in
Maybe you need to take up knitting (brows excluded). :think:

creeping boredom
My mother had a solution to that. She'd say, "If you're bored I can always find something for you to do."

So I stayed active, one way or the other. :)


New member
  • illegal immigrants should all become legal (by me) so they can vote for me


[and not too much a lie... Those are about the only ones who will vote for her]


New member
geez, I WISH they [illegals] were the only ones voting for her

the morons will vote for a lib every time and there are plenty of morons in the country

some might not be morons if they just began studying history and current events.. and stopped watching sex-obsessed sitcoms on TV every spare minute they get..

garbage in, garbage out..



New member
  • What Bill Clinton has to say is far more important than what the average Joe Schmo in the Midwest (who has been faithful to his wife of 50 years) has to say... b/c Bill has money and prestige and once held high office (and what he did to Monica is no big deal)

yikes... that was painful to write


New member
  • We Clintons did business with Algeria while Hillary was Sec of State, even after telling the president Hillary wouldn't... but that should not overly concern Americans and they should vote for Hillary anyway because it is no big deal. They should lay aside their questions and concerns and doubts about her trustworthiness because... Republicans are stupid and only care for certain groups and they have that vast right wing conspiracy going on and... well... you know... they are idiots

Last edited:


New member
  • "There's no there there.."

[maybe not, Mr. Clinton... but there sure is a lot of suspicion "there"

What's that saying about ducks and how they walk and quack and stuff? Hmmmmm]



New member
  • I have to pay the bills

[says Bill Clinton

What bills?

oh, yeh, they have to pay their chauffeurs.. their maids.. all those people who do the things that are beneath THEM

I guess they don't believe in paying the "help" who waited on them at Chipolte.. didn't leave a thin DIME for a tip

wow... that just blows me away

and we want THIS kind of president?


well, the country gets the president it deserves, I reckon... ]



New member
  • "Nobody wants the emails out more than I do"

[right, Hellary.

But wait! There's more!

Maybe it is not really too much a lie.. ?

After all, she has already deleted all the ones most important to We the People... so

Emily Litella moment

"never mind..."}