ECT Adam and death

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I have read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, and it does not say that death is separation.

While everything Jesus generally taught was in parable form, perhaps it is time you read this 'one' as an account, a story about an actual happening. Why? Because it speaks of Abraham's Bosom, the abode of the dead, paradise before it was raised to be where God is, where Paul was caught up to and could not express with words. Because Jesus names names, puts faces on the characters of the story. IOW's, it is NOT a parable.

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New member
quote]Nothing you posted proves that death is not death but eternal life being separated from God. Not being destroyed is actually not destruction at all. Eternal nondestruction in hell is not destruction.

Jesus Christ told us to fear the one who can destroy the soul, therefore the soul can be destroyed. I stand on His words.

It does if you can bring yourself to believe it is destruction that never ends. Pain that NEVER quits!

Why not try seeing yourself somewhere where love isn't? Perhaps might take a different approach to caring for even that tree in in your backyard.

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New member
All post-fall types of God's grace.

Almost there with that.

They were examples of what God was looking for in man.

His sin notwithstanding, it is written that God said David was a man after His own heart.
All one has it do is review David's life to see how it was that God should say that about Him and, that because of his contrite human disposition not motivated by the Holy Spirit beyond that which was written, be the one the "human Jesus" would be 'modeled after, would "stem" from that by His obedience would fulfill all prophecy that would place the very "Word of the Godhead", upon David's throne in Divine Human Flesh.

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New member
This was the inversion of their souls being in ascendency by their spirits dying (ceasing communion with environment of origin) and being "buried" within them subject to the soul (and the Holy Spirit lifting from them).

The self-awareness was always present, but subjugated in obedience to the preeminence of vertical divine didactic communion. The inversion occurred as Eve (according to horizontal non-divine dialectic communion/communication) briefly pondered the temptation, fully consummated by the physical act and taking the object OF sin into her members.

It was similar and immediately subsequent for Adam, but willful rather than by being deceived.

LOL!! I like to be a fly on the wall to hear you explain it all that way to a hungry soul on the street just looking for God because he has come to the end of his wits__ just to see his reaction.


TOL Subscriber
LOL!! I like to be a fly on the wall to hear you explain it all that way to a hungry soul on the street just looking for God because he has come to the end of his wits__ just to see his reaction.

I'd be led of the Spirit to tailor the message to the venue and need of the moment, whatever it would be. And all while you're a fly... on a wall... doing nothing but indulging your own concepts that are devices of Satan.

Whatever I said, it wouldn't be any hint of Dualism about Adam's alleged pre-sin sin of "vanity".

So backatcha. One could only image your truthless powerless response to such a person "at the end of their wits" when you are, too; theologically.

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New member
Sorry . . what I meant to convey was Adam's sin which he committed within his pre-fall condition and first estate of being . . . which was innocence.

Speaking to the snake and listening to his wife, was not a sin. There was NO sin until he acted. What influenced him the most and why?, was the reason he acted "sinfully"..
A fair point - and one that I think implies either a realm of existence we can't (directly) relate to - or an inevitability that any parent certainly can relate to. Tell a child "No" and eventually curiosity gets the better of them some time....

That about sums it up, and it's sure there's a realm of existence we can barely relate to,

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

The Creator is infinite, is awesome enormous, with limitless power we can only call supernatural. Our total human knowledge is a drop in the bucket. God is not the creature, born to a few years of vanity in this world, many who write textbooks so wrong in all things to make their beds in hell, without their Nobel Prize. Like Adam, think of Babel, how people instantly learned another language: there's a language course that would sell like hot cakes on the radio, at any price!

You really need to watch out for people who deny or disregard the power of God. It's vain and arrogant man's way to stuff God in a box, and gross error. You see all these conversations, even among Christians, where the Bible is in part mythological, not supernatural, rather an allegory and such, injecting the Darwinian lies into truth. How can a person accept one miracle, then deny another? Deny any miracle, then accept another? We're really quite primitive, to be evaluating what the Creator of the universe can or can't do. We live in perilous times,

2 Timothy 3

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

I wonder how anybody, with a proper understanding of God, isn't humbled into the dust.
That is what the temptation of man is intended to reveal, isn't it?

Well, you tell me what God intended, as I'm short of answers to speak for Him. (Somehow wasn't baptized into omniscience when I got my TOL user ID.)

Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Here's what I do know,

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

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New member
Well, you tell me what God intended, as I'm short of answers to speak for Him. (Somehow wasn't baptized into omniscience when I got my TOL user ID.)

Well don't get disheartened. It isn't difficult when you read the Bible to discover the ways of God available to all who love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Put this one word in your spiritual memory bank: "Allegiance". It covers the full "intent" of what God is after from humankind. Remember it when studying the lives of Adam, Abraham, David and ___ Jesus.
Well, I wasn't baptized into omniscience when I got my TOL user ID so I wouldn't know about your mental disposition. Perhaps I had I known I would have chosen a more simple word.

How disappointing. Here you admonish my weak heart condition, then turn around, deny your omniscience, even go on to say you don't really know about my mental condition. The only thing left is to hang myself, that is if you can't find more simple words I can relate to.

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New member
How disappointing. Here you admonish my weak heart condition, then turn around, deny your omniscience, even go on to say you don't really know about my mental condition. The only thing left is to hang myself, that is if you can't find more simple words I can relate to.

If "allegiance" to God isn't what you believe He is looking for, I feel sorry for you. You've been wasting your time studying His word.


New member
While everything Jesus generally taught was in parable form, perhaps it is time you read this 'one' as an account, a story about an actual happening. Why? Because it speaks of Abraham's Bosom, the abode of the dead, paradise before it was raised to be where God is, where Paul was caught up to and could not express with words. Because Jesus names names, puts faces on the characters of the story. IOW's, it is NOT a parable.

I believe it is a parable. But whether it is a parable or not, it doesn't prove that death doesn't mean death. You will have to have better proof if you expect me to believe that death really means the exact opposite of death, okay?
Think of it this way, Believers are promised eternal life, correct?
If EVERYONE actually receives eternal life, where is the promise to believers?


New member
It does if you can bring yourself to believe it is destruction that never ends. Pain that NEVER quits!

Why not try seeing yourself somewhere where love isn't? Perhaps might take a different approach to caring for even that tree in in your backyard.

Not being destroyed is actually the complete opposite of being destroyed. Eternal nondestruction in hell is the opposite of destruction, and Jesus Christ said that the soul will be destroyed in Gehenna. If you are correct, and the soul is not destroyed in hell, then Jesus Christ lied. You are mistaken.


Literal lunatic
Then learn the word "allegiance" because that is what pulled Jesus through His temptation experience when the manifest presence of God was nowhere to be found.

Not allegiance, but faith and love.

Jesus believed God would raise Him from the dead.

He despised the contradiction against himself, and looked forward to the glory promised for himself and all those the Father would give him.

Jesus loved all men.

It was His love for us and faith in Our God that pulled him through buddy.