may be LONGEST thread in TOL history: List of lib lies..

Since they haven't received tolerance, why would that matter?
So you're saying, the Republicans have to go first. (Keep in mind, I am not a Republican or Libertarian). I find your position interesting. You truly don't believe the Republicans have shown tolerance.


New member
"The era of big government is over"

[The libs will accuse me of making a mistake here, attributing to a lib what a conservative has said/promised. But no, this was said by Mr. Tax&Spend Bill Clinton. Tom Coburn said in his book that Clinton had a "lust" for spending (along with other lusts, of course..).

Someone once said that there is no greater pleasure than spending other people's money

I don't know who said that, but it had to be Congressperson]



New member
  • Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

[whopper there... said to get O elected. Those libs will do ANYTHING to get their man elected... or woman. ]

  • Lie? Ha ha... What's the big deal about lying, for crying out loud. The end justifies the means

[hey, you know.. I have to confess: I used to think lying was no big deal myself. I also used to believe in Santa Claus.. In other words, I believed lying was no big deal when I was about 5 years old... Jesus disabused me of that notion, though... Too bad everyone does not have Jesus.. ]



New member
  • the situation in Iran is comparable to the one where Reagan interacted with Gorbachev

[When did Gorbachev say Death to Israel? Death to the US?]


New member
  • We were under sniper fire

    * you schmucky little people... OOOPS!! I mean you regular folk.. need a champion. I will be your champion (as soon as I go out and buy 100 more pantsuits and another chauffeur-driven limousine... )

(of course, the last part is not a lie)



New member
LIberal Lie # 87

  • (sigh) If only the government were much bigger... the world would be perfect; we rich libs wouldn't have to feel so guilty for stealing all your hard-earned cash.. and using it to live high on the hog.. because if we just had more tax money coming in, we could throw you some more crumbs from the table aka: a few more entitlements. Then you would shut up, maybe... and let us live guilt-free...



New member
Lie #91

  • a speech by me is worth $200,000

PLEASE! What could Hillary tell us that would be worth .0000001% of that amount?

Hey, Hillary, you could tell us how to get someone to pay us $200 grand for a speech... Show us how that is done (not that we can afford such expensive advice, but still..)

Oh.. we would have to marry someone "important"? Oh.... hmmm...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Lie #91

  • a speech by me is worth $200,000

PLEASE! What could Hillary tell us that would be worth .0000001% of that amount?
Rather, this is the amount you pay if you want the speech and the market bears it. A conservative should applaud it.

You can't even break a hundred on actual lies? Remarkable.


New member
Rather, this is the amount you pay if you want the speech and the market bears it. A conservative should applaud it.

You can't even break a hundred on actual lies? Remarkable.

liberals' elevators in the Logic Building never go to the top, not even close... Usually they may get to the 2nd floor or so, but then they get stuck .. never reaching the 20th floor.. Then they get all ticked off and snarky when they see that Conservatives are all up there on the 20th floor (some foolishly waiting for them to catch up.. but we all know they won't... barring some miraculous divine intervention)




New member
  • Inhoffe is the dumbest one in Congress since Michelle Bachman left

-Barney Frank

[Really? Hmmm... Isn't it rather dumb to defy God by being sexually involved w/ someone of your own gender.. I mean, you know: AIDS, for one thing... yeh, really smart Congressman Perv...]



New member
Why don't we just call it lies from politicians. They all lie. Democrat or republican. Remember "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction"?


New member
Why don't we just call it lies from politicians. They all lie. Democrat or republican. Remember "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction"?

how dumb

like there is no difference between lying and being misinformed

But then, to a lib.. yeh, there is no difference. I mean when there is no such thing as moral evil, I guess anything goes.. and words mean nothing



New member
how dumb

like there is no difference between lying and being misinformed

But then, to a lib.. yeh, there is no difference. I mean when there is no such thing as moral evil, I guess anything goes.. and words mean nothing

Oh, I get it. So if it's someone you support, they are misinformed. If it is someone you don't support, they are lying.


New member
how dumb

like there is no difference between lying and being misinformed

But then, to a lib.. yeh, there is no difference. I mean when there is no such thing as moral evil, I guess anything goes.. and words mean nothing


They weren't misinformed about Iraq. American and foreign intelligence all said Iraq did not have WMDs. The Bush admin and their cronies in the two major parties lied outright and should have been put on trial. You aren't for truth. You're a partisan hack. You only care if a Democrat lies.