Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Come on, Arthur. Define "homosexual" and then explain how a man willingly having sex with another man doesn't fit that definition.

between artie, quip and jman, it's difficult to tell who's retarded and who's trolling

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It might not be either. It might just be that it's very hard for people to see things they don't want to see.

not sure if you knew trad before he focused on race - he'd often make a stepwise argument when he got in one of these pointless loops and challenge the other to pick the step at which they diverged

not sure it was all that effective, but I might give it a try.

Is it important?

i have hope that I can make my position clear to the dimwitted

a troll, otoh, is impervious

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Come on, Arthur. Define "homosexual" and then explain how a man willingly having sex with another man doesn't fit that definition.

Someone exclusively attracted to their own gender. I define myself as heterosexual because I'm exclusively attracted to the opposite.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It might not be either. It might just be that it's very hard for people to see things they don't want to see.

i approach it as a puzzle, and find that it usually hinges on language - one poster is using a word in one way, the other is using it in another way, and without agreeing on terms, there's no possibility of communicating clearly

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Um, no they aren't

well, as a Christian i don't accept the term, except as recognizing that it is accepted by non-Christians

If someone molests a child then they're a pedophile - married or not.

that diverges from the definition used in the DSM5 - their definition of pedophile matches your definition of homosexual
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
well, as a Christian i don't accept the term, expect as recognizing that it is accepted by non-Christians

Well, that's up to you but it's a bit pointless to identify as either homo or heterosexual if a person is attracted to both genders.

that diverges from the definition used in the DSM5 - their definition of pedophile matches your definition of homosexual

Therefore it's hardly surprising that many health organizations give it no credence.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, that's up to you but it's a bit pointless to identify as either homo or heterosexual if a person is attracted to both genders.

artie, you just won't accept the truth

we all are born to be attracted to the opposite gender (barring birth defects)

some choose to pervert that

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
artie, you just won't accept the truth

we all are born to be attracted to the opposite gender (barring birth defects)

some choose to pervert that

Blatantly not true as many homosexuals would tell you, but it has to be the "truth" for you because it wouldn't compute for you that people simply have these attractions without choice. This is when silly arguments about straight people being able to 'choose' to become gay come in.

Total bunk.


Well-known member
Someone exclusively attracted to their own gender. I define myself as heterosexual because I'm exclusively attracted to the opposite.

So a (self-identified heterosexual) man in prison, willingly having sex with another man, is not committing a homosexual act? He's committing a bisexual act?

Also, are you saying he was bisexual from birth, but only chose to act on his attractions toward other men when he entered prison?


artie, you just won't accept the truth

we all are born to be attracted to the opposite gender (barring birth defects)

some choose to pervert that

What sign(s) of sexual orientation does a day old infant exhibit? :think:

Perhaps, projecting sexual orientation upon an infant says less about the infant....and more about you.