Most people that profess a form of Bible-based religion will agree the need to be born above is both scriptural and necessary. Only a man who has actually been born above understands what it means and by experience of it has peace.
I was once handed a testimony that had been translated into English from Welsh. It had been translated by the daughter of a Welsh man that had died years before. I came across this; “I’m going down to the chapel on Wednesday night to be born again”.
The regeneration is not something that a sinner instigates by appointment. Regeneration is unexpected, abrupt and certain. When the unregenerate man finds himself at the strait gate it was not something he was looking for. When he passes through the gate he knows it was not by his own power that he did so. When he walks the narrow way he acknowledges that it is by grace through trust that he does so.
Many insist that they have found and passed through the strait gate and that they are walking in the narrow way, but they will not give an account of the experience. They will not because they cannot and to attempt doing so will expose the deceit they are under. It will always be discovered that they did something. Usually something they were told they had to do. Man is not born above by performing a duty. Man is born above and then knows his duty. The man discovers himself trusting, confessing and will be drawn to instant prayer.
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