Denial of the deity of Jesus


New member
If our spirit was divine, then we would be God, of which, we are not.

You are thinking Mormonism, here.

The bottom line to the gospels is that we are one with God. No one teaches this to us because it wouldn't be profitable but it's the truth. We've missed the point by a very large margin. Notice how the personality will unconsciously try to separate itself from divinity. Why? Maybe because it is the adversary which separates us from God. Perhaps we don't feel that we are one with God because we are overly attached to something else. What is that something else? The personality is not our true identity. The true identity is the soul or spirit if you will. The spirit is infinite and eternal just as God is infinite and eternal. He who has seen the son has seen the father. God gave us this spirit as his begotten son. No one goes to the father except through him. The spirit is timelessness just like the alpha omega. The spirit just IS because it is one with the Great I Am. The spirit is omnipotent and omnipresent. We experience personal miracles when we touch the fringe of his robe. Humanity often rejects and ignores it, yet it still lives. Let's quit identifying with the personality and start realizing that our true identity has all the qualities of God because it is one with God.


New member
The bottom line to the gospels is that we are one with God. No one teaches this to us because it wouldn't be profitable but it's the truth. We've missed the point by a very large margin. Notice how the personality will unconsciously try to separate itself from divinity. Why? Maybe because it is the adversary which separates us from God. Perhaps we don't feel that we are one with God because we are overly attached to something else. What is that something else? The personality is not our true identity. The true identity is the soul or spirit if you will. The spirit is infinite and eternal just as God is infinite and eternal. He who has seen the son has seen the father. God gave us this spirit as his begotten son. No one goes to the father except through him. The spirit is timelessness just like the alpha omega. The spirit just IS because it is one with the Great I Am. The spirit is omnipotent and omnipresent. We experience personal miracles when we touch the fringe of his robe. Humanity often rejects and ignores it, yet it still lives. Let's quit identifying with the personality and start realizing that our true identity has all the qualities of God because it is one with God.

One what...?


New member
One what...?

When we finally are able to feel this oneness there is not even the desire for a thought or a question. The part of us that wants to find the answers (because of an unconscious belief that it is not already one with the answers) is shattered in the presence of this oneness. Many believe it's better to wait until they die to experience this when in fact it is meant to be experienced while we are alive. Get back to me when you get there. Bring a snack.


New member
When we finally are able to feel this oneness there is not even the desire for a thought or a question. The part of us that wants to find the answers (because of an unconscious belief that it is not already one with the answers) is shattered in the presence of this oneness. Many believe it's better to wait until they die to experience this when in fact it is meant to be experienced while we are alive. Get back to me when you get there. Bring a snack.

If we are divine, as you say, then why is it that scriptures state that we will worship God for all eternity...?


New member
If we are divine, as you say, then why is it that scriptures state that we will worship God for all eternity...?

IMO interpretation of the scriptures comes from man and is therefore bound by man's limitations. The scriptures are there as a tool and a guide. Depending on them keeps us stuck in the confines of the personality whose aim is to separate us from what is infinite and eternal. But yes, there is a part of us that is divine. We get a glimpse of this natural state of freedom and liberation in children as they are very close to this divinity. As we grow older we tend to turn our backs on it. Something gets in the way. What do we suppose that something could be?


New member
IMO interpretation of the scriptures comes from man and is therefore bound by man's limitations. The scriptures are there as a tool and a guide. Depending on them keeps us stuck in the confines of the personality whose aim is to separate us from what is infinite and eternal. But yes, there is a part of us that is divine. We get a glimpse of this natural state of freedom and liberation in children as they are very close to this divinity. As we grow older we tend to turn our backs on it. Something gets in the way. What do we suppose that something could be?

You sound more like a philosophy major than a theologian.

On the contrary, the purpose of scripture is to bring us to the knowledge of our Creator.

As creations, we can never be divine, and the Righteous (i.e. the ones who worship The Creator as HE has revealed Himself in the Holy Bible, as Triune), will spend eternity worshiping God.


New member
You sound more like a philosophy major than a theologian.

On the contrary, the purpose of scripture is to bring us to the knowledge of our Creator.

As creations, we can never be divine, and the Righteous (i.e. the ones who worship The Creator as HE has revealed Himself in the Holy Bible, as Triune), will spend eternity worshiping God.

Pause for a moment and feel the intensity of that reaching and grabbing for a belief. What are we avoiding? What is underneath the need to hold on so tightly? Could it be an avoidance of what is taken to be an emptiness or worthlessness? Have we judged what is infinite and eternal to be bad? Do we feel we will become nothing when we let go of our precious beliefs? Could this be an indication of an unconscious lack of self-worth? See how badly the personality tries to avoid what IS and replace God with a belief. I sometimes find it rather comical.


New member
Pause for a moment and feel the intensity of that reaching and grabbing for a belief. What are we avoiding? What is underneath the need to hold on so tightly? Could it be an avoidance of what is taken to be an emptiness or worthlessness? Have we judged what is infinite and eternal to be bad? Do we feel we will become nothing when we let go of our precious beliefs and experience what IS? See how badly the personality tries to avoid and replace God with a belief. I sometimes find it rather comical.

If you are still feeling an emptiness, at your age, then it sounds like you don't know your Creator very well.

The only accurate depiction of our Creator and how we are to please Him, is contained within the pages of the Holy Bible.

You will always be left wanting, if you cling to man-made philosophies on how it should need to dwell upon how it actually is...


New member
If you are still feeling an emptiness, at your age, then it sounds like you don't know your Creator very well.

The only accurate depiction of our Creator and how we are to please Him, is contained within the pages of the Holy Bible.

You will always be left wanting, if you cling to man-made philosophies on how it should need to dwell upon how it actually is...

Here we go with the projections. Maybe you are the one who is feeling emptiness and therefore have the need to hold onto something to avoid it. What would happen if you were to let go? There are as many different ways to see the same God as there are people on the planet. How do we figure there is only one accurate depiction? If we are painting a flower in a vase, why would your depiction be more accurate than any other? Do you even have your own depiction or do you have an imitation of someone else's?


Eclectic Theosophist
God is Light.........

God is Light.........

Here we go with the projections. Maybe you are the one who is feeling emptiness and therefore have the need to hold onto something to avoid it. What would happen if you were to let go? There are as many different ways to see the same God as there are people on the planet. How do we figure there is only one accurate depiction? If we are painting a flower in a vase, why would your depiction be more accurate than any other? Do you even have your own depiction or do you have an imitative template of someone else's?


There is one universal omnipresent Light,...and many rays, colors and reflections of that Light :)

'God' is the essence of all substance and form ;)


New member
Here we go with the projections. Maybe you are the one who is feeling emptiness and therefore have the need to hold onto something to avoid it. What would happen if you were to let go? There are as many different ways to see the same God as there are people on the planet. How do we figure there is only one accurate depiction? If we are painting a flower in a vase, why would your depiction be more accurate than any other? Do you even have your own depiction or do you have an imitation of someone else's?

You have not studied very carefully, or, you are willfully ignorant.

There can be no Salvation apart from believing in the NAME of the Biblical God.

Scripture is clear that the NAME of God consists of Father...Son...Spirit.

Those denying the Trinity have NO Salvation.

It’s as simple as that...


Eclectic Theosophist
not quite..............

not quite..............

There can be no Salvation apart from believing in the NAME of the Biblical God.

In context of the that particular religious community belief, yes,...but extended further the 'name' of 'God' denotes the identity of 'Deity' and that 'God' is universal.

Scripture is clear that the NAME of God consists of Father...Son...Spirit.

Eh,...not so much, beyond reading a Trinitarian prescript into the text ;) - you'll only find a Trinitarian inter-face mostly in the NT, not the OT (your protests asides ;) )

Those denying the Trinity have NO Salvation.


It’s as simple as that...

Only in your imposed 'theology'.


New member
In context of the that particular religious community belief, yes,...

In the context of the Holy Bible.

but extended further the 'name' of 'God' denotes the identity of 'Deity' and that 'God' is universal.

The God of the Holy Bible, is the true God.

Eh,...not so much, beyond reading a Trinitarian prescript into the text ;) - you'll only find a Trinitarian inter-face mostly in the NT, not the OT (your protests asides ;) )

God revealed Himself as Triune in the OT.

Moses was Trinitarian.


Eclectic Theosophist
lets touch on some points.....

lets touch on some points.....

God revealed Himself as Triune in the OT.

Moses was Trinitarian.

You keep saying that, yet no orthodox Jew or Rabbi teaches that. Any 'proof texts' granted are read into.

You are also 'projecting' your own case, saying I'm a broken record,...since you are the broken record mirroring back to itself defending yourself with ad homimens. I expound on many different subjects exploring their various aspects and dimensions both philosophically and theologically. This includes doing what research is required to explore all possible or probable points of view on any particular or general subject.

Jesus was more formally made to be 'God' as beliefs and theology later developed about him, which was put in creeds and dogmatized by the Roman church-state, of which other various views of Christology formed and were continually debated,...the rest is history. As we've covered many times before,...a 'Unitarian' view of Jesus is just as good as a Trinitarian one, the only problems being with the religionists and their assumptions themselves, demanding that a 'theology' or 'Christology' be this or that, per their own philosophical reasoning or preferred theology.
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New member
You have not studied very carefully, or, you are willfully ignorant.

There can be no Salvation apart from believing in the NAME of the Biblical God.

Scripture is clear that the NAME of God consists of Father...Son...Spirit.

Those denying the Trinity have NO Salvation.

It’s as simple as that...

False. There can be no salvation outside of the soul. Anything outside of the soul is man-made. The soul is salvation in itself and it never separated from God nor does it depend on time, unlike the trinity. The Holy Spirit didn't come until AFTER Jesus (the reality is that Jesus and the Holy Spirit point to something larger). Why should we believe in a trinity when it clearly depends on the man-made concept of time? God is timelessness. Scripture is not. It points to that which is. We are one with this timelessness through the soul.