Is scripture the infallible Word Of God?


Go ahead, then, and "let the Bible speak for itself." Simply indicate exactly where the Bible says that---as you claim---"Extra books were removed by the holy spirit...Today its complete."

Post your proof now.
Evil demands and tone shows an unregerate man based on this proof: - is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9).- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23).- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19).- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12).- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6).- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1).- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3).- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14).- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).


Where the Protestants would interpret Tradition in light of Scripture, the Catholic Church does the opposite


Reload this Page Is scripture the infallible Word Of God?

Most Bibles have translators notes preceding Scripture and to my knowledge none of them has made the claim that their particular interpretation was divinely inspired and/or infallible.

The original texts may have been divinely inspired but since none of these have survived in their original form, this assertion is largely academic.

Unfortunately, this inspired/infallible argument ignores the role of the Holy Spirit which provides us with a deeper understanding of God's plan for our lives - irrespective of the Biblical translation.

Even if we were to discover all of the original texts, reading the Bible without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, defeats its purpose.
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New member
Evil demands and tone shows an unregerate man based on this proof: - is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9).- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23).- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19).- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12).- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6).- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1).- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3).- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14).- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).
Of course, none of this has anything whatsoever to do with the Holy Spirit supposedly "removing books" from the canon that were accepted as Scripture by Jesus, the Apostles, and the early Church Fathers.

So much, then, for your initial---and obviously false---claim. :yawn:

Gaudium de veritate,



Of course, none of this has anything whatsoever to do with the Holy Spirit supposedly "removing books" from the canon that were accepted as Scripture by Jesus, the Apostles, and the early Church Fathers.

So much, then, for your initial---and obviously false---claim. :yawn:

Gaudium de veritate,

66 will always stick


New member
66 will always stick
Not for Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the early Church Fathers---all of whom fully accepted the seven Deuterocanonical books as inspired Scripture. Why, then, do you reject the canon defined as the word of God by the Christian faith from the beginning? :think:


Not for Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the early Church Fathers---all of whom fully accepted the seven Deuterocanonical books as inspired Scripture. Why, then, do you reject the canon defined as the word of God by the Christian faith from the beginning? :think:
66 has been breathe by jesus christ


Eclectic Theosophist
NO, nothing 'channelled' thru human mediums can be wholly infallible or inerrant

NO, nothing 'channelled' thru human mediums can be wholly infallible or inerrant

Let the bible speak for itself. Its God breathe.

Books written by various authors compiled into what later was called the 'Holy Bible' may be more or less inspired, with a good mix of religious fiction, mythology and other embellishments. The same could be said to varying degrees with other religious tradition's writings. If 'God' is not a respecter of persons, neither is he of any community or cult. Furthermore, 'God' may not respect your 'opinion' or 'belief' about Him, because such may be erroneous. If you want to be a student of truth, you'll have to accept this possibility, and remain open to research and questions your assumptions.

God who is a Universal Spirit (Holy Breath) gives life and breath to all living things, the entire cosmos, is not limited to one point in space, much less only one human religious cult-ure, tradition or holy book.

A good start on what the Bible actually is, honestly and objectively, begin here. - considers what the biblical texts actually are, who they were written by, what for, cultural-context, reason for contradicting accounts, redactions, etc.

For a more cutting edge but intellectually honest look as well, Bart Ehrman may help illuminate a few things ;)

Bart Ehrman on the Bible's Authors

I don't see any evidence or reason to believe the Bible is somehow totally inerrant or infallible, since it for one thing, doesn't claim to be. Even if the concept of the pure word of God is conveyed thru 'language',...language itself is an imperfect symbol relator, its only "symbolic", and furthermore suffers thru the 'distorition' of 'translation/interpretation', so that the words themselves are 'relative' and cannot be absolute. Only what is absolute is absolute. Words are relative.

The Bible is a collection of many different authors, writing in different time-periods, different agendas and intentions, cultural-perspectives, aims, goals, etc. Each book must be considered within its own author's intentional/cultural context, and his own personal beliefs (as it affects the community for which it is being written), which reveals the purpose of the writing and its over-all aim, which may be subtely different from the authors of other books included in the same canon, showing revisionist tendencies or the natural course of 'progressive revelation', and this naturally so.

So, there is no reason or necessity to believe that your 'special compile' of religious writings is exclusively special or 'inerrant' or 'infallible'. This doesn't discount a religious book's value or meaning, it just means it doesn't have to have your prescribed assumption or prescription of being 'inerrant/infallible' for it to be of religious value. If you claim otherwise, then it is only your own 'belief' that it is so, unless you can offer evidence otherwise.


Books written by various authors compiled into what later was called the 'Holy Bible' may be more or less inspired, with a good mix of religious fiction, mythology and other embellishments. The same could be said to varying degrees with other religious tradition's writings. If 'God' is not a respecter of persons, neither is he of any community or cult. Furthermore, 'God' may not respect your 'opinion' or 'belief' about Him, because such may be erroneous. If you want to be a student of truth, you'll have to accept this possibility, and remain open to research and questions your assumptions.

God who is a Universal Spirit (Holy Breath) gives life and breath to all living things, the entire cosmos, is not limited to one point in space, much less only one human religious cult-ure, tradition or holy book.

A good start on what the Bible actually is, honestly and objectively, begin here. - considers what the biblical texts actually are, who they were written by, what for, cultural-context, reason for contradicting accounts, redactions, etc.

For a more cutting edge but intellectually honest look as well, Bart Ehrman may help illuminate a few things ;)

Bart Ehrman on the Bible's Authors

I don't see any evidence or reason to believe the Bible is somehow totally inerrant or infallible, since it for one thing, doesn't claim to be. Even if the concept of the pure word of God is conveyed thru 'language',...language itself is an imperfect symbol relator, its only "symbolic", and furthermore suffers thru the 'distorition' of 'translation/interpretation', so that the words themselves are 'relative' and cannot be absolute. Only what is absolute is absolute. Words are relative.

The Bible is a collection of many different authors, writing in different time-periods, different agendas and intentions, cultural-perspectives, aims, goals, etc. Each book must be considered within its own author's intentional/cultural context, and his own personal beliefs (as it affects the community for which it is being written), which reveals the purpose of the writing and its over-all aim, which may be subtely different from the authors of other books included in the same canon, showing revisionist tendencies or the natural course of 'progressive revelation', and this naturally so.

So, there is no reason or necessity to believe that your 'special compile' of religious writings is exclusively special or 'inerrant' or 'infallible'. This doesn't discount a religious book's value or meaning, it just means it doesn't have to have your prescribed assumption or prescription of being 'inerrant/infallible' for it to be of religious value. If you claim otherwise, then it is only your own 'belief' that it is so, unless you can offer evidence otherwise.

The proven evidence didn't work for the unregerates here so I wont repeat the proofs. The end result is the the Greek and Hebrew books that contains 66 books are exclusively special or 'inerrant' or 'infallible'. It doesn't matter what I believe if the proofs stands by itself on its own. You'll have to dig in my past post to find my sources. I'm covered on my end that the bible is something you'll never understand since too much prideful self claimed intellect blinds you. That goes for the catholics when they worship inside the tradition and build more traditions inside bad traditions not backed by the bible. For now bless those that believe and not seen the proofs. Don't look like either you or the catholics are blessed. You don't need proofs

Ben Masada

New member
Is scripture the infalible Word of God?

Is scripture the infalible Word of God?

It depends on the scripture you have in mind. When Jesus was around, the Scripture he always referred to as the Word of God was the Tanach as the NT did not exist yet. BTW, Jesus never even dreamed the NT would ever rise. Therefore, the answer to the question above is only too obvious that the infallible Word of God is in the Tanach.


It depends on the scripture you have in mind. When Jesus was around, the Scripture he always referred to as the Word of God was the Tanach as the NT did not exist yet. BTW, Jesus never even dreamed the NT would ever rise. Therefore, the answer to the question above is only too obvious that the infallible Word of God is in the Tanach.

The Tanach is what happens when a persecuted and overly self important group of Zionist had the freedom to write or rewrite their own history.

No other race of people on earth recall being descended from Noah :readthis:


Eclectic Theosophist
No proof of 'infallibility'.....unless u define your terms and show evidence....

No proof of 'infallibility'.....unless u define your terms and show evidence....

The proven evidence didn't work for the unregerates here so I wont repeat the proofs. The end result is the the Greek and Hebrew books that contains 66 books are exclusively special or 'inerrant' or 'infallible'. It doesn't matter what I believe if the proofs stands by itself on its own. You'll have to dig in my past post to find my sources. I'm covered on my end that the bible is something you'll never understand since too much prideful self claimed intellect blinds you. That goes for the catholics when they worship inside the tradition and build more traditions inside bad traditions not backed by the bible. For now bless those that believe and not seen the proofs. Don't look like either you or the catholics are blessed. You don't need proofs

Facts are facts which have been provided for you to consider about what the Bible actually is (the various texts written by various authors, in different times, with different agendas, etc.) - it was at a later times that such 'texts' (with all their variants) were considered 'scripture', or alluded to as 'The Holy Bible' (only after its canonization and formal term of 'Holy Bible' was applied to it).

There is no proof that the 'Bible' as traditionally assumed (only 66 books?) is 'inerrant' or 'infallible', beyond your own assumption and 'belief' that such is so. NONE. - this isn't Bible bashing either, its being honest with the text itself and the historical/cultural/social realities in their 'production'. There are mistakes, errors and contradictions in the Bible. This isn't a problem to people who might revere the bible as inspired writing (more or less), its only a problem with those claiming 'biblical inerrancy'.

I don't see a need for Catholic bashing either, protestants can actually thank them for some things, despite their own religious trappings. There are Catholics who "love the Lord" just as well as 'protestants', if not better, within their own 'tradition'. Otherwise, sacred tradition is respected in many religious groups and there is nothing wrong with including the Apocrypha or other non-canonical books in one's canon.