"Give Your Life to Jesus"

God's Truth

New member
Matt 10:5-6 (AKJV/PCE)
(10:5) These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into [any] city of the Samaritans enter ye not: (10:6) But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

How do you get that was truth that would disappear? Jesus came FIRST to the Jews who already belonged to God by faith.

Luke 10:4 (AKJV/PCE)
(10:4) Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way.

Luke 22:36 (AKJV/PCE)
(22:36) Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take [it], and likewise [his] scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

I guess that you never got THIS message either:
Heb 1:1 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:1) God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

How do you ever get that those Words stop being truth that should go ignored?

Right Divider

Body part
How do you get that was truth that would disappear? Jesus came FIRST to the Jews who already belonged to God by faith.

How do you ever get that those Words stop being truth that should go ignored?
Every word in the Bible is TRUTH. But that does NOT mean that God always works the SAME way throughout human history. It is obvious from your posts that you cannot understand this, even in the slightest.

Hebrews 1:1 is in reference to God's dealing with Israel and explains that He spoke to THEM at sundry times (different times) and in divers manners (different ways). God also SPOKE through the apostle Paul in a different way as well.

You are such a religious zealot that you cannot understand any of it. You're a Romans 10:2 kind of person.


Which gospel does Adrian Rogers preach?

You thought there were two? :dizzy:

James, also written to you,
said you must be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (Jas 1:22). Faith without works is dead (Jas 2:14-26). If you bear no fruits of righteousness (Mt 7:20), :sherlock: either your conversion was not real (more common) or you've walked away from the faith altogether and have broken fellowship with the Lord (2 Pe 2:21-22).

Our Sabbath rest is in the Lord (Lk 6:5). We are saved unto good works (Eph 2:10). We work not out of fear but out of love (Rom. 9:31, 32, 1 Jn 4:19).

You greasy grace teachers1 omit repentance. God gives us grace--to repent (2 Ti 2:25). God saves us from--our sin (Mt 1:21). God forgives us and then wipes away our sin (Ro 6:18).

Don't be claiming he's removed your sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12) or buried them in the sea of his forgetfulness (Mic 7:19) when you're still committing them. :hammer:

Pray tell how can he forgive you when you've: not repented (Ac 8:22), said you're sorry (Ac 2:37, 38, 2 Cor. 7:9, 10), turned from your wicked ways (Ac 9:35)? Paul said repent turn to the living God (2 Co 6:14-7:1). Peter said repent (Ac 3:19) and by grace you are saved (1 Pe 1:5).

Ask the Lord into your heart, give you life to Jesus, receive God's mercy--however you want to phrase it :blabla: (Heb 4:12)--get right with God is the point. You greasy grace teachers who leave out repentance, :listen: you're not going in the rapture (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14).

God is holy (Is. 11:4, 5). You are not (Ro 3:10). Receive God's mercy (Ac 26:18).

If you think you can: walk down and aisle, sign a card, pray a prayer--live like the devil--:banana: and still go to heaven, you're mistaken (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14). :bowser: :bowser:

1 John Westly called the false converts


Has the Law has been done away with?
At patrick jane At john w At Nick At SaultoPaul At Musterion At heir At GloryDaz At exminister At Grosnick Marowbe
Must We Confess Every Sin?
Give Your Life to Jesus
How Many on TOL are Grace Gospel Believers?
Where is Prince Now?
Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'
The Myth of Unmerited Favor and Grace
The Big Switch

Right Divider

Body part
You thought there were two? :dizzy:

James, also written to you,
said you must be a doer of the word and not a hearer only (Jas 1:22). Faith without works is dead (Jas 2:14-26). If you bear no fruits of righteousness (Mt 7:20), :sherlock: either your conversion was not real (more common) or you've walked away from the faith altogether and have broken fellowship with the Lord (2 Pe 2:21-22).

Our Sabbath rest is in the Lord (Lk 6:5). We are saved unto good works (Eph 2:10). We work not out of fear but out of love (Rom. 9:31, 32, 1 Jn 4:19).

You greasy grace teachers1 omit repentance. God gives us grace--to repent (2 Ti 2:25). God saves us from--our sin (Mt 1:21). God forgives us and then wipes away our sin (Ro 6:18).

Don't be claiming he's removed your sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12) or buried them in the sea of his forgetfulness (Mic 7:19) when you're still committing them. :hammer:

Pray tell how can he forgive you when you've: not repented (Ac 8:22), said you're sorry (Ac 2:37, 38, 2 Cor. 7:9, 10), turned from your wicked ways (Ac 9:35)? Paul said repent turn to the living God (2 Co 6:14-7:1). Peter said repent (Ac 3:19) and by grace you are saved (1 Pe 1:5).

Ask the Lord into your heart, give you life to Jesus, receive God's mercy--however you want to phrase it :blabla: (Heb 4:12)--get right with God is the point. You greasy grace teachers who leave out repentance, :listen: you're not going in the rapture (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14).

God is holy (Is. 11:4, 5). You are not (Ro 3:10). Receive God's mercy (Ac 26:18).

If you think you can: walk down and aisle, sign a card, pray a prayer--live like the devil--:banana: and still go to heaven, you're mistaken (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14). :bowser: :bowser:

1 John Westly called the false converts


Has the Law has been done away with?
At patrick jane At john w At Nick At SaultoPaul At Musterion At heir At GloryDaz At exminister At Grosnick Marowbe
Must We Confess Every Sin?
Give Your Life to Jesus
How Many on TOL are Grace Gospel Believers?
Where is Prince Now?
Kirk Cameron: Wives Should 'Honor and Respect and Follow Their Husband's Lead'
The Myth of Unmerited Favor and Grace
The Big Switch
Wow.... I continue to be amazed by your complete confusion and inability to understand the context of scripture.

Which tribe are you? (Jam 1:1).

Yes, he wrote that for a reason.


Which tribe are you? (Jam 1:1).

"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16

Right Divider

Body part
"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16
BINGO!!!! We have a winner!!!

Now, tell us, how do you tell the difference?

God's Truth

New member
Says the troll who every time is confronted with words she says are written TO her in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, makes excuses as to why she doesn't do them.

Everything is for ALL, first to the Jew then to the Gentile.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

God's Truth

New member
Every word in the Bible is TRUTH. But that does NOT mean that God always works the SAME way throughout human history. It is obvious from your posts that you cannot understand this, even in the slightest.

Hebrews 1:1 is in reference to God's dealing with Israel and explains that He spoke to THEM at sundry times (different times) and in divers manners (different ways). God also SPOKE through the apostle Paul in a different way as well.

You are such a religious zealot that you cannot understand any of it. You're a Romans 10:2 kind of person.

You haven't disproved anything that I said.

God's Truth

New member
Obey to shew thyself approved a workman unto God that needeth not be ashamed, rightly obeying the word of truth.

Again, scripture does not get rid of scripture.

The scriptures say God gives understanding to those who obey.

After one obeys, he should study.

Add to your faith knowledge...2 Peter 1:5.

All this is to those who are saved by believing AND OBEYING.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't quote a scripture, dear.

You don't know you quoted scripture but not the scripture reference to book and numbers?

If you are not given understanding from Jesus for obeying, then you could study for the next fifty years and it won't help you at all.

Just think of the Catholics, Mormons, JW's, theologians, etc, etc, etc.