

New member
"Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt."


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This message is hidden because Arthur Brain is on your ignore list.

Probably another of his conspiracy theories.
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The wicked unregenerate hate the doctrine of eternal damnation. The redeemed look to it with humbled heart* in astonished amazement of what they have been saved from, amen.

*heart not the blood pump.
Eternal damnation is not scriptural friend.

Absolute destruction is.

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New member
What happens if a fact gets broken?

The root meaning of fact means the thing done. In the spiritual sense this means decreed and is therefore predetermined. This why we have terms such as "and it came to pass" and "For these things happened that the scripture should be fulfilled".


New member

..."so that the authenticity of your trust—more precious than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Yah Shua Messiah. 8Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now, you trust in Him and rejoice with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9now that you are receiving the goal of your trust, the salvation of your souls.…"

Authenticity in the first line is as close in meaning to "fact" as one can get. On close inspection it produces synonyms directly related to "fact". Accuracy, correctness, credibility, legitimacy, purity, reliability, trustworthiness, truthfulness, validity, dependability, factualness, realness, veritableness.

This is the anchor for the soul by which we* maintain our steadfastness. This truth produces tears of joy unspeakable, filled with glory. Amen, amen and amen.

we* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners.

To the praise of the glory of His grace.


New member

if you have a copy of Roget's Thesaurus go to chapter 1 and number 1. Even if spiritual understanding is not yours to enjoy maybe grammatical accuracy will be of some benefit.

My pleasure, so thanks for the question.


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This message is hidden because Derf is on your ignore list.

Because there is nothing of eternal worth he can understand.


Well-known member

No light, no love, no pleasure, no delight, no company, no rest, no peace, loneliness and isolation.

Continuous physical pain, continuous emotional pain, constant dread, constant fear, constant misery, continual pangs of memory and regret of a guilty conscience that cannot be quieted.

No hope that there will be an end of the interminable suffering.

Much thanks for those words of comfort & cheer! You should definitely find another father>>>>>QUICKLY!

Achilles6129 said: ↑

"In this thread I will suggest that the doctrine of eternal torture in hell is a real doctrine and is actually taught in the Bible. I will also suggest that it is totally just and that those that go away into eternal torture are actually getting what they deserve."

I suggest you find a new father, quickly!

There is no such thing as eternal punishment or damnation! In fact only KJV uses the word "damnation".

The words endless torment (adialeipton timorion), eternal imprisonment (aidios eirgmos) and eternal punishment (aidios kalasin) do not appear anywhere in the Greek New Testament, in conjunction.

Neither, will you find the term aidios timorion or eternal torment.

Therefore, whoever says that there is an eternal (aidios) time set for punishment (kalasin) or torment beyond this life is sadly mistaken.

It's a limited duration of aionion(αἰώνιον - a period of time as in an age) kalasin (Κόλασιν - chastisement or correction) which is in view; but the day and hour that it begins and ends is unpredictable. If it were eternal, then the word Aidios would have been used. But not even Jesus used the word for eternal in conjunction with any kind of punishment or life for that matter.

There are only two places in the New Testament where the word Aidios is used correctly, and they define His Eternal power and divine nature.

Are our broadest hopes broad enough? Shall there be a nook or abyss, in all the universe of God, finally unlightened by the Cross? Shall there be a sin, or sorrow, or pain unhealed? Is the very universe, is creation in all its extent, a field wide enough for the Son of God?