ECT Adam and death

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New member
No, but I know his Gospel (entrusted to him by God) in intimate and explicit detail instead of being ignorant of Satan's devices (noema - concepts of the mind) that have consumed most who are just guessing according to their frail indoctrination, etc.

You might want to focus on explaining Adam's alleged pre-sin "vanity" instead of focusing your puffed-up gnosis knowledge at God's epignosis knowledge in me that CAN'T be puffed up because it's that in which love (which isn't puffed up) abounds as love works faith underlying hope.
ROFLM-O!!! . . . :loser:


TOL Subscriber
ROFLM-O!!! . . . :loser:

Wow, what an evasive tactic instead of a cogent response about your declaration of Adam's alleged pre-sin "vanity".

Poor Adam, in his pre-sin sin of "vanity"; and you impugning both God and His creation as tov (good).

Subtle Dualism. Congratulations, Captain Babylon. Ruh-roh. Try again... again.

Cross Reference

New member
Wow, what an evasive tactic instead of a cogent response about your declaration of Adam's alleged pre-sin "vanity".

Poor Adam, in his pre-sin sin of "vanity"; and you impugning both God and His creation as tov (good).

Subtle Dualism. Congratulations, Captain Babylon.

I have no interest in this with you except to laugh at you. You are living proof-example that knowledge does indeed, "puff up". Two or more of you trying to out do each other makes for an entertaining sideshow __ but nothing more.


New member
I have no interest in this with you except to laugh at you. You are living proof-example that knowledge does indeed, "puff up". Two or more of you trying to out do each other makes for an entertaining sideshow __ but nothing more.

I've got some facts for you.

I left school at the age of 13 years unable to put a sentence together. The next 30 years were spent in a drug and alcohol induced haze that killed a lot of my friends.
My ''education'' began at 10:35am on July 17th 1999 and anything I now know was given to me. I have not laboured and I can say without fear of contradiction that have have received all that I have.


TOL Subscriber
I have no interest in this with you except to laugh at you. You are living proof-example that knowledge does indeed, "puff up". Two or more of you trying to out do each other makes for an entertaining sideshow __ but nothing more.

Epignosis knowledge (mine) isn't and can't be puffed up, since love isn't puffed up and abounds in epignosis (which is a synonym for faith). And love works faith, which underlies hope.

It's your gnosis knowledge puffing up. You just can't "know" that. It's sad, but it's an epidemic.

And I notice you didn't tell us (in your puffed up gnosis) about Adam's alleged pre-sin sin of "vanity" from your ancient Mesopotamian Dualism form of alleged Christianity.


TOL Subscriber
ditto my last LOL!!!!

Of course. That's all you can say after being outed for your Dualism of Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity".

That's what your puffed up gnosis knowledge must do when faced with epignosis knowledge abounding from love as it works faith.

You should probably keep evading, avoiding, dodging, and shucking and jiving. Otherwise you'd have to addresss Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity" and your Dualism.

Cross Reference

New member
Of course. That's all you can say after being outed for your Dualism of Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity".

That's what your puffed up gnosis knowledge must do when faced with epignosis knowledge abounding from love as it works faith.

You should probably keep evading, avoiding, dodging, and shucking and jiving. Otherwise you'd have to addresss Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity" and your Dualism.

Then why not leave it alone, :yoshi:? LOL!!
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TOL Subscriber
Then why not leave it alone, :yoshi:? LOL!!

Amazing. I respond in agreement to someone else, to which you respond in typical puffed up fashion; then further responding with your Dualism of Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity", and arrogantly accusing others of arrogance.

Now the suggestion that I should just leave it alone when you've been exposed after parading your pseudo-faith as if you're the final arbitrage for truth with your adamant ignorance.

Why not just tell us about Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity"? Or recant and admit you're either clueless or a full-on Dualist, and just wanted to demonstrate your arrogant ignorance while accusing others.

Yeah, we'll hold our collective breath for your humility and inquiry for truth instead of your concepts as Satan's devices.


New member
Certainly through Adam, sin and death entered the world. The embodiment of Satan is found in Cain, and he killed Abel... it's just that Adam wasn't Cain's father (Genesis 3:14 KJV, Genesis 3:15 KJV). Adam was a co-conspirator, so to speak, but Eve was beguiled having a womb, a portal between the spirit world and the flesh. There were two "Adam knew Eve's" (Genesis 4:1, 25), but three sons, Cain, Abel, and Seth. Since Eve was the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20), and not Adam the father of all living... then where's that mysteriously missing third "Adam knew Eve"? Repentant mother Eve, who oughta know, said God appointed the seed of Abel and Seth (Genesis 4:25 KJV). Then, who appointed the seed of Cain? I might direct your attention to Genesis 3:14 KJV, and Genesis 3:15 KJV.

Therefore, through Adam, sin and death entered the world: Satan was embodied in the flesh of Cain, and Cain killed Abel.

Just thought I'd toss a different angle on the table to be mocked, LOL! But... the notion does have an inkling of merit to this false prophet, ROFLOL!


Cross Reference

New member
Amazing. I respond in agreement to someone else, to which you respond in typical puffed up fashion; then further responding with your Dualism of Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity", and arrogantly accusing others of arrogance.

Now the suggestion that I should just leave it alone when you've been exposed after parading your pseudo-faith as if you're the final arbitrage for truth with your adamant ignorance.

Why not just tell us about Adam's pre-sin sin of "vanity"? Or recant and admit you're either clueless or a full-on Dualist, and just wanted to demonstrate your arrogant ignorance while accusing others.

Yeah, we'll hold our collective breath for your humility and inquiry for truth instead of your concepts as Satan's devices.

<unbelievable> You sure do take your self seriously. How come?


TOL Subscriber
<unbelievable> You sure do take your self seriously. How come?

Way to keep deflecting to make everything about someone else instead of your own wretched arrogant contentious accusational heart of Satan's devices.

Nothing yet from you about your Dualism of Adam's alleged pre-sin sin of "vanity"; insinuating God is vain because Adam was in His image.

You novices as unintentional heretics should ask and listen instead of showing your puffed up gnosis as self-love.


TOL Subscriber
IMO, I fear the notion that Adam sinned out of love for Eve, will lead to an eventual denial of Romans 5:12; of Federalism; of the doctrines of Original Sin and Divine Imputation of Sin; Spiritual Death, and Total Depravity, etc. etc.

Adam rebelled and disobyed God's Law and Commands. He exhibited no love toward Eve nor faith in God, by his actions. The horror of Adam's crime, is that it affected his wife with death, instead of protecting her as he should have, by heeding God's warnings, and so correcting her.

And Adam brought death to all their seed.

That is not sacrificial love. That is ungodly sin.

The two Adam's are not to be compared, but to be contrasted. . .


TOL Subscriber
Certainly through Adam, sin and death entered the world. The embodiment of Satan is found in Cain, and he killed Abel... it's just that Adam wasn't Cain's father (Genesis 3:14 KJV, Genesis 3:15 KJV). Adam was a co-conspirator, so to speak, but Eve was beguiled having a womb, a portal between the spirit world and the flesh. There were two "Adam knew Eve's" (Genesis 4:1, 25), but three sons, Cain, Abel, and Seth. Since Eve was the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20), and not Adam the father of all living... then where's that mysteriously missing third "Adam knew Eve"? Repentant mother Eve, who oughta know, said God appointed the seed of Abel and Seth (Genesis 4:25 KJV). Then, who appointed the seed of Cain? I might direct your attention to Genesis 3:14 KJV, and Genesis 3:15 KJV.

Therefore, through Adam, sin and death entered the world: Satan was embodied in the flesh of Cain, and Cain killed Abel.

Just thought I'd toss a different angle on the table to be mocked, LOL! But... the notion does have an inkling of merit to this false prophet, ROFLOL!


There could have been generations between these three sons and many more sons conceived by A&E than who are recorded in the genealogies.

I do not believe Eve conceived any literal seed from Satan. Angels do not reproduce bodily/genetically.

Cross Reference

New member
There could have been generations between these three sons and many more sons conceived by A&E than who are recorded in the genealogies.

I do not believe Eve conceived any literal seed from Satan. Angels do not reproduce bodily/genetically.

It's about time you started to catch on.

Cross Reference

New member
IMO, I fear the notion that Adam sinned out of love for Eve, will lead to an eventual denial of Romans 5:12; of Federalism; of the doctrines of Original Sin and Divine Imputation of Sin; Spiritual Death, and Total Depravity, etc. etc.

Adam rebelled and disobyed God's Law and Commands. He exhibited no love toward Eve nor faith in God, by his actions. The horror of Adam's crime, is that it affected his wife with death, instead of protecting her as he should have, by heeding God's warnings, and so correcting her.

And Adam brought death to all their seed.

That is not sacrificial love. That is ungodly sin.

The two Adam's are not to be compared, but to be contrasted. . .

W0W! There might be hope for you after all!

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Was there any such thing as death before the fall?

Paul reveals....No. The creation suffered because of Adam listening to his wife instead of God.

20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.