Is scripture the infallible Word Of God?


I concur. I think people tend to view the bible as the final authority and use it as an end when it's really just the beginning of our relationship with God. It is a wonderful tool but we need to know when to put the tool down. We can get guidance from it but to always depend on it is not wise.
Believers never discard God's word


Eclectic Theosophist
I concur. I think people tend to view the bible as the final authority and use it as an end when it's really just the beginning of our relationship with God. It is a wonderful tool but we need to know when to put the tool down. We can get guidance from it but to always depend on it is not wise.

A tool yes,....a guide-book. However just the words alone, symbols on paper do not necessarily have power in themselves, for as Paul says...."the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life". He likely never imagined his own letters would be exalted and esteemed as the "word of God" by later religionists compiling these letters into a 'canon' it 'breathed of God' status. These terms came later in the 2nd/3rd the Pastorals and 2 Peter sought to give the writings more 'weight'. Some books in a the canon may be more inspired or useful than others, written for different peoples and time-periods,...and even matter the book, the Spirit of God is still the guide and teacher.


Eclectic Theosophist
Still can't add your words to the bible. Your words are inspired by unfamiliar spirits

My former statement holds,....and I wasn't trying to add anything to the standard canon put together by religionists and later called 'The Holy Bible', a compound collection of various writings by various authors who all had different target-audiences and goals with their various books at different time periods.

Furthermore your charge of myself being 'inspired by unfamiliar spirits' is a hoot. Would you prefer 'familiar spirits'? :) - lets note there is One Infnite Spirit, One universal DEITY. Our conceptions or personifications of this Deity may vary depending on our religious school, tradition or theology.


My former statement holds,....and I wasn't trying to add anything to the standard canon put together by religionists and later called 'The Holy Bible', a compound collection of various writings by various authors who all had different target-audiences and goals with their various books at different time periods.

Furthermore your charge of myself being 'inspired by unfamiliar spirits' is a hoot. Would you prefer 'familiar spirits'? :) - lets note there is One Infnite Spirit, One universal DEITY. Our conceptions or personifications of this Deity may vary depending on our religious school, tradition or theology.
Collections of God's actual words denied by urantians is the fact

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The Bible is God's word because it reveals the the true and living word who is Jesus Christ.

The Bible also contains the Gospel which is... "The Power of God unto salvation" Romans 1:16.


New member
The Bible is God's word because it reveals the the true and living word who is Jesus Christ.

The Bible also contains the Gospel which is... "The Power of God unto salvation" Romans 1:16.

Is God infinite and eternal? Is Jesus infinite and eternal? To what beginning is it referring in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." How can there be a beginning to what is eternal? People like to pretend this is referring to creation which implies God is separate from creation. How can that be possible if God is infinite?

Ask Mr. Religion

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Is God infinite and eternal? Is Jesus infinite and eternal? To what beginning is it referring in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." How can there be a beginning to what is eternal? People like to pretend this is referring to creation which implies God is separate from creation. How can that be possible if God is infinite?
"In the beginning" harkens back to Genesis 1:1, so no one is "pretending" the phrase relates to the beginning of the created order, for that is exactly what is implied by the phrase once one considers the full counsel of Scripture.

You and Freelight, who thanked your post, suffer from new age nonsensical notions...and it shows in each and every post you make. Rather than chase moon-beam phantasms, I pray you will call upon the name of the Lord and be saved (Romans 3:23; 6:23; 8:1; 10:9; 10:13). Then the things of Scripture will begin to be properly illumined to you. Only then will the enlightenment you desperately seek in all the wrong places will be made possible.

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New member
"In the beginning" harkens back to Genesis 1:1, so no one is "pretending" the phrase relates to the beginning of the created order, for that is exactly what is implied by the phrase once one considers the full counsel of Scripture.

You and Freelight, who thanked your post, suffer from new age nonsensical notions...and it shows in each and every post you make. Rather than chase moon-beam phantasms, I pray you will call upon the name of the Lord and be saved (Romans 3:23; 6:23; 8:1; 10:9; 10:13). Then the things of Scripture will begin to be properly illumined to you. Only then will the enlightenment you desperately seek in all the wrong places will be made possible.


How could the created order be separate from God? Is God infinite or not? Do you even know the definition of infinite? I don't think you know God. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Eclectic Theosophist
Essence of realty is beyond words........

Essence of realty is beyond words........

How could the created order be separate from God? Is God infinite or not? Do you even know the definition of infinite? I don't think you know God. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Anything not in agreement with AMR's theology is either 'heresy' or 'moonbeam theology' :)

Infinity is a hard concept to wrap your head around....but it must be the source of all that is finite apart from which nothing could exist. All dimensions arise in that which has no dimensions ;)

Back to the thread title-question....only that which has no potential for sin or error is truly 'infallible'. - this would exclude anything written by men. Some writing or language may serve to express or reveal truths or principles that are eternal or infinite, but all word-symbols are subject to distortion and interpretation.


Well-known member
Anything not in agreement with AMR's theology is either 'heresy' or 'moonbeam theology' :)

Infinity is a hard concept to wrap your head around....but it must be the source of all that is finite apart from which nothing could exist. All dimensions arise in that which has no dimensions ;)

Back to the thread title-question....only that which has no potential for sin or error is truly 'infallible'. - this would exclude anything written by men. Some writing or language may serve to express or reveal truths or principles that are eternal or infinite, but all word-symbols are subject to distortion and interpretation.

Thats why he is reformed in Calvin's image, nice gent and all that sports a theological persona, rationalizing His Deities short comings by just following orders from the Talmuds Elitist propaganda he is programed with.