Denial of the deity of Jesus


New member
Where do you get the idea from that a person's soul has any value whatsoever, in the first place...?


I was raised a Catholic and was taught this is the eternal part of us. Why would the soul NOT have value? It is something that can actually be felt.


New member
Jesus is Elohim, but not the creator.

John 1:1-5

Jesus is the son of the creator.

Also Creator John 1:1-5

Read Rev.chs 4 and 5.

Actually affirms Christ's deity

Act 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

John 10:30. People scour the bible doing backflips to negate the deity of Christ. Ridiculous!



New member
I was raised a Catholic and was taught this is the eternal part of us. Why would the soul NOT have value? It is something that can actually be felt.

So, the source of value for your soul was taught to you by Catholics?

A man -made fabrication?

Come on...


New member
So, the source of value for your soul was taught to you by Catholics?

A man -made fabrication?

Come on...

No, the Catholics do not say anything about the soul being the source of value. I had to figure that out on my own. Is there a problem with this? I'm not trying to bash anybody here. Why can't I learn something good from the Catholics? There's a lot of truth to their teachings. I've just found a higher meaning to the interpretation of that truth. It doesn't negate the scriptures but it actually enhances it even further. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

The soul is not a man-made fabrication but most Christian clergy steer people away from it because of lack of knowledge and/or experience. It is something that is tangible. In fact it is necessary for us to be alive, is it not? It is life in itself. "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty" is not about a man named Jesus. It is about the soul. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son" means figuratively that a piece of God resides in us as the soul. It is not a literal translation as we are led to believe. The story and sayings of Jesus are a clever way to deliver the message that we are one with God because of the soul. This point has been missed for such a long time in favor of something else that is more convenient and palatable to the masses.


New member
No, the Catholics do not say anything about the soul being the source of value. I had to figure that out on my own. Is there a problem with this? I'm not trying to bash anybody here. Why can't I learn something good from the Catholics? There's a lot of truth to their teachings. I've just found a higher meaning to the interpretation of that truth. It doesn't negate the scriptures but it actually enhances it even further. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

The soul is not a man-made fabrication but most Christian clergy steer people away from it because of lack of knowledge and/or experience. It is something that is tangible. In fact it is necessary for us to be alive, is it not? It is life in itself. "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty" is not about a man named Jesus. It is about the soul. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son" means figuratively that a piece of God resides in us as the soul. It is not a literal translation as we are led to believe. The story and sayings of Jesus are a clever way to deliver the message that we are one with God because of the soul. This point has been missed for such a long time in favor of something else that is more convenient and palatable to the masses.


You used Biblical scripture to figure it out for yourself?


New member
No, use the Holy Bible as your REFERENCE.

It's exactly that kind of attitude that separates us from God. The unconscious belief is if we let go of the bible as a reference we will be swallowed up by a big black void of emptiness. That makes us feel worthless and we judge our feelings as bad after numerous bites of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We unknowingly separate ourselves from that emptiness but it is a part of us. It is part of what is eternal and infinite. Here is unconscious self-rejection staring us right in the face. We have judged this part of ourselves as worthless. Here is unconscious lack of self-esteem staring us in the face as well. We don't think we are good enough to survive with this emptiness partly because we don't know it is the soul yet ironically it leads to eternal life. We believe we are nothing without our precious beliefs and scriptures to hold on to. This is not true. It's the reverse. We actually begin to become everything instead.

Returning to this emptiness again and again marks the beginning stages of awakening to the fact that we are one with this emptiness, this eternity and infinity. Know that "...they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." The emptiness slowly starts to become a presence instead of an absence. It nourishes us and we begin to crave it and want more. It is the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. It casts away all doubts and fears but it takes time. We become like Peter when he tried to walk on the water with Jesus. We have the opportunity to experience the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine when that insipid emptiness starts to become a drunk-like fullness of love and joy that over pours into our cups, so much so that we cannot hold onto it. It overflows and extends outward everywhere and inward as well past the highest of highs forever.

We don't have any control over when or how these experiences happen to us but I can assure you that any desire for some sort of reference point is gong to be a barrier. Approaching the soul involves an attitude of literally throwing everything in the garbage permanently. No bible, no thoughts, no desires, no mind, no sight, no senses, no body, no beliefs, no NOTHING!!!! It is very dark and scary. It literally feels like death on multiple levels and its not enough to just go there once. It takes multiple multiple attempts. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" is a huge understatement. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." I raise this to the 100,000th power. Its much much narrower than expected. I don't think everyone can do it. It is a harrowing path but "all things possible with God."


Well-known member
The bottom line to the gospels is that we are one with God.

Yeah, that's why Christ warned those who heard Him to repent or perish, because they're one with God. Luke 13:3

You want to tell us what "other" means? Can you do it in one sentence?


New member
It's exactly that kind of attitude that separates us from God. The unconscious belief is if we let go of the bible as a reference we will be swallowed up by a big black void of emptiness. That makes us feel worthless and we judge our feelings as bad after numerous bites of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We unknowingly separate ourselves from that emptiness but it is a part of us. It is part of what is eternal and infinite. Here is unconscious self-rejection staring us right in the face. We have judged this part of ourselves as worthless. Here is unconscious lack of self-esteem staring us in the face as well. We don't think we are good enough to survive with this emptiness partly because we don't know it is the soul yet ironically it leads to eternal life. We believe we are nothing without our precious beliefs and scriptures to hold on to. This is not true. It's the reverse. We actually begin to become everything instead.

Returning to this emptiness again and again marks the beginning stages of awakening to the fact that we are one with this emptiness, this eternity and infinity. Know that "...they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." The emptiness slowly starts to become a presence instead of an absence. It nourishes us and we begin to crave it and want more. It is the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. It casts away all doubts and fears but it takes time. We become like Peter when he tried to walk on the water with Jesus. We have the opportunity to experience the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine when that insipid emptiness starts to become a drunk-like fullness of love and joy that over pours into our cups, so much so that we cannot hold onto it. It overflows and extends outward everywhere and inward as well past the highest of highs forever.

We don't have any control over when or how these experiences happen to us but I can assure you that any desire for some sort of reference point is gong to be a barrier. Approaching the soul involves an attitude of literally throwing everything in the garbage permanently. No bible, no thoughts, no desires, no mind, no sight, no senses, no body, no beliefs, no NOTHING!!!! It is very dark and scary. It literally feels like death on multiple levels and its not enough to just go there once. It takes multiple multiple attempts. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" is a huge understatement. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." I raise this to the 100,000th power. Its much much narrower than expected. I don't think everyone can do it. It is a harrowing path but "all things possible with God."

Stop denying the Holy Bible as your reference point in your worldview.

Seems you are bent on throwing out scripture even though it was your reference point to begin with!

Get a grip...


New member
Yeah, that's why Christ warned those who heard Him to repent or perish, because they're one with God. Luke 13:3

You want to tell us what "other" means? Can you do it in one sentence?

I don't identify with a religion because my true identity is the soul. Have we considered that the gospels we have today come from one of many perspectives?
Is it not dangerous to espouse one version and one interpretation of Jesus' story at the expense of others? Suppose the one to which we subscribe is not the most accurate? Then we're pretty much stuck, no? In the bundling of the scriptures someone went out of the way to emphasize what they thought was the message of Christ. Meanwhile the true message has been lost through the centuries and we are left with a distorted version of the original meaning.
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New member
Stop denying the Holy Bible as your reference point in your worldview.

Seems you are bent on throwing out scripture even though it was your reference point to begin with!

Get a grip...

Don't tell me what to stop doing. I'm a full grown man. Why don't you quit pointing the finger at me and find the truth within yourself instead? Maybe you wouldn't have to act so obvious about unconsciously projecting your desperate search for self-worth onto other people. Why are you so worried about what I am doing anyway? Go find someone else to worry about.


New member
Don't tell me what to stop doing. I'm a full grown man. Why don't you quit pointing the finger at me and find the truth within yourself instead? Maybe you wouldn't have to act so obvious about unconsciously projecting your desperate search for self-worth onto other people. Why are you so worried about what I am doing anyway? Go find someone else to worry about.

Since you are turning your back on scripture, provide us a specific verse of where you deem it to be incorrect...and elaborate...


New member
Since you are turning your back on scripture, provide us a specific verse of where you deem it to be incorrect...and elaborate...

So now we're resorting to putting words in people's mouths? Nowhere did I once say the scripture was incorrect. If you really want to play that game then provide to me the meaning of "In the beginning...". How can there be a beginning to what is eternal? To what beginning then does this refer? If it's the beginning of creation then we are implying God and creation are separate. Is this not an unconscious desire to separate from God? Own it. You are identified with the father of lies and you don't even know it. That is why there is so much turmoil in your heart. You dare not look inside yourself because you don't think you can handle the guilt and shame that's been piling up in there. We can pretend Jesus is going to take that away but deep inside you know the shame and guilt is still there getting worse. You don't really know how to deal with it because you don't know the soul.

Of course you can't admit any of this to yourself. That would make you wrong, bad and weak. You've got too much pride to face the truth so you go around bothering other people to distract yourself from your lack of self-worth. You really need to quit. Seriously. Go and pray to God to show you your soul and ask for the willingness to accept that it will guide you to His grace. Then maybe we all can make some progress without people like you trying to pull others down because they can't give themselves permission to feel and know and be one with their infinite value. For the sake of humanity God please help this person.
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Eclectic Theosophist
God omnipresent............

God omnipresent............

So now we're resorting to putting words in people's mouths? Nowhere did I once say the scripture was incorrect. If you really want to play that game then provide to me the meaning of "In the beginning...". How can there be a beginning to what is eternal? To what beginning then does this refer? If it's the beginning of creation then we are implying God and creation are separate. Is this not an unconscious desire to separate from God? Own it. You are identified with the father of lies and you don't even know it. That is why there is so much turmoil in your heart. You dare not look inside yourself because you don't think you can handle the guilt and shame that's been piling up in there. We can pretend Jesus is going to take that away but deep inside you know the shame and guilt is still there getting worse. You don't really know how to deal with it because you don't know the soul.

Of course you can't admit any of this to yourself. That would make you wrong, bad and weak. You've got too much pride to face the truth so you go around bothering other people to distract yourself from your lack of self-worth. You really need to quit. Seriously. Go and pray to God to show you your soul and ask for the willingness to accept that it will guide you to His grace. Then maybe we all can make some progress without people like you trying to pull others down because they can't give themselves permission to feel and know and be one with their infinite value. For the sake of humanity God please help this person.

