Is scripture the infallible Word Of God?


Hello again!

I appreciate your offer for the private message, but where have you gained the idea that I am an "atheist" in any capacity?

Just because my posts may show themselves as being "anti-Christian establishment" should in no way come across as me not believing in the power of the living, resurrected Christ within; as opposed to waiting for some bearded fellow in a white robe to come down from the sky and rapture us away while the world goes to hell.
Cause you won't believe in proofs. You're God's Rebel.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber

You say "God speaks, they hear." By that, I'm assuming you mean Christians. But my question is, what exactly is God speaking, and/or, what exactly are Christians hearing? There are tens of thousands of denominations throughout the world who all appear to be hearing different things, do they not?

Of course, you will say "as long as the important truths are agreed upon (Christ died and resurrected, you must believe, etc.) that is what really matters." But this brings up two vital inquiries:

How can Christians be sure they have any legitimate understanding of what they consider to be "the Gospel" (and what it actually means to be "born again") when it is most obvious to the world that mega-divided Christianity does not really have any universal understanding of what its own Bible is saying?

How can Christianity justify its failure to bring the world to belief by way of its massively disassociated condition? This when Christ, your Lord, leaves no doubt that the world's failure to come to belief is directly contingent upon His Church's failure to come to unity in all things:

John 17
18 As you sent me into the world, even so I have sent them into the world. 19 For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. 20 Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one; 23 I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; that the world may know that you sent me

The final plea of Christianity's Lord before being sent off to excruciating physical torture and humiliation, was for all of His followers to be united as one in Truth. So the two natural questions that now follow are:

Does the world believe in Christ?

Is His Church in complete unity as one?

And the questions that follow those are:

Who will be held ultimately accountable for the world not coming to belief?

Might there just be a problem with the entire Christian institution, and what it considers to be its understanding of "truth?"

As it says on page 10 of The Gospel Matrix:

Why do so many Christians see so many different "truths?" How can it be explained that two heavily credentialed, seemingly devout Christian theologians can spend decades studying doctrinal issues and yet come to contradicting conclusions, with each nonetheless being convinced that God has shown him the truth of what he believes? How can two churches in the same neighborhood, even across the street from one another, using the same Bible, be comprised of two separate congregations having irreconcilably opposing doctrinal beliefs? And how can two believers read the same Biblical passage and hold hopelessly opposing views of its very meaning? Is the Spirit of Truth guiding different people into different truths? Or, did Christ perhaps lie when He stated that the Spirit of Truth would be sent to guide His followers into all Truth?

Or could it be that the Spirit of Truth has been withheld from the Christian Church all along, and has yet to arrive?

Every time an unbeliever opens his mouth, he proves that Jesus is right when He says; "Ye must be born again".


Eclectic Theosophist
God's rebels

God's rebels

Cause you won't believe in proofs. You're God's Rebel.

Hey, being God's Rebel has a kind of pleasurable ring to it ;)

It might be that being his rebel, is being his special voice of reason and sanity, an emissary of light in an otherwise darkened world. I'd gather 'God' needs more righteous rebels at this time rebelling against all that is retarding man's progress and enlightenment :surf:

The Gospel Matrix

New member
Hey, being God's Rebel has a kind of pleasurable ring to it ;)

It might be that being his rebel, is being his special voice of reason and sanity, an emissary of light in an otherwise darkened world. I'd gather 'God' needs more righteous rebels at this time rebelling against all that is retarding man's progress and enlightenment :surf:

Great points, as usual.

It's interesting that the majority of Mainstream Christianity speaks out against "political correctness," or Truth that is "tuned out" because it may be "offensive." And yet, when undeniable Truth that may be offensive about the state of the Christian Church is put forth from various voices that go against the tide, that Truth is dismissed and tuned out by Christians (as exemplified in this thread).

Just one of many, many examples of Mainstream Christianity's hypocrisy.

Also, it seems to me that all of the "red letter text" in Christianity's Bible is attributed to one who was considered "God's rebel" by the religious institution of that day. Interesting that Christians claim to "worship" that one while disfiguring His image before the world through its divisions and hypocrisies, and compound the matter through the self-complacency that prohibits them from even daring to consider that there may just be a massive problem permeating the entirety of the Christian Church.

As it says on page 5 of The Gospel Matrix:

True and complete blindness exists when one is blind and yet believes he can see. Perhaps the best example of the collective blindness of the Christian Church deals with this very issue of those within it failing to even realize that they are anything but united as one, and that their divisions are the main cause for the world’s unbelief―this according to the words of their own Lord.


Hey, being God's Rebel has a kind of pleasurable ring to it ;)

It might be that being his rebel, is being his special voice of reason and sanity, an emissary of light in an otherwise darkened world. I'd gather 'God' needs more righteous rebels at this time rebelling against all that is retarding man's progress and enlightenment :surf:
Mankind is God's Rebel but God only choose some anyway


Eclectic Theosophist
Mankind is God's Rebel but God only choose some anyway

That's assuming some concept of 'predestination', which is questionable depending on how one interepts a few passages of Paul's writing, being uniquely his own teaching. But that's another topic.


Eclectic Theosophist
A coming golden age.............

A coming golden age.............

Is that a positive suggestion? Are you a new ager?

Since John spoke of a "new age" coming,...(new heavens, new earth, millennial reign, new creation).....does that make him a "new ager"? ;)

The OT and NT both speak of a 'new age', fact its a hope of God's people to look forward to such.


That's assuming some concept of 'predestination', which is questionable depending on how one interepts a few passages of Paul's writing, being uniquely his own teaching. But that's another topic.
Same topic and still in the bible you don't believe in


Since John spoke of a "new age" coming,...(new heavens, new earth, millennial reign, new creation).....does that make him a "new ager"? ;)

The OT and NT both speak of a 'new age', fact its a hope of God's people to look forward to such.
Oh, so you're the prophet


Well-known member
Prophecy is easy. Here is mine, this will continue to be a divisional topic in the future!


Eclectic Theosophist
Honesty about 'God'......

Honesty about 'God'......

Same topic and still in the bible you don't believe in

As I said, only in a few passage by Paul...which certain people use to make a whole doctrine of.

'Double predistination' is even worse, since 'God' is made to pre-ordain the damnation of souls who could not of their own choice choose to be saved, which makes that 'god' a dammer of souls, which is contrary to his own will, assuming that this 'god' is 'LOVE' which he could not be if he predetermines that which is wholly against the ethic of love. Such a 'god' I reject.


As I said, only in a few passage by Paul...which certain people use to make a whole doctrine of.

'Double predistination' is even worse, since 'God' is made to pre-ordain the damnation of souls who could not of their own choice choose to be saved, which makes that 'god' a dammer of souls, which is contrary to his own will, assuming that this 'god' is 'LOVE' which he could not be if he predetermines that which is wholly against the ethic of love. Such a 'god' I reject.
There's only one God