
If you are not obeying Jesus, then what does it matter if you believe he has risen?
Thank you for being so open about what you believe. :e4e:

The Scripture says that if the resurrection is made up (1Co15:14KJV), that the whole Christian faith is worthless, useless, stupid, idiotic, a waste of time, pointless, lame, and only fit for total losers (1Co15:19KJV).

Beyond that, Scripture also says that faith in the resurrection saves.

And lastly, every Apostle was murdered for testifying to the resurrection.


New member

Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.​

This one is one of the most subtle and damnable errors in which honour is paid to Satan for most of what goes on in the world. Anything that goes wrong in the sight of man is the work of Satan.

Any disasters, plagues, wars, murders and the like are judgements from on high against wicked men. These acts of attributing judgements to Satan is the sign of a corrupt mind.

Did Job attribute the evil that befell him to Satan or Yah Veh? Job 2:10 KJV Even though we know that Satan was the messenger we know that he was sent. “ Hast thou considered my servant Job”. Job 1:8
Satan has power, but his power is limited by Elohim. Job 1:12
Satan is not equal in any way to the Eternal Almighty 1 John 4:4 Satan is not omniscient, omnipotent or infinite in any way. The saint’s with Elohim’s help can resist him (James 4:7

Satan is seen to oppose Elohim’s plan by promoting evil in every way possible. But he is an instrument of judgement from on high, because sin, evil and wickedness are under the governance of the Almighty. Satan is like a dog on a chain or a puppet on a string.
Satan is the generator of all evil and sin but is limited in the scope of its application. 1 Kings 22:22 This was proven in Messiah and is proven in the regenerate.

Wicked men are under the direct control of the Almighty. Prov 16:4
Wicked demons are also under His control. 1 Kings 22:22

“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen” Romans 11:36​

Those that are still slaves to sin and Satan will hate this doctrine because their purpose on earth is fulfilled in honouring him through obedience.


New member
Remember the former things of old: for I am Elohim, and there is none else; I am Elohim, and there is none like me,

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:​

God's Truth

New member
Thank you for being so open about what you believe. :e4e:

The Scripture says that if the resurrection is made up (1Co15:14KJV), that the whole Christian faith is worthless, useless, stupid, idiotic, a waste of time, pointless, lame, and only fit for total losers (1Co15:19KJV).

Beyond that, Scripture also says that faith in the resurrection saves.

And lastly, every Apostle was murdered for testifying to the resurrection.

No, your argument is lacking.

Jesus ascended into heaven and can forgive sins and he gives the Holy Spirit, and he reconciles us to God...and if he didn't ascend, then who do you have to obey and repent to?

He was crucified for saying and doing what God the Father says and does.

Where do you ever get that believing alone means anything?

You have to have faith with right action.

You are to believe that Jesus is alive and lives to forgive the sins you repent of doing.


New member

Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.​

This one is one of the most subtle and damnable errors in which honour is paid to Satan for most of what goes on in the world. Anything that goes wrong in the sight of man is the work of Satan.

Any disasters, plagues, wars, murders and the like are judgements from on high against wicked men. These acts of attributing judgements to Satan is the sign of a corrupt mind.

Did Job attribute the evil that befell him to Satan or Yah Veh? Job 2:10 KJV Even though we know that Satan was the messenger we know that he was sent. “ Hast thou considered my servant Job”. Job 1:8
Satan has power, but his power is limited by Elohim. Job 1:12
Satan is not equal in any way to the Eternal Almighty 1 John 4:4 Satan is not omniscient, omnipotent or infinite in any way. The saint’s with Elohim’s help can resist him (James 4:7

Satan is seen to oppose Elohim’s plan by promoting evil in every way possible. But he is an instrument of judgement from on high, because sin, evil and wickedness are under the governance of the Almighty. Satan is like a dog on a chain or a puppet on a string.
Satan is the generator of all evil and sin but is limited in the scope of its application. 1 Kings 22:22 This was proven in Messiah and is proven in the regenerate.

Wicked men are under the direct control of the Almighty. Prov 16:4
Wicked demons are also under His control. 1 Kings 22:22

“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen” Romans 11:36​


"Those that are still slaves to sin and Satan will hate this doctrine because their purpose on earth is fulfilled in honouring him through obedience.[/QUOTE]"


Nonsensical; how can a slave to sin hate truth through obedience? If you mean obedience to a sinful nature, then yes, but you need to make that clear instead of the incessant stabbings at the guilty; which we all are, including you.

The Christ of GOD is glorified in the repentance of sinners, and the conversion there of; how then is it that you revel and bask in the knowledge of man's sinful nature, instead of attempting to steer them in a way that they might actually listen and turn?

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Well-known member
You are to believe that Jesus is alive and lives to forgive the sins you repent of doing.

Oh, so Jesus didn't mean it when He said, "It is finished"?

You're confusing the intercession for us (by the Spirit)...helping us with our infirmities. Sin has already been dealt with on the cross. Christ's work is finished.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.​


New member
Remember the former things of old: for I am Elohim, and there is none else; I am Elohim, and there is none like me,

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:​
Isaiah: 46. 11. Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. 12. Hearken unto me, ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness: 13. I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

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New member

Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.​

This one is one of the most subtle and damnable errors in which honour is paid to Satan for most of what goes on in the world. Anything that goes wrong in the sight of man is the work of Satan.

Any disasters, plagues, wars, murders and the like are judgements from on high against wicked men. These acts of attributing judgements to Satan is the sign of a corrupt mind.

Did Job attribute the evil that befell him to Satan or Yah Veh? Job 2:10 KJV Even though we know that Satan was the messenger we know that he was sent. “ Hast thou considered my servant Job”. Job 1:8
Satan has power, but his power is limited by Elohim. Job 1:12
Satan is not equal in any way to the Eternal Almighty 1 John 4:4 Satan is not omniscient, omnipotent or infinite in any way. The saint’s with Elohim’s help can resist him (James 4:7

Satan is seen to oppose Elohim’s plan by promoting evil in every way possible. But he is an instrument of judgement from on high, because sin, evil and wickedness are under the governance of the Almighty. Satan is like a dog on a chain or a puppet on a string.
Satan is the generator of all evil and sin but is limited in the scope of its application. 1 Kings 22:22 This was proven in Messiah and is proven in the regenerate.

Wicked men are under the direct control of the Almighty. Prov 16:4
Wicked demons are also under His control. 1 Kings 22:22

“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen” Romans 11:36​


"Those that are still slaves to sin and Satan will hate this doctrine because their purpose on earth is fulfilled in honouring him through obedience.


Nonsensical; how can a slave to sin hate truth through obedience? If you mean obedience to a sinful nature, then yes, but you need to make that clear instead of the incessant stabbings at the guilty; which we all are, including you.

The Christ of GOD is glorified in the repentance of sinners, and the conversion there of; how then is it that you revel and bask in the knowledge of man's sinful nature, instead of attempting to steer them in a way that they might actually listen and turn?

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

You have no part in the evangelism and so you have no comprehension of the truth. You just regurgitate what you've heard or read. :vomit:
Last edited:


New member

Nonsensical; how can a slave to sin hate truth through obedience? If you mean obedience to a sinful nature, then yes, but you need to make that clear instead of the incessant stabbings at the guilty; which we all are, including you.

The Christ of GOD is glorified in the repentance of sinners, and the conversion there of; how then is it that you revel and bask in the knowledge of man's sinful nature, instead of attempting to steer them in a way that they might actually listen and turn?

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

You have no part in the evangelism and so you have no comprehension of the truth. You just regurgitae what you've heard or read. :vomit:[/QUOTE]

No one is foolish enough to buy your snake oil.

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New member

Nonsensical; how can a slave to sin hate truth through obedience? If you mean obedience to a sinful nature, then yes, but you need to make that clear instead of the incessant stabbings at the guilty; which we all are, including you.

The Christ of GOD is glorified in the repentance of sinners, and the conversion there of; how then is it that you revel and bask in the knowledge of man's sinful nature, instead of attempting to steer them in a way that they might actually listen and turn?

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk

You are on a roundabout of ignorance and you keep going around in circles.


New member
You have no part in the evangelism and so you have no comprehension of the truth. You just regurgitae what you've heard or read. :vomit:

No one is foolish enough to buy your snake oil.

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

You are on a roundabout of ignorance and you keep going around in circles.[/QUOTE]
You are the one who keeps engaging me.

I'm only stating what I know until you decide to attack me, and even then I try to pretty much ignore you, because I don't care what you think of me.

You can attempt to defame my character all you want. Both our works are there for all to see. I'm not the one who keeps closing threads because people aren't buying into my bull crap (my, being yours for any literalists out there)).

When you qoute actual truth I let it be known too, so don't act as if it is a one sided thing on my part.

My point stands;

We are to guide towards the light of GOD; not condemn to the eternal darkness of hell.

We are to serve, not think highly of ourselves? or our placement here or in the hereafter.

Now watch some butthurt ignoramus accuse me of blaspheme or heresy or building satan's kingdom.

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New member

In the regeneration, the sinner is made a new creation and at that exact point in time is risen from death unto life. The sinner is converted and in being so is turned 180 degrees. In this process the sinner is passive and has done nothing to initiate the process.

The regeneration is abrupt and unmistakeable. If you can’t remember the regeneration then you have not been saved.


Well-known member

In the regeneration, the sinner is made a new creation and at that exact point in time is risen from death unto life. The sinner is converted and in being so is turned 180 degrees. In this process the sinner is passive and has done nothing to initiate the process.

The regeneration is abrupt and unmistakeable. If you can’t remember the regeneration then you have not been saved.
In your estimation, can anyone 'want' salvation before that day? What I mean is, in your thinking, is anyone that says 'what must I do to be saved' unable to effect and/or receive regeneration? Acts 16:30


New member
In your estimation, can anyone 'want' salvation before that day? What I mean is, in your thinking, is anyone that says 'what must I do to be saved' unable to effect and/or receive regeneration? Acts 16:30

The Phillipian jailer was aware that if he lost a prisoner then he would be put to death. He was concerned for his flesh and not his soul. Paul took advantage of the situation.

When a person has received the general revelation that Paul speaks of in Romans 1 then there is a possibility that the man will seek out a religion. That religion will be based on works and not regeneration.

You are obviously suggesting that salvation is achieved by the will of man. I cannot imagine why you would suggest such a thing.


Well-known member
The Phillipian jailer was aware that if he lost a prisoner then he would be put to death. He was concerned for his flesh and not his soul. Paul took advantage of the situation.

When a person has received the general revelation that Paul speaks of in Romans 1 then there is a possibility that the man will seek out a religion. That religion will be based on works and not regeneration.

You are obviously suggesting that salvation is achieved by the will of man. I cannot imagine why you would suggest such a thing.

I'm not saying that, rather I'm asking, in your mind, if one might hear the gospel and say 'Lord save me." I'm not talking about you or I, but is it within your purview that a man, just before that moment, might be moved of God to call on Him? The thief on the cross did this.

In a nutshell: I'm asking if another has to come exactly the way you or I came. Perhaps I'm stumbling around in the query, but I'm asking if you think that any number of Arminians (for instance) might not be saved. Again, thanks. -Lon