That was me
Ages could be likened to length of times that are dispensations such as grace versus judgment the same as every day for the last 2000 years or so "has been “a day of salvation” for many despite there being 360 "days" a year X 2000.
However, when someone dies it is no longer a day of grace for them but becomes a day of judgment which will have a sentence of "time" added to it albeit how time is counted in a world of spiritual bodies is above my pay grade. At the same time those who did not die are still living back in the world as part of their day of grace until their "last day" that all persons will have and are appointed to prior to their judgment
Because we live in a physical world it is normal for one without exposure to the spiritual world (that lives right alongside this one) to have everything planned out in a linear format that apples to all persons as if everyone is going to be resurrected all at the same time. Truth is everyone is resurrected immediately following their physical death where they go first to judgment and then to sentencing while others back in the world as we know it, are still going about their daily lives
As far as the LOF goes.......... the same as the "voice of many waters" and the "beast coming out of the sea (of humanity) are from "bodies of water,” I think we can agree that at the least these bodies of water are metaphors for “many membered bodies” the same as heaven has many members, as does the “Body of Christ,” or for that matter so does hell.
Well, the LOF too is a many membered body. However, the same as a lake is a body of many drops of water, the LOF is a body of many drops of fire with each drop being a fully manifested son of God administering the sentence handed out to a person coming from the "time of judgment” before God into the times of the "second death". This life we are living in now is the time (Age) of the first death, and for those who get right with God in this life the Scriptures tell us that the second death will have no power over them. However, the Bible does not say they will not be there because they will be but will be doing whatever God's plan includes for His will to be fulfilled to the utmost.
We all started out with small flames of fire over our heads representing the Holy Spirit coming into us to purify and "prepare a place" where Father and son can be together. Therefore, those who become "100 fold overcomers are those whom Jesus said He would give them the "morning star" which is a ball of fire and is one of His titles/descriptions. At this point these manifested sons of God are no longer represented by small flames of fire but have become "pillars of fire" whose purpose in the LOF is administrating God's Law that is said to be a "fiery” law" to those who have been sentenced to corrective punishment to take place during a predetermined length of “time” (Age of Ages)
All of us need to keep in mind that God’s plan for man as stated in the beginning is to take mankind from just being in the image of God (man having a spirit and soul because God is Spirit and Soul therefore man was created in the image of God) to becoming in both the image and likeness of God AKA “expressed image” that is the Spirit and Soul of God appearing in human flesh AKA Jesus Christ who is the pattern for many more of the “children given to Him” by His Father.
God’s plan included Adam’s sin as well as our righteousness and while much has to happen between the cup and the lip, the simple truth is God accepts responsibility for the pitiful condition of mankind whose outcome was a direct result of His plan fulfilled first through Adam. For His plan surrounding our future to be fulfilled, made necessary for evil to take on sin so it could be condemned to death that would provide a way for a world to come into existence that will always be without evil because it has already died the death God sentenced it to.
It should not be too hard and would be good exercise for anyone who chooses to find the relevant passages in Scripture. However, if necessary I will help out later