Is scripture the infallible Word Of God?

The Gospel Matrix

New member
I have no interest in addressing your "issues" which stem from unbelief; you would not listen anyway. I am simply pointing out that only illogic compels a person to conclude there is a problem with Christianity because some do not worship Him properly.

How could it be considered "unbelief" in that I see the massive deficiencies throughout the entire Body of Christ, which has in no way brought the world to belief throughout the course of 2,000 years? Am I to place my belief in the (heavily divided and dissociated) Church or the Living Christ?

It is not illogical to conclude that there is a problem with Christianity. In fact, it is illogical to conclude that there is not a massive problem with the Christian institution. The failure of those within it to come to a widespread repentance and acceptance of its blindness and spiritual impotence will be to their own demise, and will keep them entombed in darkness during the reign of Christ in His Kingdom upon the earth. Thus it is written in your own Bible.

The Gospel Matrix

New member
Bible is a self contained structure

This is precisely the type of closed minded mentality that has divided Christianity into uncountable factions and divisions, all seeing different and conflicting things in the one book that it upholds.

"God" speaks to man in multitudinous ways. Being able to incorporate the many other ways that Divine Intelligence reveals higher Truth to man with the baseline truths of the Bible is the key to true spiritual growth and evolution. The reason that the Christian Church has remained stagnant and unproductive (and divided) throughout history is the propensity to over-literalize the Bible, and dismiss other aspects of existence (such as science, philosophy, etc) through its carnal minded (and self-righteous) tunnel vision.

God is All in All.

The Gospel Matrix

New member
Since John spoke of a "new age" coming,...(new heavens, new earth, millennial reign, new creation).....does that make him a "new ager"? ;)

The OT and NT both speak of a 'new age', fact its a hope of God's people to look forward to such.

Yes, "New Age" is one of the many condescending labels that fundamentalists are fond of applying to something in order to remain in their comfortable confines of spiritual stagnancy.


Eclectic Theosophist
No need for worshipping a religious text as inerrant

No need for worshipping a religious text as inerrant

I'm right on the spot. God caused men to write what he said by force. All men only have limited will, slaved will, captive will. The writers were slaved and captive to write exactly word for word as God wanted the bible to say. The proofs can can only be seen by whom God drew. Those that deny the bible being authored by God will never get warm. The unregenerates are cold as ice. You are so far away and hopeless based on all your past posts. Maybe today you'll be inspired.

As I shared, there is no proof or necessity that what was compiled as the Bible (a procedure in time by different authors of different agendas) is 'infallible' or 'inerrant', neither that any writing has to be have meaning or be of religious value.

My previous posts hold, if you can intelligently debate those points and dialogue in a reasonable manner. There are many different variations within biblical manuscriptues from different manuscript families and no single bible version or translation is perfect. One can use the best available translations and compare all manuscripts in their textual studies, an approach I freely recommend.


This is precisely the type of closed minded mentality that has divided Christianity into uncountable factions and divisions, all seeing different and conflicting things in the one book that it upholds.

"God" speaks to man in multitudinous ways. Being able to incorporate the many other ways that Divine Intelligence reveals higher Truth to man with the baseline truths of the Bible is the key to true spiritual growth and evolution. The reason that the Christian Church has remained stagnant and unproductive (and divided) throughout history is the propensity to over-literalize the Bible, and dismiss other aspects of existence (such as science, philosophy, etc) through its carnal minded (and self-righteous) tunnel vision.

God is All in All.
Church is very alive


As I shared, there is no proof or necessity that what was compiled as the Bible (a procedure in time by different authors of different agendas) is 'infallible' or 'inerrant', neither that any writing has to be have meaning or be of religious value.

My previous posts hold, if you can intelligently debate those points and dialogue in a reasonable manner. There are many different variations within biblical manuscriptues from different manuscript families and no single bible version or translation is perfect. One can use the best available translations and compare all manuscripts in their textual studies, an approach I freely recommend.
Bible has high value


New member
I have a feeling that scripture can be seen more as a form of communication rather than something in which to simply believe. Sometimes I think we tend to miss the message that scripture is actually pointing to something much much bigger and better than expected.

patrick jane

I have a feeling that scripture can be seen more as a form of communication rather than something in which to simply believe. Sometimes I think we tend to miss the message that scripture is actually pointing to something much much bigger and better than expected.

It is - read my signature

Every word in the Bible is true. King James Version


Eclectic Theosophist
The Infinite ONE......

The Infinite ONE......

All things are one in Christ, But until that is also true in us it won't be complete.

Indeed, it is 'Christ in us, the hope of glory' that is the seed of immortality and life awaiting to unfold its innate potential Godward.

It is not so much any writing that is infallible, as language is imperfect and only 'symbolic'. It is the pure spirit-essence of Deity within and without that alone is perfect, absolute, indivisible, unborn, undying, timeless, infinite. It is when mind and heart are wed with spirit, that its immortality-potential is obtained.

It is the Universal Father-Mother (of all that is) that we worship in spirit and truth, not a collection of books, or a human personality. Since 'God' is the original universal source, all springs from Him and returns to Him, as there is nothing outside of him, being the Infinite One, The All.


New member
I don't find anything in the 'book' that claims a final finishing. Remember, revelation is progressive. Life and light go on,..because of that, do innovations and unfoldings of that Light.

I concur. I think people tend to view the bible as the final authority and use it as an end when it's really just the beginning of our relationship with God. It is a wonderful tool but we need to know when to put the tool down. We can get guidance from it but to always depend on it is not wise.


Active member
Exactly my point. So yes the scripture is the infallible word of God. But what good does that do if the interpretation is inaccurate?

2 Tim 3:16 tells us all scripture is inspired of God. Hence the Bible is Gods word that men wrote under inspiration and direction from Gods holy spirit. That is no different to a boss dictating a letter to his secretary. The secretary wrote the letter but the author is her boss who provided the dictation as it were.
The Jews were given a perfect law, the Mosaic Law. But the religious leaders of the day rendered the law virtually useless with all the additional subjective laws they added which proved far to cumbersome for the people to follow. Therefore the law was rendered useless because of men.

The Bible is the same. Gods word is immutable. In fact the scriptures proves this where God says "I am Jehovah. I have not changed". God is consistent with his application of justice, wisdom and love. Men are not. And thus men have twisted and interpreted scripture to their own ends and in accordance with their own agenda.


I don't find anything in the 'book' that claims a final finishing. Remember, revelation is progressive. Life and light go on,..because of that, do innovations and unfoldings of that Light.
Still can't add your words to the bible. Your words are inspired by unfamiliar spirits