Jesus is God.


New member

>> Who are the three divine personalities Isaiah 48:11-18 (Yeshaiah Hanavi)
speaks about?

Stubborn Israel, Elia. Stubborn Israel.
Y-H-W-H who promised to redeem Israel from Babylon.
Cyrus, the hand by which Y-H-W-H freed stubborn Israel.

Y-H-W-H said: "If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea."

Israel hates Christ, but Christ is the reason the world hates Israel.

God's Truth

New member
Keypurr, you say there is a Spirit God and a another Spirit called Christ; however, there is only ONE Spirit and that Spirit is God and is called the Christ.

The trinity doctrine also makes three different Spirits.

The scriptures say there is ONLY ONE SPIRIT.

Cross Reference

New member

I'm VERY happy here. I'm originally from Europe, and hate it. Had a rotten life there. Here I found HAPPINESS. HALLELUJAH!!

Life is great here. I live on a hill top in the middle of nowhere, in an ultra-orthodox community, with about 60 families.

I study Torah 4 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the afternoon, and 1.5 hours in the evening.

In my spare time I tell the world that Y-H-W-H is one, and His name one.

Life doesn't get any better than that.

"And Y-H-W-H shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be — “Y-H-W-H is one, And His name one."
Zech 14:9

When you see the error in your theology, I pray you will still have time to be rectified in your thinking that will place you upon the "agape road" to "Father's House", though it no doubt will cost you your life, literally.


Well-known member
keypurr, What happened to the spirit that inhabited the body of Jesus before Jesus’ body was possessed by your Christ spirit at his water baptism?
The flesh can hold many spirits, look at the man that had a legion of them. JESUS Christ sent them into the swine.

Jesus was born sinless, he is the flesh son of God, but he is also just a man. He needed to be a man to become the Lamb of God. But there is more, God created an exact image of himself, exact in every way, and he gave it the fullness of himself. In other words, God created a godlike son. Heb 1.

The spirit world has many beings that we can not understand. Angles are spirit beings, demons are also spirit beings. There are spirit beings and just plain spirits. What do we know about them? Sometimes we can see them, but most of the time we only see or feel the effects of them. Jesus was given the true spiritual son of God, the only man God could trust with such power. The God that God himself prepared to hold this true son of the most high.

Pray for understanding, I did and still do.

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God's Truth

New member
I have, you haven't.

You did not address this scripture:

No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven--the Son of Man. See John 3:13.

Now read this scripture:

Acts 1:11 "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

Jesus in his body ascended to heaven!

The son of man is not Jesus, it is the spirit that was in him.

That Son of Man is Jesus. How is it you say Jesus is not Jesus? The Spirit of God was in Jesus.

We ALL have spirits that live on after the death of our bodies. Our spirit inside us grow with our body and it is us.



New member
And you are 1,000,000,000,0000,0000, , etc,etc., adnausm son born in the image of your Father. . if you are born again.
I may be similar to my father because of genetics.(Jesus is not a biological son)
Jesus is the image of the Father, because He has the same attributes, and has existed eternally.
Cross Reference said:
You must bring together the Word of God and the human Jesus in order to grasp how you and I fit to God's thinking when heirs of Him is what He has mind.
Scripture makes the connection.Jesus is The Word, the King of Kings, the Mighty God, The Last Adam, the son of man, O God, God with us.....Etc


Eclectic Theosophist
One view or 'belief' about Jesus among others.........

One view or 'belief' about Jesus among others.........

In case you ever were wondering if Jesus ever claimed to be God I found a really in depth website article that might help.

Hi jzeilder and all,

I've reviewed such claims and find a Unitarian view or interpretation just as feasible, and perhaps easier to accept among some folk (this coming from a liberal spiritualist who sees Jesus in many different ways).

Jesus does not need to be 'God' within a 'Trinity', and the case for a true monotheistic Unitarian theology is amply made here from a biblical perspective and is the view held within traditional-orthodox Judaism. Jesus was a monotheistic unitarian in the traditional Jewish sense (per some of the gospel records), he as a man devoted his life to serve his 'God' and 'Father'. In tradition and scripture, the Jewish Messiah is not God, and if we stretch this further in a NT context Jesus being God's Son, Jesus is still not 'God'. A Son may be like his father, but is NOT his father. A Unitarian view of God and Jesus is the most logical for starters, even if one deifies Jesus in so many ways according to whatever Christology you prefer to ADD (cherry pick as you please). Many different views, beliefs, opinions exist about Jesus, running the gamut from purely divine to purely human, with many subcategories or 'fusions' inbetween. The case for the non-existence of Jesus or only as a myth also has a chair at the table. The fact is, Jesus does not exist but as an idea, concept or image in your own mind, beyond whatever else can really be proven beyond some subjective claim or inner experience connoting some kind of relationship with him (again, all subjective within the realm of personal religious experience).

While I myself have a very eclectic and liberal theology and even Christology, I see this need among some to make Jesus into 'God Almighty' unnecessary, as Jesus can maintain his special and unique status as God's Son, Messiah or special Messenger without deifying him or making him equal with the Father. There is really no need for 'equality'. Jesus own testimony as being the Son of God and Son of Man is sufficient, regardless of our doctrines added to the equation. (note that Jesus is the always the Son of God, as the writer of John's gospel so strives to proclaim, regardless of some using his gospel to make Jesus into 'God' thru a philosophical greek construct, gnostic twist or fancy of translation). Only the Universal Father, the one Jesus pointed to as the Supreme ONE ("the Lord our God is One LORD")to worship in spirit and truth, the singular absolute DEITY who is the source of all creation and all creator-gods or agencies that may take part in creation of worlds, etc. Jesus never encouraged, taught or enforced worship of himself, but ascribed all glory, honor and power to 'God' alone....the Infinite Spirit-Presence, the Invisible ONE, the Almighty Supreme.

Granted, there are schools along with the traditional orthodox Christian creeds that deify Jesus to varying degrees, but these vary per the school of thought, Christology and cosmology of any given teaching or faith-community, so Jesus spans the entire spectrum of both 'human' and 'divine' qualities and attributes, and holds various positions in the hierarchy of God, as a 'god', 'demi-god', 'angel', 'eon', etc. For our basic purpose and intent, the traditional Unitarian view does not divinitize Jesus, but accepts him as God's Messiah, his 'Son', his anointed representative. The Messiah being a MAN, anointed, inspired, empowered by 'God'. 'God' is still the power, presence and agency operating in, upon and thru the Messiah. So on this level, the Messiah or Son of God, represents and speaks for God,...being 'elohim'(a god) in the context of a divinely chosen vessel who embodies and proclaims his word. Beyond any meanings or values we assign, its all 'figurative' language, while only One Spirit-reality and presence exists as 'Real God', and that 'God' is ONE Only, Singular. Again, back to our basic monotheistic Unitarian premise, of only the Universal Father being the One and Only DEITY, from which all other deities, souls, spirits derive. There is one original Fountain, with many streams proceeding therefrom :)

God is Spirit.

Only by metaphysical gymnastics, presumed theology and faith can one assume the human Jesus is God (however one defines that), while this human person declares his devotion, submission and worship to The Universal Father ALONE, as 'God'. Even in a Trinitarian formula, Jesus is never the same person as The Father, and as the Son always retains his subordinance to The Father, who holds primacy. A 'Son' even if assumed to be somehow 'God' or one among a company of divine personalities, is still a 'generation' or 'offspring' of a Father-God, no matter how 'divine' or 'human' you assume Jesus to be in his incarnation and ultimate ascension into heaven, in whatever form or constitution hes comprised of. The 'Son' still surrenders all things to his 'God' and 'Father', and identifies him as DEITY alone, who alone is to be worshipped in spirit and truth. The Son reveals, represents and expresses the Father, but he is not the same personality. (Trinitarians agree, but still claim 3 personalities share 'one essence'). We may worship the divinity of the Son which derives from the Father, as the Son represents 'God' and is the manifestation of 'God' to us in this space-time dimension, but only 'God' (pure Spirit-energy-consciousness) is 'God'. Only the Infinite-Spirit-Source is 'God' proper, from which all things spring and have their being. Jesus reveals, manifests, expresses, represents 'God' to us (and in that sense is 'God' to us), but only the Spirit-Father is absolute Deity, the source and upholder of all. On a hierarchal level, The Father always holds primacy, even though he may give creative power and perogatives to a host of Creator-Sons and angels in his vast cosmos.


Re-viewing John 8:58, the assumption Jesus claimed to be the "I AM" of Ex. 3:14

reference commentary here.

Also see here.

Ben Masada

New member
What a corrupted, heretical belief!

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mk.10:45

Jesus did not come to give his life for many or for a few because no one can do that for another. Only the one that sins shall die. (Jeremiah 31:30; Ezekiel 18:20) Jesus lost his life in the Calvary because of a political act of insurrection caused by his own disciples who were acclaiming him king of the Jews in Jerusalem, a Roman province at the time. His own disciples, imagine! And today Christians accuse the Jews in general for having "forced" Pilate to crucify Jesus. A slander without comparison.


New member
What was the other gospel, obey? HA

Paul said that the Galatians were foolish because they were rejecting Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary and returning to Judaism which is to be under the Law.

You preach "another" gospel because you are placing yourself under law which is actions regulated and you want Believers to obey EVERYTHING/ANYTHING Jesus said, when you yourself, when asked, say, "Hmm. No. I, gt, cannot do that." "That other command? Hmmm. No. I, gt, cannot do that one either." But you are supposed to OBEY everything/anything Jesus said. You are preaching "another gospel."

Under grace, it is required that there be a total transformation of the person and only the Holy Spirit can do that transformation when we are found 'in Him' and to be found 'in Him' we have to go to Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary. The Holy Spirit will not work outside the confines of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary.

For example, we are told to not sin not because it contravenes a set of laws but because it contravenes the grace given to us in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary. If I am found 'in Him' I am obeying Him already.

Some day you will get it. I know you will.


New member
Pray for understanding, I did and still do.

You never prayed for the understanding you now have for you have said that this 'new revelation' came to you out of the blue. You, keypurr, rejected The Truth you had for a lie from the very pit of Hell.

I notice that you skirted the answer.

You are preaching "another Jesus", "another gospel", inspired by "another spirit" which can only lead to no other place but the place where your 'new revelation' came from when you were not looking. You, keypurr, still have time to repent and go back to the one who said "Come" and I will give you rest. Not your twice possessed christ.


New member
Jesus did not come to give his life for many or for a few because no one can do that for another. Only the one that sins shall die. (Jeremiah 31:30; Ezekiel 18:20) Jesus lost his life in the Calvary because of a political act of insurrection caused by his own disciples who were acclaiming him king of the Jews in Jerusalem, a Roman province at the time. His own disciples, imagine! And today Christians accuse the Jews in general for having "forced" Pilate to crucify Jesus. A slander without comparison.

You do not believe your own Tanach rejecting your Suffering Servant.

Where is the altar where you offer your lamb to cover your sin, Ben Masada?

Who is your high priest that your lamb can be approved for sacrificing?

Where is your Temple where you must go three times a year?

And, no, Ben Masada, you and/or Israel is NOT the Suffering Servant,
neither are you and/or Israel the child born,
neither are you and/or Israel the son given,
neither are you and/or Israel Wonderful,
neither are you and/or Israel Counselor,
neither are you and/or Israel The mighty God,
neither are you and/or Israel The everlasting Father,
neither are you and/or Israel The Prince of Peace,
neither are upon your and/or Israel's shoulders the government.

There is no blinder man than the one choosing not to see!
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New member
Jesus did not come from heaven

What do you do with John 3:13, 31 or what do you do with Colossians 2:9 or what do you do with John 1:15,30?

How about this one: "I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. Now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began." (John 17:4-5).