may be LONGEST thread in TOL history: List of lib lies..

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Blacks can be racist, call someone the N word, say Whites are not human... but not whites
Right, blacks can say things to each other that should never come out of a white mouth (and arguably not even their own, it's a split in the community). But if anyone says anyone else isn't human they're just being ignorant.


Right, blacks can say things to each other that should never come out of a white mouth ....

so you are unable to make a judgment about whether or not an utterance is objectionable without knowing the skin color of the mouth from which it emerged?

not that anybody'd be surprised, but you just outed yourself as a racist :wave2:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so you are unable to make a judgment about whether or not an utterance is objectionable without knowing the skin color of the mouth from which it emerged?

not that anybody'd be surprised, but you just outed yourself as a racist :wave2:

just remember the context
you should never repeat what comes out of his mouth

when you quote him
you are always smearing his character

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
just remember the context
you should never repeat what comes out of his mouth

when you quote him
you are always smearing his character
You've never been criticized for quoting me, only for failing to when challenged on any number of unsupportable bits you throw at me when you're in a mood.

For instance, support that one with a quote of me doing that...I'll wait while you never do.

In other words, to be clear, you're being dishonest. When you let personal issues lower your character you might want to reconsider your priorities.


so you are unable to make a judgment about whether or not an utterance is objectionable without knowing the skin color of the mouth from which it emerged?
Rather, there are are things you can say to your family that you wouldn't let anyone else say and no one else should.

not that anybody'd be surprised, but you just outed yourself as a racist
Not even a little, oh obsessed one.

:mock: Sod's minor league bunt

Mocking You

New member
Seven pages of nothingness. Maybe one of two liberal lies, and a bunch of Hannity and O'Reilly talking points being parroted, along with the usual bickering noise of TOL. I guess I'll start a thread about famous lies by politicians. At least it will be a bipartisan.


New member
Right, blacks can say things to each other that should never come out of a white mouth (and arguably not even their own, it's a split in the community). But if anyone says anyone else isn't human they're just being ignorant.

you think that is just being ignorant?

what if everyone in Congress and the White House believed that Whites were sub-human?


New member
so you are unable to make a judgment about whether or not an utterance is objectionable without knowing the skin color of the mouth from which it emerged?

not that anybody'd be surprised, but you just outed yourself as a racist :wave2:

astute observation

but not surprising to ME as he has already shown his elitist bent by essentially saying the poor are idiots...

(I am what many would call Poor, so I am an idiot... Hey, I admit, i am an idiot... sometimes... like when I see such problems as

what do we do about destroying ISIS without using ground troops?

Well, maybe that's not the best example... b/c we have recently gotten an answer to that quandary:

IRan puts boots on the ground...

hey, at least some country has some... uh... you know... (things men have that women don't)



New member
  • All cops are anti-Black, or if not, might as well be... so we can shoot them. And we should abolish the police department in Ferguson because who needs cops?

[Moron City, for sure]

Here is where we list all the lies the libs have told over the years. You can go back as far as... well, the first liberal, who was Satan...

feel free to consult the Good Book


But mostly I want to deal with liberals in the USA and especially vis a vis the presidential candidates

Hillary Clinton

Like i said, this will be a LONG thread if we just list HER lies...

I love you, Bill (said on wedding night? OK, I can't prove that one... couldn't help it)

I didn't have all those government emails on my personal server so I could hide stuff from the American people

I am not a crook


But hey, it's not such an OOPs when you think about it.. I mean, really... think about it...

Benghazi happened because of an American-made video

Bill and I were broke when we left the White House

(incidentally, so was the White House)

so... what lies from the libs stand out most with you?

We are the party of compassion?

bleh... one of the biggest... (easy to be "compassionate" with other people's money, eh?)


Is this worth 1,022 posts?

Here are 1,022 well sourced examples of Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.


New member
  • It's no big deal that Hillary concealed classified info from We the People.. Oops! I mean... you know... that she used a private email for government work.

    Everyone does that, so buzz off, Stupid Republicans...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
astute observation
Well, at least you can spell it.

but not surprising to ME as he has already shown his elitist bent by essentially saying the poor are idiots...
Stop blaming me for your reading comprehension. I've never believed that being poor makes anyone an idiot.

(I am what many would call Poor, so I am an idiot... Hey, I admit, i am an idiot...
Okay, though I remember you speaking to how intelligent you were not long ago. Let me know when you make up your minds.

IRan puts boots on the ground...
Nothing funnier than a right winger admiring Iran in any sense.

hey, at least some country has some... uh... you know... (things men have that women don't)
No, I think everyone has a survival instinct, which is what you're seeing with Iran, recognizing that ISIS plans to swallow it whole and might just without a serious address by them now. All the Arab (and Persian) states see that writing on the wall.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Dems have valid arguments

[big lie there]
Onlyh if you don't understand some of them. Like conservatives, the further you get to the extremes the less lucid they are and the less likely you're going to find a reasonable position. The problem is that both extremes have had too much to say for too long while the moderate, rationalists have been courted for votes, but essentially drowned out once the polling was done.


New member
Onlyh if you don't understand some of them. Like conservatives, the further you get to the extremes the less lucid they are and the less likely you're going to find a reasonable position. The problem is that both extremes have had too much to say for too long while the moderate, rationalists have been courted for votes, but essentially drowned out once the polling was done.

the only valid point they have is (sometimes) the notion that the Rs ignore the poor..

THAT is a valid point

other than that... can't think of one

and they don't care about the poor either so...



New member
  • Bill Clinton pardoning Rich (and other criminals) was OK... Pardoning all those regular-folk criminals... who did the same kind of thing...
    the poor slobs who don't have money to buy a pardon from Bill...
    not so much

[But you know, in fairness to the Ds, even THEY hated that... condemned it]


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
the only valid point they have is (sometimes) the notion that the Rs ignore the poor..

THAT is a valid point

other than that... can't think of one

and they don't care about the poor either so...
Of course they do. They just have a different approach to the problem than trickle down economics.

Can't think of one? How do you feel about public libraries, affordable education for everyone who is interested and able, interstates, child labor laws, just off the top of my noggin.


New member
Of course they do. They just have a different approach to the problem than trickle down economics.

Can't think of one? How do you feel about public libraries, affordable education for everyone who is interested and able, interstates, child labor laws, just off the top of my noggin.

there are other and MUCH better ways to make sure that people are educated than... BIG government..

there has to be... Big gov = tyrannical gov

and loss of freedom is the result
