
New member
The Phillipian jailer was aware that if he lost a prisoner then he would be put to death. He was concerned for his flesh and not his soul. Paul took advantage of the situation.

When a person has received the general revelation that Paul speaks of in Romans 1 then there is a possibility that the man will seek out a religion. That religion will be based on works and not regeneration.

You are obviously suggesting that salvation is achieved by the will of man. I cannot imagine why you would suggest such a thing.
That isn't what he was saying, and you didn't address the question.

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God's Truth

New member
Oh, so Jesus didn't mean it when He said, "It is finished"?
Jesus didn't say it is finished and all those things he taught it doesn't matter.

God did NOT nail Jesus' words to the cross.

You're confusing the intercession for us (by the Spirit)...helping us with our infirmities. Sin has already been dealt with on the cross. Christ's work is finished.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.​

Jesus HELPS those who obey.

The message isn't even sent to those who do not fear God and do what is right.

Acts 10:35 but that in every nation those who fear Him and live good lives are acceptable to Him.

Acts 13:26 "Fellow children of Abraham and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.


Well-known member
You are the one who keeps engaging me.

I'm only stating what I know until you decide to attack me, and even then I try to pretty much ignore you, because I don't care what you think of me.

You can attempt to defame my character all you want. Both our works are there for all to see. I'm not the one who keeps closing threads because people aren't buying into my bull crap (my, being yours for any literalists out there)).

When you qoute actual truth I let it be known too, so don't act as if it is a one sided thing on my part.

My point stands;

We are to guide towards the light of GOD; not condemn to the eternal darkness of hell.

We are to serve, not think highly of ourselves? or our placement here or in the hereafter.

Now watch some butthurt ignoramus accuse me of blaspheme or heresy or building satan's kingdom.

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Don't let him goad you into breaking TOL rules. He isn't fooling anyone. :)


Well-known member
Jesus didn't say it is finished and all those things he taught it doesn't matter.

God did NOT nail Jesus' words to the cross.

Jesus HELPS those who obey.

The message isn't even sent to those who do not fear God and do what is right.

Acts 10:35 but that in every nation those who fear Him and live good lives are acceptable to Him.

Acts 13:26 "Fellow children of Abraham and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.

She is stuck stuck stuck....on the wrong side of the Cross. :tunes:

She is high centered on the wall. :drum:

She won't enter into..... His rest, rest rest,

Cause she loves the wedgie that she has. :party:


New member
I'm not saying that, rather I'm asking, in your mind, if one might hear the gospel and say 'Lord save me." I'm not talking about you or I, but is it within your purview that a man, just before that moment, might be moved of God to call on Him? The thief on the cross did this.

In a nutshell: I'm asking if another has to come exactly the way you or I came. Perhaps I'm stumbling around in the query, but I'm asking if you think that any number of Arminians (for instance) might not be saved. Again, thanks. -Lon

There is only one way to be brought to the starit gate.

I know that I was brought.

You prefer the tangled web of the REFORMED worship of dead men. So tangled you can't ask a straight forward question.

There is no such thing as a saved Arminian or a saved Calvinist.

If anyone is converted they will never stay in the denominations, because the love they have for the truth will be hated. The love we* have for the truth causes us to speak the truth.

Before the Eternal sets a man at liberty in sets the man in the chains of sin. Yisra'El knew bondage before liberty.

we* the redeemed, regenerate, repentant sinners.


New member

Most people that profess a form of Bible-based religion will agree the need to be born above is both scriptural and necessary. Only a man who has actually been born above understands what it means and by experience of it has peace.

I was once handed a testimony that had been translated into English from Welsh. It had been translated by the daughter of a Welsh man that had died years before. I came across this; “I’m going down to the chapel on Wednesday night to be born again”.

The regeneration is not something that a sinner instigates by appointment. Regeneration is unexpected, abrupt and certain. When the unregenerate man finds himself at the strait gate it was not something he was looking for. When he passes through the gate he knows it was not by his own power that he did so. When he walks the narrow way he acknowledges that it is by grace through trust that he does so.

Many insist that they have found and passed through the strait gate and that they are walking in the narrow way, but they will not give an account of the experience. They will not because they cannot and to attempt doing so will expose the deceit they are under. It will always be discovered that they did something. Usually something they were told they had to do. Man is not born above by performing a duty. Man is born above and then knows his duty. The man discovers himself trusting, confessing and will be drawn to instant prayer.



New member
I know of a man who had been stripped of everything he owned and had confidence in. That man did not know nor understand what was going on in his miserrable existance. Looking back with 20/20 vision he can see the truth of Isaiah 61:1 having been manifested in his salvation from the edge of the pit.

"The Spirit of Adonay Yah Veh is upon me; because Yah Veh hath anointed Me to evangelise unto the humble; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to call out liberty to the captives, and in opening, an opening to the bound".​

That man had been humbled. He was broken hearted and he was called out of the captivity of sin and Satan unto the liberty found in Yah Shua Messiah. Messiah had inwardly preached and applied the evangelism to that poor man and that man became rich.

He was born from above.


New member
Cloaking a question in deceit always has a purpose and that is always evil intent.
I've asked a similar question, and was never indoctrinated by any man, or denomination. It was a simple question; I got no answer, but similar accusations.

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New member
I've asked a similar question, and was never indoctrinated by any man, or denomination. It was a simple question; I got no answer, but similar accusations.

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Your questions are never sincere. They too are cloaked in deceit. They are set as traps to try and catch me out. Just like your kind did to Messiah. He had no paticence for your kind and neither do I.

"Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk." Matthew 22:15


New member
Your questions are never sincere. They too are cloaked in deceit. They are set as traps to try and catch me out. Just like your kind did to Messiah. He had no paticence for your kind and neither do I.

"Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk." Matthew 22:15
One day you may stop lying. Unfortunately it may be when you are dead.

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New member
One day you may stop lying. Unfortunately it may be when you are dead.

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What, no peace, peace and friend?

You react in the same way the Pharisees did when caught out in their wickedness.

..So the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him."​


New member
What, no peace, peace and friend?

You react in the same way the Pharisees did when caught out in their wickedness.

..So the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him."​
You are lying again

I've never sought you out in order to kill you. You are as nothing; not as the Christ; what motive would I have for killing a known liar and enemy to the Word of GOD? We are to recompense hate for love.

The pharisees were proud reminds me of someone......

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New member
You are lying again

I've never sought you out in order to kill you. You are as nothing; not as the Christ; what motive would I have for killing a known liar and enemy to the Word of GOD? We are to recompense hate for love.

The pharisees were proud reminds me of someone......

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You attempt to murder me with words. And you do seek me out to do so. You come into my threads with no other motive than to spread hatred and then you accuse me of having done so.


New member

These are cults that read the scriptures and because the Bible has said it then they must act it out. They usually meet on a Sunday and attempt to reenact the day of pentecost. Without the flames of course, but with the tongues and of course prophecies. They will also have a healing ministry and will usually make financial demands for some project that “Jesus has put on their heart”.

There will be rock music.


New member
You attempt to murder me with words. And you do seek me out to do so. You come into my threads with no other motive than to spread hatred and then you accuse me of having done so.
Go back and review both our posts and correct your lie to yourself; I don't care what you think about me; it is you yourself whom you deceive.

I have repeatedly thumbed particular comments of yours and agreed with you on multiple points; to which you have, without ceasing, continued your negativity towards me.

Stop thinking so highly of yourself; I've told you more than once now, that I am not following you.

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Last edited:


New member
You attempt to murder me with words. And you do seek me out to do so. You come into my threads with no other motive than to spread hatred and then you accuse me of having done so.
According to you, words aren't weapons anyway, so why the flip flop; oh, that's right; you seek to paint me in a negative light.

Keep will only show my honesty, and continued attempts at humility and fellowship. I have called it like I see it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now accuse me with unsubstantiated? claims; then hurriedly divert attention.

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New member
Go back and review both our posts and correct your lie to yourself; I don't care what you think about me; it is you yourself whom you deceive.

I have repeatedly thumbed particular comments of yours and agreed with you on multiple points; to which you have, without ceasing, continued your negativity towards me.

Stop thinking so highly of yourself; I've told you more than once now, that I am not following you.

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Pick and mix theology is not loving the truth.


New member
According to you, words aren't weapons anyway, so why the flip flop; oh, that's right; you seek to paint me in a negative light.

Keep will only show my honesty, and continued attempts at humility and fellowship. I have called it like I see it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now accuse me with unsubstantiated? claims; then hurriedly divert attention.

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Where have I said that words aren't weapons? Don't even bother trying to find it, because I would never, ever say that.