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IMO, I fear the notion that Adam sinned out of love for Eve, will lead to an eventual denial of Romans 5:12; of Federalism; of the doctrines of Original Sin and Divine Imputation of Sin; Spiritual Death, and Total Depravity, etc. etc.
Without addressing at length, the Augustinian-derived variants of this multi-point area of doctrine have issues relative to what I'd best describe as sequence; and it leads to many falsities in the attempt to address sin onset and its assignment of "blame".
Sin is hamartia, from ameros ("a" and "meros; "no" and "share or part".). The missing share or part isn't really a "something", but a "somethinglessness". There's almost universal misunderstanding of what sin is in all the grammatical forms and their source.
What's missing as the share or part (hamartia) is that the foundation for the ultimate inward conduct of the heart and any resulting outward conduct as actions are according to another standard that is not God's dikeosune (righteousness); that being from hearing another rhema for another faith that hypostatically changes both the prosopon and the physis of the ousia (the prosopon "having the hypostasis, while the hypostasis underlies the ousia/physis and determines its qualitative existence).
Sin is the inner and outer conduct that the codified distribution of God's standard of righteousness (law) imputes as the condition of the sinner. The source of all conduct is hearing rhema to have logos as thought and expression for all action. The very foundation FOR sin is false rhema by a flase logos (from the father of lies). This source is communal.
Someone in an inherent place of communion through spiritual life could not sin. Spiritual death must preceed even temptation for sin onset as "the missing share or part". No one in spiritual communion could "miss the mark" without the communion being abrogated first. But it means understanding thanatos (death) functionally as "cessation of communion with environment of origin" (body from dust, spirit from God's Breath/Spirit).
The inevitable result of spiritual cessation of communion is sin as another standard of righteousness in conduct from hearing whatever rhema replaces God's. Romans 5 is not in any jeopardy whatsover of Pelagianistic application for all have sinned, but there's no sin imputed where there is no law. The law requires competency of volitional sentience for imputation OR repentance out of faith. (The unborn and incompetent children aren't to burn in the lake of fire.)
We're conceived in spiritual death, unable to EVER commune with God in our inwardly-functional human spirit that MUST be resurrected from within. Its faculties are still intact and it provides us the physical/soulical breath of life, but it isn't conjoined to the Holy Spirit unless we're born again.
Man can thus never initiate or effect his own salvation; but we're not conceived in sin. Each living human is accountable for his own spiritual death and sin. In Adam all DIED, not all sinned. Death passed upon all men, not sin. The sting of death is sin, not vice versa.
This script-flip is from Augustine's misreading in ignorance of Psalm 51:5 and assembling other alleged proof-texts, not knowing the para-biblical historical truth of David's parents Jesse and Nitzevet. Nitzevet was verbally put away by Jesse while remaining in the household, snd it was because of his confused piety regarding Boaz and Ruth.
With Jesse arranging to do an Abraham and Hagar, the intended handmaiden knew Nitzevet's pain and strong faith. Nitzevet quietly took the handmaiden's place in Jesse's chambers, and she conceived David while being presumed and adultress.
She spent David's early life in the silence of faith, with the wrongful stigma of an adultress as David was considered a bastard. This is the reason for the timbre of many of David's pslams; and why he was assigned the dirty job of tending the sheep, and wasn't initally present at Samuel's visit to annoint the new king.
Building a doctrine of original sin (which originated in the heavenly rebellion) based on a solo hermeneuticslly misinterpreted passage with no other direct references is as fallacious as Augustine's own tortured lust being the impetus fro finding a way to find federal blame for his own sowing and reaping. And now it's so engrained, nobody dares challenge the doctrine for fear of being labeled a Semi-/Full Pelagian.
Everything else you named follows the same pattern of misunderstanding and misrepresentation, and leads to endless binaries of false partial rhema on either side of the truth. In this manner, most dichotomies of doctrine are some measure of sin themselves. That should be sobering, and the only answer is reconciliation rather than migrating to one side (and without relativism, pluralism, or subjectivism).
Adam rebelled and disobyed God's Law and Commands. He exhibited no love toward Eve nor faith in God, by his actions. The horror of Adam's crime, is that it affected his wife with death, instead of protecting her as he should have, by heeding God's warnings, and so correcting her.
How would he ever sin in perfect communion without that communion first being abrogated as spiritual death by diverting communion to hear another rhema for a false faith that altered their very underlying substantial reality of existence (hypostasis), along with their nature and their (now-naked) prosopon?
Spiritual death > Sin > Physical death
And Adam brought death to all their seed.
Right. Not sin. Because of conception in spiritual death, each human sins; the wages for which is physical death. Jesus spiritually died on the cross while He yet physically lived. He ceased spiritual communion and cried out. He spiritually died as He was made the quality of sin for us, then He laid down His physical life in consummation of our entire redemption.
That is not sacrificial love. That is ungodly sin.
The two Adam's are not to be compared, but to be contrasted. . .
The first is most definitely a type for the latter as the anti-type.
Adam could not have sinned in spiritual communion of life by the Holy Spirit, else we have an Arminian or Pelagian will involved that is greater than God's own. But all the intimate and intricate exegetical details of Theology Proper and Cosmogony, etc. have to be in place to recognize it all. That begins with distinguishing eternity and created sempiternity, and the latter's initial tangibility from temporality's tangibility.
Without knowing God's Rhema IS His (singular) transcendent hypostasis and the distinctions between phenomenological, noumenological, reo-phenomenal, and nouo-phenomenal existence none of it can ever be put together without the layers of paradoxical false mystery of alleged Orthodoxy in these areas.
The Patristics missed ONE thing, and there's an attendant mini-cascade of necessary reconciliation to correct it AND reconcile everything else then and since. Everything. There's nothing new under the sun.
It begins with Rhema and knowing that God LOOKS like three hypostases in sempiternity, but the economy of the created sempiternity has never been accounted for, though assumed and declared by all (including the anathemas). They all began post-procession and post-creation to account for procession and creation.
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