Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Well-known member
Whatever man; I showed specific verses showing that Christ is the Spirit is GOD; but you want to say I deny Christ and question the very Source of my faith?

No, you haven't shown any such thing, because no verse or combination of verses says any such thing.

In fact, you're attempting to deceive by making such a statement. You're attempting to deceive because your pride will not allow you to admit your error. Therefore, you are LYING. Not mistaken....simply lying. It's all in the motive, you know.


New member
Show how I am lying if what you say is the truth.
No, you haven't shown any such thing, because no verse or combination of verses says any such thing.

In fact, you're attempting to deceive by making such a statement. You're attempting to deceive because your pride will not allow you to admit your error. Therefore, you are LYING. Not mistaken....simply lying. It's all in the motive, you know.

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New member
Well, that's not as bad as your spiritual blindness, but it does make pointing out your errors more difficult.
Explain the errors with theological logic and I will be able to see them just fine.

For real though; I'm guessing the color gets washed out through conversion of format or medium. Hit enter before and after what you would otherwise have colored perhaps. Just a suggestion.

Not too much seems to get your attention either.

Can you tell me what spirit Jesus had as a man?

Can you tell me what spirit the FATHER has?

Can you tell me how many spirits your understanding of the trinity has? And reconcile that with the scriptural description of person which is spirit soul and body; and also reconcile it with GOD being One GOD please.

Please use scripture for your explanations.

These things (if produced), may cause me to question some things.

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Well-known member
Explain the errors with theological logic and I will be able to see them just fine.

No, you won't. You haven't yet, and I see no signs that you ever will.

For real though; I'm guessing the color gets washed out through conversion of format or medium. Hit enter before and after what you would otherwise have colored perhaps. Just a suggestion.

If you can't see the yellow there, I'd suggest you are color blind.

Not too much seems to get your attention either.

All things worthy get my attention.

Can you tell me what spirit Jesus had as a man?

Can you tell me what spirit the FATHER has?

Can you tell me how many spirits your understanding of the trinity has? And reconcile that with the scriptural description of person which is spirit soul and body; and also reconcile it with GOD being One GOD please.

Please use scripture for you explanations.

These things (if produced), may cause me to question some things.

Your questions make it clear you are a carnal man of the flesh...void of any spiritual understanding.

A human being is made up of more than just a body of flesh. You can't see anything but that body of flesh....much less imagine there is anything more to a man than that which you can see with your own eyes. Therefore, when anyone attempts to show you more, you donkey down and your human pride darkens your understanding. Until you are able to humble yourself, you will never be given eyes to see anything spiritual.


New member
Thanks for not even trying to answer any questions all while claiming you are right. If you had a clue then you would correct me without flinching; that you can't shows you are talking out of your butt as usual.
No, you won't. You haven't yet, and I see no signs that you ever will.

If you can't see the yellow there, I'd suggest you are color blind.

All things worthy get my attention.

Your questions make it clear you are a carnal man of the flesh...void of any spiritual understanding.

A human being is made up of more than just a body of flesh. You can't see anything but that body of flesh....much less imagine there is anything more to a man than that which you can see with your own eyes. Therefore, when anyone attempts to show you more, you donkey down and your human pride darkens your understanding. Until you are able to humble yourself, you will never be given eyes to see anything spiritual.

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New member
No, you won't. You haven't yet, and I see no signs that you ever will.

If you can't see the yellow there, I'd suggest you are color blind.

All things worthy get my attention.

Your questions make it clear you are a carnal man of the flesh...void of any spiritual understanding.

A human being is made up of more than just a body of flesh. You can't see anything but that body of flesh....much less imagine there is anything more to a man than that which you can see with your own eyes. Therefore, when anyone attempts to show you more, you donkey down and your human pride darkens your understanding. Until you are able to humble yourself, you will never be given eyes to see anything spiritual.
Tell me if you see the color yellow as opposed to the word yellow.

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Gold Subscriber
Tell me if you see the color yellow as opposed to the word yellow.

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Perhaps you should pay more attention to formatting and not just the color of text.

Pops, it's not that hard to read something and look for the formatting tags, even if the formatting itself doesn't parse.

I use the Tapatalk app as well, and I have absolutely zero issues with using and identifying formatting.

You really need to familiarize yourself with the formatting tags on this page.


New member
I have no issues with it either.

My point was that there was no color yellow in her post, but she wants to call me a liar who can't see.

Let it be a lesson to her.
Perhaps you should pay more attention to formatting and not just the color of text.

Pops, it's not that hard to read something and look for the formatting tags, even if the formatting itself doesn't parse.

I use the Tapatalk app as well, and I have absolutely zero issues with using and identifying formatting.

You really need to familiarize yourself with the formatting tags on this page.

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Last edited:


New member
Maybe you could help her explain away the verses I supplied that she said I hadn't and couldn't and misunderstand.

Perhaps you should pay more attention to formatting and not just the color of text.

Pops, it's not that hard to read something and look for the formatting tags, even if the formatting itself doesn't parse.

I use the Tapatalk app as well, and I have absolutely zero issues with using and identifying formatting.

You really need to familiarize yourself with the formatting tags on this page.

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New member
Explain the errors with theological logic and I will be able to see them just fine.

For real though; I'm guessing the color gets washed out through conversion of format or medium. Hit enter before and after what you would otherwise have colored perhaps. Just a suggestion.

Not too much seems to get your attention either.

Can you tell me what spirit Jesus had as a man?

Can you tell me what spirit the FATHER has?

Can you tell me how many spirits your understanding of the trinity has? And reconcile that with the scriptural description of person which is spirit soul and body; and also reconcile it with GOD being One GOD please.

Please use scripture for your explanations.

These things (if produced), may cause me to question some things.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
No, you won't. You haven't yet, and I see no signs that you ever will.

If you can't see the yellow there, I'd suggest you are color blind.

All things worthy get my attention.

Your questions make it clear you are a carnal man of the flesh...void of any spiritual understanding.

A human being is made up of more than just a body of flesh. You can't see anything but that body of flesh....much less imagine there is anything more to a man than that which you can see with your own eyes. Therefore, when anyone attempts to show you more, you donkey down and your human pride darkens your understanding. Until you are able to humble yourself, you will never be given eyes to see anything spiritual.

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New member
Explain the errors with theological logic and I will be able to see them just fine.

For real though; I'm guessing the color gets washed out through conversion of format or medium. Hit enter before and after what you would otherwise have colored perhaps. Just a suggestion.

Not too much seems to get your attention either.

Can you tell me what spirit Jesus had as a man?

Can you tell me what spirit the FATHER has?

Can you tell me how many spirits your understanding of the trinity has? And reconcile that with the scriptural description of person which is spirit soul and body; and also reconcile it with GOD being One GOD please.

Please use scripture for your explanations.

These things (if produced), may cause me to question some things.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Perhaps you should pay more attention to formatting and not just the color of text.

Pops, it's not that hard to read something and look for the formatting tags, even if the formatting itself doesn't parse.

I use the Tapatalk app as well, and I have absolutely zero issues with using and identifying formatting.

You really need to familiarize yourself with the formatting tags on this page.

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New member
Ephesians 6: 17. And take the helmet of salvation,

and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

: 18. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

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New member
Can you tell me what spirit Jesus had as a man?

The Gospels record for the reader exactly what spirit The Son of Man had at the very point that He committed it back to God, as thus…

Luke 23.46

And having called out with a loud voice, Jesus said, Father, ‘into Your hands (Holy Spirit) I commit My spirit.’ Moreover, having said this, He breathed His last. Psa. 31.5

Luke records yet another Triune declaration as The Son speaks to The Father, as He commits His human spirit into The Holy Spirit (God’s Hands).

This confirms that Jesus’ human spirit was NOT The Holy Spirit – rather, it is the same spirit that was used to give human beings a living soul as described in Gen 2.7.


New member
The Gospels record for the reader exactly what spirit The Son of Man had at the very point that He committed it back to God, as thus…

Luke 23.46

And having called out with a loud voice, Jesus said, Father, ‘into Your hands (Holy Spirit) I commit My spirit.’ Moreover, having said this, He breathed His last. Psa. 31.5

Luke records yet another Triune declaration as The Son speaks to The Father, as He commits His human spirit into The Holy Spirit (God’s Hands).

This confirms that Jesus’ human spirit was NOT The Holy Spirit – rather, it is the same spirit that was used to give human beings a living soul as described in Gen 2.7.

So Jesus wasn't indwelled with the Holy Spirit, or you are just pointing out a supposed distinction between His spirit and the Holy Spirit that was in Him?

Do you believe Mary had the Holy Spirit in her womb and /or own heart? What about Elizabeth?

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New member

So Jesus wasn't indwelled with the Holy Spirit, or you are just pointing out a supposed distinction between His spirit and the Holy Spirit that was in Him?

Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit after being anointed at His Triune Baptism.

There would be need for Jesus to commit His spirit to The Holy Spirit, if it was already The Holy Spirit to begin with.

Do you believe Mary had the Holy Spirit in her womb and /or own heart? What about Elizabeth?

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And Zechariah, etc, as stated clearly in scripture...


New member
Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit after being anointed at His Triune Baptism.

There would be need for Jesus to commit His spirit to The Holy Spirit, if it was already The Holy Spirit to begin with.

And Zechariah, etc, as stated clearly in scripture...
So He had the Spirit upon baptism to you, but that wasn't His Spirit or the Spirit of GOD? If He was conceived of the Holy Spirit then He had IT within Him from conception. It is odd to me how you can admit that He submitted wholly to GOD, but at the same time you claim He was GOD almighty as man. Or do you not think he was the fullness of GOD as man? Or that His status changed upon ascention?

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