Here is where we list all the lies the libs have told over the years. You can go back as far as... well, the first liberal, who was Satan...
feel free to consult the Good Book
But mostly I want to deal with liberals in the USA and especially vis a vis the presidential candidates
Hillary Clinton
Like i said, this will be a LONG thread if we just list HER lies...
I love you, Bill (said on wedding night? OK, I can't prove that one... couldn't help it)
I didn't have all those government emails on my personal server so I could hide stuff from the American people
I am not a crook
But hey, it's not such an OOPs when you think about it.. I mean, really... think about it...
Benghazi happened because of an American-made video
Bill and I were broke when we left the White House
(incidentally, so was the White House)
so... what lies from the libs stand out most with you?
We are the party of compassion?
bleh... one of the biggest... (easy to be "compassionate" with other people's money, eh?)