Justification of Eternal Punishment


We covered all this and more on a former thread of mine titled "Atonement without blood" - for more on 'blood-atonement' go here (in the UB thread).

Also the more Essene/Ebionite/Nazirene version of Jesus tends towards a humane, even more vegetarian based gospel, against blood-sacrifice (flesh eating) and cruelty in all forms, ever emphasizing the principle of forgiveness thru repentance, return to truth and right living. This is what is essential,...not the slaughter of innocent animals (let alone humans) which does not necessarily change one's conscience, neither does such guarantee 'salvation'.

Thanks for posting this!


Eclectic Theosophist
Assuming a price needs to be paid. Lets look at that 'assumption' again.....

Assuming a price needs to be paid. Lets look at that 'assumption' again.....

He became flesh and paid the price HIMSELF. Emanuel. God with us.

This is assuming a price for anything needed to be paid.

Don't forget,....you reap what you sow,...no one can reap the penalty and suffering for your own sins, since that would abrogate the law of self-responsibility. The universal law of karma (the law of compensation) holds,....each soul suffers for their own sins. The very concept of a vicarious death or 'paying the penalty' for another persons sins, is problematic there, and on other levels.

Now a prophet, holy man/woman, or a divine being, avatar, angel, celestial, messiah, etc. can bestow certain graces, and by giving their life effect a dispensation of grace (even taken on some karma not their own),...but even with that outpouring of grace (mediation/intercession), that mediation NEVER abrogates the law of self-responsibility! You are still responsible for your own actions, and likewise experience the 'consequences' of those actions,...for such is a 'law'.

This concept of someone else dying for another's sins, is pretty vague/nebuolous really, unless you combine various old atonement theories and make some kind of logic out of it, then it leads to another concept of that one doing ALL the work for you (they alone are truly righteous, and somehow all that righteousness gets imputed to you),...still compounding a double-whammy benefit for the believer, which further leads to various OSAS spin-offs,...and free license to sin among some camps, since "hey, its all under the blood". One erroneous/mistaken concept/belief.....compounds into others like a snow-ball effect. Its an avalanche, posing as a pretty snow-man.

In any case, my previous commentary on 'blood-atonement' holds, without too much difference, unless knowledge or revelation on the subject dawns, but for now,....I see it only being some kind of symbolic/metaphorical significance, merely 'figurative', possibly corresponding to some inner gesture or psychological meaning, but whether believing in some 'blood-atonement' actually affects or transforms the soul, remains skeptical and speculative at this point. It can,...and I accept estoric/spiritual meanings and values coveyed thru figurative language, even the symbols of 'flesh' and 'blood', but again, these can be variously interpreted depending on how they are 'translated'.

So, if I were you, I'd reconsider the 'dying for sins' concept, and the popular 'spin' some religionists put on it. It could just be a 'belief' and a 'concept',...that's it. What if that's all it is. Are you courageous enough to accept that, if it were true. Could you drop those beliefs and concepts, and just let reality be what it is? Just BE. (being without no beliefs whatsoever). This direction could be real liberation. But this is another chapter,..when you are left with nothing but reality itself (this leads to the research of reality thru direct experience or knowing, by considering the nature of consciousness itself).

While I'm more of a mystic/gnostic at times, valuing personal revelation of 'God' as the proof/evidence of 'God' (its just the "I" of consciousness reflecting back to itself anyways as the prime reality),....I'm also open to challenge, research and ever question my own beliefs, tendencies, points of view, opinions on any subject...which makes me sometimes ride a more agnostic-skeptical crest on certain subjects. Some things I can know (to varying degrees), other things I do not know, or maybe cannot know! - this is that realm of 'agnosis' (no knowledge). - but I ever continue forward in the journey, learning or unlearning as I go ;)




Well-known member
We covered all this and more on a former thread of mine titled "Atonement without blood" - for more on 'blood-atonement' go here (in the UB thread).

Also the more Essene/Ebionite/Nazirene version of Jesus tends towards a humane, even more vegetarian based gospel, against blood-sacrifice (flesh eating) and cruelty in all forms, ever emphasizing the principle of forgiveness thru repentance, return to truth and right living. This is what is essential,...not the slaughter of innocent animals (let alone humans) which does not necessarily change one's conscience, neither does such guarantee 'salvation'.

1.Yeshua was teaching His disciples in the outer court of the temple and one of them said to Him, "Master, it is said by the priests that without shedding of blood there is no remission. Can then the blood offerings of the laws take away sin?"

2.And Yeshua answered, "No blood offering, of beast or bird, or man, can take away sin. For how can the conscience be purged from sin by the shedding of innocent blood? Nay, it will increase the condemnation."

3."The priests indeed receive such offerings as a reconciliation of the worshippers for the trespasses against (1997 "that which they believe to be) the Law of Moses; but for sins against the Law of God there can be no remission, save by repentance and amendment."

4.Is it not written in the prophets, "Put your blood sacrifices to your burnt offerings, and away with them, and cease from the eating flesh. I did not speak to your fathers nor commanded them, concerning these things, when I brought them out of Egypt. But this thing I commanded saying,

5."Obey my voice and walk in the ways that I have commanded you, and you will be my people, and it shall be well with you. But they did not listen, nor inclined their ear."

6."And what doth the eternal command you, but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God? Is it not written that in the beginning God ordained the fruits of the trees and the seeds and the herbs to be food for all flesh?"

7."But they have made the house of prayer a den of thieves, and for the oblation with incense, they have polluted my altars with blood, and eaten of the flesh of the slain."

8."But I say to you, shed no innocent blood nor eat flesh. Walk upright, love mercy, and do justly, and your days shall be long in the land."

9."The corn that grows from the earth with the other grain, is it not transmuted by the spirit into my flesh? The grapes of the vineyard, with the other fruits, are they not transmuted by the spirit into my blood? Let these, with your bodies and souls be your memorial to the eternal."

10."In these is the presence of God manifest as the substance and as the life of the world. Of these will you eat and drink for the remission of sins, and for eternal life, to all who obey my words."

- Gospel of the Nazarienes, ch. 33


:thumb: :)

"I am come to do away with sacrifices, and if you cease not sacrificing, the wrath of God will not cease from you." (Epiphanius, Panarion 30.16,4-5)


Well-known member
We covered all this and more on a former thread of mine titled "Atonement without blood" - for more on 'blood-atonement' go here (in the UB thread).

Also the more Essene/Ebionite/Nazirene version of Jesus tends towards a humane, even more vegetarian based gospel, against blood-sacrifice (flesh eating) and cruelty in all forms, ever emphasizing the principle of forgiveness thru repentance, return to truth and right living. This is what is essential,...not the slaughter of innocent animals (let alone humans) which does not necessarily change one's conscience, neither does such guarantee 'salvation'.


Yet the planet is built on the physical death of one species to sustain another, and the conscience of plants is taken for granted that they don't feel or have a life force to be concerned with morally, the conviction maybe noble but is it really a higher position than one who has eaten the flesh of an animal verses the flesh of a plant?

The northern tribes subsisted on animal protein mostly, yet the diverse diets of many tribes in the lower latitudes varied according to the seasons, the ability to be a total veg was limited, yet to me being thankful for either source is the key instead of being religious about one being more moral than the other, yet these type of moral platitudes have no limit to the egocentric minds of man needing to look down on someone from their position of moral superiority.


The scapegoating, revenge fantasies and the overt cruelty within every human being produces religions that have theologies of eternal punishment.

It's not what Jesus preached, but since most traditional Christians show no urge to actually take him seriously and follow his teachings, things will continue to remain as they are.


New member

Jesus paid because of it being eternal conscious torment
that we could never pay

If the penaly to be paid is eternal conscious torment, then Jesus didn't pay THAT penalty. He died on the cross, He wasn't eternally consciously tormented on the cross. The penalty that Jesus paid for us on the cross is death. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life. (John 3:16b)


Well-known member
eye for an eye -

not 2 eyes, 2 arms, a leg an eternity of pain for a tooth

Do not forget the tongue, that evil little member, like a little horn ruler speaking marvelous things against those tabernacled in the heavens and the Tabernacle of God:

James 3:5-8 KJV
5. Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
6. And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
7. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:
8. But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

If you refuse to cut off your tongue and cast him from you, (Mid-Acts or not) then you are poisoned and your whole body is defiled by your tongue because it is an unruly evil that no man can tame! Therefore anyone who takes all of the Bible literally but refuses to cut off his or her own tongue gets hell fire conscious torment forever because that non-believer loves his or her tongue more than God! There it is right there! The Bible says so! :crackup:

If any children read this please know it was only said tongue in cheek! :devil:


New member
Do not forget the tongue, that evil little member, like a little horn ruler speaking marvelous things against those tabernacled in the heavens and the Tabernacle of God:

James 3:5-8 KJV
5. Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
6. And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
7. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:
8. But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

If you refuse to cut off your tongue and cast him from you, (Mid-Acts or not) then you are poisoned and your whole body is defiled by your tongue because it is an unruly evil that no man can tame! Therefore anyone who takes all of the Bible literally but refuses to cut off his or her own tongue gets hell fire conscious torment forever because that non-believer loves his or her tongue more than God! There it is right there! The Bible says so! :crackup:

If any children read this please know it was only said tongue in cheek! :devil:

The scripture you gave does not actually say that they will get conscious torment forever. It actually says "set on fire by hell (Gehenna)". Things that are set on fire get destroyed by that fire, not tormented alive forever by that fire. James even compares this to a small fire that consumes a large forest. A forest is not "tormented" by a forest fire. A forest is consumed by a forest fire, the forest is destroyed by the fire.


Well-known member
The scripture you gave does not actually say that they will get conscious torment forever. It actually says "set on fire by hell (Gehenna)". Things that are set on fire get destroyed by that fire, not tormented alive forever by that fire. James even compares this to a small fire that consumes a large forest. A forest is not "tormented" by a forest fire. A forest is consumed by a forest fire, the forest is destroyed by the fire.

Perhaps that is why I stated that it was only said "tongue in cheek"? (meaning I still have my tongue even though I said what I did; but perhaps better stated, it was said with a grain of salt, or with some flavor to it, :)). Neither are the words "eternal conscious torment" found anywhere in the scripture now called canon but rather in other books, pulpits, sermons, and places like this; where your soul is at risk if you do not believe what someone else tells you they learned in church.

PS ~ If the tongue is set on fire by Hell or Gehenna then where exactly is Hell or Gehenna literally speaking? Sounds to me like it is somewhere below the throat: perhaps the belly? I know some people who when they open their mouths it is like opening the well of the abyss: the sun and the air about them is darkened by thick black smoke as if from the great iron furnace of Egypt. Then come forth the locusts of their doctrines, (which are legion). :chuckle:


Well-known member
All the great con artist used the fear angle and then offered the way out, how else could Oral Roberts (robber) get over on so many people without their common sense deprogrammed by this cabal that lives on to mentally rape the populace from birth to grave.


New member
Perhaps that is why I stated that it was only said "tongue in cheek"? (meaning I still have my tongue even though I said what I did; but perhaps better stated, it was said with a grain of salt, or with some flavor to it, :)). Neither are the words "eternal conscious torment" found anywhere in the scripture now called canon but rather in other books, pulpits, sermons, and places like this; where your soul is at risk if you do not believe what someone else tells you they learned in church.

PS ~ If the tongue is set on fire by Hell or Gehenna then where exactly is Hell or Gehenna literally speaking? Sounds to me like it is somewhere below the throat: perhaps the belly? I know some people who when they open their mouths it is like opening the well of the abyss: the sun and the air about them is darkened by thick black smoke as if from the great iron furnace of Egypt. Then come forth the locusts of their doctrines, (which are legion). :chuckle:

All good points, thanks. I am so used to correcting people who claim to see eternal conscious torment in a verse when it isn't there, that it has become automatic.


New member
Hall of Fame
In terms of striking the President, he has an enormous amount of responsibility. He needs to be able to conduct the business of state. Therefore it is important that he be protected from arbitrary harm.
Certainly we all ought to be protected from arbitrary harm and that is what our "Peace Officers" are hired and trained to do. Punishment ought to be aimed at rehabilitation if at all possible.
But "eternal punishment"? That idea is incompatible with our belief in a loving God. I feel that the action on the Cross has guaranteed me remission of my sin. When I present myself before almighty God I have an advocate.

I disagree, a loving God would protect His children (we are not His child merely by existing but through Christ) from those who do not honor Him or others.

Also the very word used to signify eternal life, also is used for eternal punishment. So it has to mean the same thing, eternal, everlasting, forever.


New member
I disagree, a loving God would protect His children (we are not His child merely by existing but through Christ) from those who do not honor Him or others.

Also the very word used to signify eternal life, also is used for eternal punishment. So it has to mean the same thing, eternal, everlasting, forever.

Don't forget that if a person is annihilated, that too is an eternal, everlasting, forever punishment. You must be alive forever in order to have eternal life. You do not have to be alive forever in order to be dead forever, to undergo the punishment that 2 Thessalonians 1:9 calls "eternal destruction".

Also, God is more than able to "protect his children" without resorting to eternal torture.

patrick jane

Don't forget that if a person is annihilated, that too is an eternal, everlasting, forever punishment. You must be alive forever in order to have eternal life. You do not have to be alive forever in order to be dead forever, to undergo the punishment that 2 Thessalonians 1:9 calls "eternal destruction".

Also, God is more than able to "protect his children" without resorting to eternal torture.

true. logical - Father God isn't into keeping folks alive and tortured for eternity - if that's somebody's idea of God's Plan it's wrong - then again, if somebody truly deserves that according to God's Will, Amen. so be it, even me -


New member
Hall of Fame
Don't forget that if a person is annihilated, that too is an eternal, everlasting, forever punishment. You must be alive forever in order to have eternal life. You do not have to be alive forever in order to be dead forever, to undergo the punishment that 2 Thessalonians 1:9 calls "eternal destruction".

Also, God is more than able to "protect his children" without resorting to eternal torture.

This says otherwise:

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."

Now explain how something that has been annihilated, is tormented forever. You have to be alive to suffer torment. That verse blows your theory.


New member
This says otherwise:

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."

Now explain how something that has been annihilated, is tormented forever. You have to be alive to suffer torment. That verse blows your theory.

That verse doesn't even say that the wicked will be tormented alive forever. What it actually says is "the SMOKE of their torment will rise forever". IT is quote easy to explain. They are tormented by their destruction, and then the smoke from that destruction rises forever.

So I don't believe that something that has been annihilated is tormented forever. In fact, I believe the opposite, that something that has been annihilated CANNOT experience torment forever.

According to the Bible, the end of the wicked is destruction, and the wicked will be no more. Now it is up to you to explain exactly how something that has been destroyed and is no more can be tortured alive forever. That alone blows your theory.


New member
Hall of Fame
According to the Bible, the end of the wicked is destruction, and the wicked will be no more. Now it is up to you to explain exactly how something that has been destroyed and is no more can be tortured alive forever. That alone blows your theory.

You need to show where it says they are annihilated. Its not up to me to work with your false premise.

Check this out:

Revelation 20:10 Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Day and night, forever and ever. Same word used that is used for forever in other places.

patrick jane

This says otherwise:

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."

Now explain how something that has been annihilated, is tormented forever. You have to be alive to suffer torment. That verse blows your theory.

even that can be interpreted - as you typed -

their torment will rise forever. it never says they will live forever in torment - it will always be known to God and possibly the saved. again, no rest for those who worship the beast and take the mark can be literal also, yet may mean - while alive/conscience with ability to feel. absurd


New member
true. logical - Father God isn't into keeping folks alive and tortured for eternity - if that's somebody's idea of God's Plan it's wrong - then again, if somebody truly deserves that according to God's Will, Amen. so be it, even me -

Sure, but then the question arises, "Is eternal torture according to God's Will?"

According to the Bible, it is not God's will that any should perish (note the wording, it doesn't say "be eternally tortured") but all should come to repentance. It is not God's will that any perish (much less be tortured alive for all eternity) but it is His will that all repent and receive eternal life. But we know that since people have free will, some will refuse to repent. It is not God's will that these should perish, He would rather have them repent, but they will perish since they have rejected God.

So we know from the Bible that neither eternal torture nor death is what God would prefer to have happen, but we also know from the Bible that some will refuse to repent and they will perish.