Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


New member
You want so badly for The Father to be The Holy Spirit...but, you can't produce even ONE verse stating that He is.

You want so badly for The Son to be The Holy Spirit...but, you can't produce even ONE verse stating that He is. cannabis legal in your state?
Nice redirect.

I find it telling that you outright refuse to attempt to answer anything I ask.

What does cannabis have to do with anything?

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New member
The other part of your post was unsubstantiated Idiocracy; kinda hard to respond to things that are made up and have no basis in reality.
I gave you three possible items with which to reply to.....and you chose cannabis!:rotfl:

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New member
Show you your own illogic and assumption.

Okay; I never said the father is the son is the Spirit; nor do I care if anyone thinks that, and I don't believe that.

The Spirit is of GOD.

The physical manifestation is of GOD.

The Word is of GOD.

yet that doesn't make the Word that came from GOD wholly co-eternal or coequal with GOD, but first of HIS creation, and what all other existence was formed through by GOD.

I focus on the Spirit because IT is the Spirit that guides us. I don't focus of the body of Christ because It is temporal.
no physical man affected me to cause my beIief; I was affected by the Spirit of GOD.

The subsidiary nature of Jesus is shown all throughout scripture, but trinitarianism claims the begotten is HE whom begat; but you want to sit here and claim I am the one guilty of some strange additions to GOD.

how many spirits would three sperate persons have according to the scriptural understanding of what a person is comprised of?

Show us...

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Show you your own illogic and assumption.

Okay; I never said the father is the son is the Spirit; nor do I care if anyone thinks that, and I don't believe that.

The Spirit is of GOD.

The physical manifestation is of GOD.

The Word is of GOD.

yet that doesn't make the Word that came from GOD wholly co-eternal or coequal with GOD, but first of HIS creation, and what all other existence was formed through by GOD.

I focus on the Spirit because IT is the Spirit that guides us. I don't focus of the body of Christ because It is temporal.
no physical man affected me to cause my beIief; I was affected by the Spirit of GOD.

The subsidiary nature of Jesus is shown all throughout scripture, but trinitarianism claims the begotten is HE whom begat; but you want to sit here and claim I am the one guilty of some strange additions to GOD.

how many spirits would three sperate persons have according to the scriptural understanding of what a person is comprised of?

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Attributing to God the qualities only man has has always been your issue when it comes to the Trinity. It's also blasphemy.

Stop trying to make God a man, and try to understand the difference between the following.

Man, person.
One WHAT, one WHO.

God, Persons.
One WHAT, Three WHOs.

God is not a man, "One WHAT, One WHO."

God is God, "One WHAT, Three WHOs."

Man is a person. Therefore his Creator is MORE THAN a person. "Let US make man in OUR (PLURAL adjective) IMAGE (SINGULAR noun)."


New member
Sure buddy....whatever helps you sleep at night.
Attributing to God the qualities only man has has always been your issue when it comes to the Trinity. It's also blasphemy.

Stop trying to make God a man, and try to understand the difference between the following.

Man, person.
One WHAT, one WHO.

God, Persons.
One WHAT, Three WHOs.

God is not a man, "One WHAT, One WHO."

God is God, "One WHAT, Three WHOs."

Man is a person. Therefore his Creator is MORE THAN a person. "Let US make man in OUR (PLURAL adjective) IMAGE (SINGULAR noun)."

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New member
1 Corinthians 6: 16. Or do you not know that a man who has to do with a prostitute is one with her in body? For God says, <"The two shall become one."> 17. But he who is in union with the Master is one with Him in spirit. 19. Or do you not know that your bodies are a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is within you--the Spirit whom you have from God? 20. And you are not your own, for you have been redeemed at infinite cost. Therefore glorify God in your bodies.

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New member
I focus on the Spirit because IT is the Spirit that guides us. I don't focus of the body of Christ because It is temporal.
no physical man affected me to cause my beIief; I was affected by the Spirit of GOD.

Who gave you the Spirit of God?

We already showed you that Jesus gives the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, since you reject Jesus, what 'spirit' do you think that you really have?


New member
how many spirits would three sperate persons have according to the scriptural understanding of what a person is comprised of?

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Why speculate?

What does scripture say?

We have been waiting, patiently, for six weeks, for you to bring forth (even one) scripture which states that The Father IS The Holy Spirit.

Keep running.....:dog:


New member
Whatever man; I showed specific verses showing that Christ is the Spirit is GOD; but you want to say I deny Christ and question the very Source of my faith?

I've been waiting for you to tell me what Spirit GOD the FATHER has if not the Holy Spirit; and to Jesus; if it wasn't the same Holy Spirit of GOD that filled His vessel then what Spirit was it?

You think you're slick.....only those who want to be in the dark will remain there.

Why speculate?

What does scripture say?

We have been waiting, patiently, for six weeks, for you to bring forth (even one) scripture which states that The Father IS The Holy Spirit.

Keep running.....:dog:

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