Because we do.Mankind thinks they have free will
Because we do.Mankind thinks they have free will
FakeBecause we do.
Divine Inspiration & Biblical Inerrancy, a failed hypothesis | |
You said nothing intelligent. Open the mind has nothing to do with intelligence. You don't need the UB intelligence to understand scripture.
Your pride is extremely boring.
The*Scriptures*are said to be God-breathed, i.e., inspired.*Second Timothy 3:16*says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness." The word, "inspired," is 'theopneustos,' God-breathed. This means that Scripture comes from God.
Jesus said in Luke 24:44-45,*"'These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things*which are written about Me*in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.'*45*Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures." Notice the Scriptures are referred to as the entire Old Testament.
Furthermore, Jesus said in*John 10:35,*“If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)."
Honesty is included in total depravityFirst off, the Urantia Book (UB) has nothing to do with an honest objective researched estimation of the Bible, since these facts stand for themselves (the text, cultural-context itself) when understanding what the Bible is, without later attached sentiments or assumptions of it being totally 'inerrant' or 'infallible' which it isn't, unless you'd like to define those terms and provide proofs for them. Also, as I shared.....a religious work does not need to be such for it to have religious value or meaning, understanding that humans wrote it. Anything coming thru human channels is bound to be coloured by the mediums or authors producing the work (however inspired or enlightened), since these texts are being made for specific religious community, "serving" their faith-tradition. Consider their 'agendas'.
Using one's intelligent isn't necessarily a matter of pride but of logic and reason.
Some book may be more or less inspired, but this does not mean it is without error. Also that book passed off as Paul's writing is 'pseudographical'. Note, a letter or book represents the 'opinions' of its author(s).
Yes,...Jesus in the canonized gospels is presented as upholding the Jewish scriptures, Matthew going as far as to have Jesus maintaining the Torah and the prophets, NOT destroying or doing away with it. Jesus further instructs a person to 'keep the commandments' if he would live long and prosper. No doing away with the ''law" in these passages,...although Paul with 'his own gospel' does just that.
Also one claiming 'biblical inerrancy' has the problem of dealing with contradictions and inaccuracies in the OT. This is compounded with the claim of there needing to be a NT, which automatically discounts aspects of the OT, so its a complicated matter, beyond how the theology explains and 'apologizes' for itself (hence the 'need' for the whole business of 'apologetics').
Interestingly John has a somewhat anti-Jewish stance in some of his writing, yet conveniently quotes the OT when it serves his narrative. Btw,...this is an awesome passage showing that man can be seen as 'elohim' and that we are all children of God, but that's another topic.
If Jesus really upholds the law and the prophets, having not destroyed or done away with them, and the original apostles in Jerusalem upheld these Jewish laws and customs as encouraged by Jesus, then Paul's gospel and other different spin-offs from the Jewish root are 'innovations', 'deviations' or full on new denominations springing from such. From there you get the dilemma of whether Gentiles need to also follow Jewish laws/customs, which the Jerusalem Council attempted to resolve, but it still has some 'confusions' still, as the Jewish group seems to retain its customs while Gentiles are exempt but to follow a few rules. - from this we today have various groups trying to merge Jewish roots back into Christianity (messianic Jews, Hebrew roots movements) so its a kind of 'potpourri' of what Jewish customs you choose, and what you dispense with,....looks like 'cherry-picking' to me
The Jews don't have a monopoly on 'God', neither do Christians. - 'God' expresses his way uniquely/different within the various religious cults and traditions, like Light expressing thru the myriad colors of the rainbow,...but no single color-ray can claim to be the only representative or representation of Light. The 'Light' that is 'God' is omnipresent and within all sentient beings.
Reformed never blames God.My decision to respond to this is not 'fake',....its a response I've chosen to make; no personified 'god' outside of myself is necessarily making me to do this. Conditions, fators, influences are ever behind our actions movitating us to do this or that.
In the space provided, you still have 'choice'. That's good news really. It makes you 'responsible'. (note, there is no blaming 'God' for anything or assuming he is pulling all the strings, micro-managing everything). In order for there to be true 'self-responsiblity', have to have real freedom of choice in all circumstances and situations.
Honesty is included in total depravity
Honesty is included in total depravity
Reformed never blames God.
You say the bible isn't directly from God. It's expected as the bible claims.I was making a contrasting statement to counter that thought, if any tendency towards it occurred. In any case, my statement of a soul having true responsibility for his actions and choices stands (and here I mean there being any degree of authentic freedom of choice existing at any moment). Also interwoven in these actions and consequences is the law of karma.
You say the bible isn't directly from God. It's expected as the bible claims.
You say the bible isn't directly from God. It's expected as the bible claims.
A book may be more or less inspired, but that doesn't mean it's error free or infallible. I thought we covered this. Men are capable of writing things claiming them to be from God, with the own spin.
The bible was tested and that leaves you untestedHypothetical:
I write a book that I claim is divinely inspired by God.
You ask me what authority I have to say that.
I say because it says in the book itself that is God-breathed.
You rebut me as a false (whatever).
I claim that anyone who truly is led by the Spirit of God will accept it.
Where does that leave us?
Which part do you not think I believe?
What do you mean by 'God's word'?
How do you know that 2 Sam 22:31 is God's words and was in the Bible? How do you know that it is the word of God?
Let me answer that for you:
You know it because you were brought up to believe that the Bible comprised 66 books. If your parents were Christians, you believed the Bible was from God because they told you and you believed them. If you became a believer as an adult, you believed it because other Christians told you. You believe it because you went to the shops and when you asked for a Bible, that was what you got. Or because someone gave you one for a present and when you opened it, that was what was in it. If the Apocrypha were in it, you wouldn't have known any different. If Thomas A Kempis' The Imitation of Christ was in it, you wouldn't have known any different. If C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters was in it, or the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, you wouldn't have known any different.
You accept it for one reason only: because you tacitly accept the authority of the church. It was the church who created the Bible. Make no mistake about this. This is in practice what you believe. You did not receive a personal revelation from God that the Bible is made up of 66 books. And anyone who believes that the Bible (the 66 books) is infallible automatically believes that the church who put it together is also infallible. Because you cannot have one without the other. This is both a logical and a historical necessity.
So once again, tell me which part of God's word I don't believe in.
Which part do you not think I believe?
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;
I AUTO KNOW. :car::car:![]()