Yes! Can there be a greater destruction for the eternal soul of man than hell itself, destruction that never ends? The fact that the spirit of man, upon his death, returns to God "Who gave it" and the body decays, does not mean the "God breathed creation", "eternal" substance of the soul, can ever die. According to common understanding the soul is our personality and inasmuch as God has a Soul that cannot die, man's soul, "being God breathed", cannot die. In that understanding lies the truth of us being "gods" insofar as God has made us in His image, independent of Himself but wants surrendered to Him, Adam being the first test. Hence, we can see that the soul which does not surrender himself to God, dies. There is no life as God has purposed for man to come into, outside Himself. He is "The Way, The Truth, AND THE LIFE".
Therefore the death spoken of by God does NOT mean "Living in Separation from God".
If you have understood what I was trying to say above then you can see to understand what both Jesus and Eze. were saying.
The baloney that "death doesn't really mean death but rather separation from God" must end. It is not true, nor can it be supported from the Bible.
WHY! God was, is, and ever will be, ETERNAL LOVE! Only LOVE can create!
I seriously doubt anyone can imagine what the experience must be like for the one who is placed into an existence of the extreme
absolute separation of His LOVE. Do you believe mere physical death and decay would be worse???
Haven't you ever read the account of the "Rich man and Lazarus"? Luke 16:22-31 KJV.