Hi wbm,
Sharing further from my previous commentary on ECT here,....
lets note that the Vedic concept of the soul (atman) also
assumes an 'eternal spirit-soul essence' as being of the nature of the 'soul', so that both ancient eastern/western religious
schools have i
ntuited or assumed some eternality or innate 'immortality' of the soul. From a purely spiritualist/gnostic POV....some kind of 'eternality' is granted the soul, although in the 'soul-death' or 'conditional immortality' view....its assumed the soul can indeed 'die', be extinguished/expunged, undergo some kind of 'dis-integration' where it is no longer a living personality, no long a living sentient being. The ancient Greek and Vedic view of the 'soul' would disagree with 'soul-death' in one way or another, as well as some other
spiritualist schools.
The Urantia Papers however DOES teach that
some souls choose 'death' (total, final and utter rejection of God), and become as if they never existed,
BUT that
all that truly had value in that soul's experience is never lost, but is re-incorporated back into the OverSoul,
collective consciousness or Universal Spirit, and is added back into the over-all
evolving totality of The All.
The Borg ?
While a soul may choose the 'second death', the same soul can choose eternal life/immortality by doing God's will, and joining with Spirit. So there are various ways and different school-perspectives in exploring/dissecting the details involved in the 'process' of 'life' and 'death'.
awesome !
As we reflect on the
'condition' of the wicked, or the
willfully unrepentant, one who is
totally sold to iniquity
to the degree that the
'fruit' of such 'iniquity' or its consequence is 'death',...
then the end result of such is
Now we can
debate on the definition of 'death'
til the cows come home, just as we can on the word 'life',...but the
'second death' appears to be one where there is no resurrection possible, it is a final, complete disintegration of personality-consciousness.
Only those who qualify and choose to be terminated by
their own free will undergo an eternal death,
if indeed God has granted such power to mortals for their own 'choosing'. This makes 'free will' as far as individual souls are concerned,
more or less 'sovereign'....
as far as personal destiny issues are concerned.
Uh Huh -
The fire of God would seem to consume all that is not like itself, and/or purify all innate latent divine potentials within the soul.
Yes, from the 'soul-death' and 'conditional immortality' view

Those who reject the gift of eternal life, the divine nature or Spirit of God,
naturally do not participate in the
nature, fruit or condition
of such.
Indeed, since one wholly surrendered to Spirit, in communion with
its presence and nature, becomes that.
Spirit is One.