may be LONGEST thread in TOL history: List of lib lies..


New member
The whole invasion of Iraq was based on a false premise.

The Bush Administration commited the nation to a war that was totally unnecessary!

tell that to someone else, someone who does not know much

Don't you think its stupid to keep trying to impart false info to someone who doesn't buy it?

give it up already

Seek [the truth] and you will find it



New member
  • We libs can abruptly and cunningly change the subject and introduce straw men and non sequitors, and the Rs and everyone else will just forget, usually immediately and forever, that we have ducked and dived and refused to answer the question

[Tell that to Chris Wallace and Hannity]


tell that to someone else, someone who does not know much

Don't you think its stupid to keep trying to impart false info to someone who doesn't buy it?

give it up already

Seek [the truth] and you will find it

FACT 1. The Bush Administration told the UN and the American public that an invasion of Iraq was necessary to stop the use of "weapons of mass destruction" (chemical weapons).

FACT 2. There have been no "weapons of mass destruction" (chemical weapons) found in Iraq since 2003.

FACT 3. "Republicanchick" has a right to her own interpretation - she doesn't have the right to invent her own facts!


New member
FACT 1. The Bush Administration told the UN and the American public that an invasion of Iraq was necessary to stop the use of "weapons of mass destruction" (chemical weapons).

FACT 2. There have been no "weapons of mass destruction" (chemical weapons) found in Iraq since 2003.

FACT 3. "Republicanchick" has a right to her own interpretation - she doesn't have the right to invent her own facts!

FACT 4: No one knew that the reports of such WMD were not true

moron city

I guess the world needed Sadaam....

according to jgarden

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Here is where we list all the lies the libs have told over the years. You can go back as far as... well, the first liberal, who was Satan...
I'll be surprised if its in use for long. I've never seen you stick with a thread....or even a username.

Hillary Clinton
I love you, Bill (said on wedding night? OK, I can't prove that one... couldn't help it)
So the way you set the table is to make something up...what would you call that if a liberal did it...:think:

I didn't have all those government emails on my personal server so I could hide stuff from the American people
You need to try actual quotes and real links.

I am not a crook
Richard Nixon, former President and Republican party head.

Good start. :plain:


FACT 4: No one knew that the reports of such WMD were not true

moron city

I guess the world needed Sadaam....

according to jgarden
1. Only a "moron" Republican president would initiate a war without conclusive proof that there were WMDs in Iraq?

2. Only a "moron" Republican Bush Administration would refuse to admit that they made a mistake.

3. Apparently conservatives aren't willing to take responsibility for the 4 425 dead and 32 223 wounded members of the American military - not to mention the 100 000's of Iraquis and $ billions spent on a needless war.
"The buck stops" with the "moron" Republican "Commander-in-Chief" who ordered the invasion.

4. The "moron" Republican Reagan Administration, in which GHW Bush served as vice president, was only too glad to support Saddam in a "proxy war" against the Iranians - even after he used chemical weapons against Iran and the Kurds.

5. They were also glad to provide Islamic fundamentalists, euphemistically referred to as "freedom-fighters," with weapons to use against the Russians in Afghanistan.

Once those same "freedom fighters" started turning these weapons against America, they suddenly became "terrorists!"
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1. Only a "moron" Republican president would initiate a war without conclusive proof that there were WMDs in Iraq?

there were wmds in iraq - saddam was using them to play hide and seek with the un inspectors in 2002 and 2003


New member
  • I'm Hillary Clinton and I can get away with stuff you stupid little people cannot get away with

[actually, that one is not a lie unless we are talking about the NEXT life... No one gets away with ANYTHING there...]


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So this isn't really a thread about alleged lies. More a thread where you're as likely to be found lying about liberals as posting anything supported by facts. Why not actually take a shot at objectively setting out the half truths and out and out lies of your opponent, with citation. That at least would have legs.

Click. (it's all the rage) :plain:


New member
  • The Rs have no compassion... those vile, racist, sexist moronic pigs! We should deny them non-profit status... even if we have to break the law (laws are only made for the peons anyway)! We should resort to the most vile tactics necessary to keep them from having a say in what happens in government... Accuse them of LYING [like us], tell them to "turn off Fox News" [bumper sticker], those slimy, zygote-worshiping morons!

    Please, America, vote for the party of compassion...