Yes (bolded), and it seems that few understand this.
But its so obvious. What possible, other explanation could there be?
Yes (bolded), and it seems that few understand this.
But its so obvious. What possible, other explanation could there be?
Given your endless meaningless verbosity __ and in Greek to boot, that You don't even understand, you probably correct..
But its so obvious. What possible, other explanation could there be?
Yeah, blame me for your vain reprobation and inability to comprehend anything spiritual with a renewed mind.
But its so obvious. What possible, other explanation could there be?
Funny how this argument is void when brought against you but valid when you want it to be
''For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath''.
O-o-o-shut up! You are a bore.
Why not come right out and say you don't know how Adam could have possibly blamed Eve since he loved her so much as being the reason for his failure? Your intellectual PRIDE is what I see gets in your way as the reason you can't __ and then have the audacity to accuse me.
If they understood the depth of the Greek meaning of transgression, maybe they'd have some idea what it means when applied to Eve relative to the Genesis 3 narrative of her convo with snake-breath.
If I boast then I boast in my Saviour and His purchase of redemption and the sending of the Holy Spirit who leads the heirs of salvation into all truth.
This particular boast is complete, but never ending....Halalu Yah.
Try again, Demas.
Uh __ another one. Misery must love company in this, their brainlessness.
You may believe Jesus is your savior but you don't read like He is your Lord.
Just run this past you if you don't mind.
In relation to what you have said it links with the correct transliteration of the name of the mother of Messiah being Miryam which means Rebellious. I going to check out
LOL!! And I guess you believe you are Paul, eh?? LOL!!! what childish arrogance!
I would be very, very careful about the language you use. Brainless or hollow/empty head is the root meaning of the Hebrew 'fool' and you really do put yourself in danger of the fire of Sheol.
Your prior ignorance will be taken into consideration I'm sure, but now you are aware so be careful.....if you trust the promises and threatenings of scripture that is, if not enjoy, while you are still in the land of the living.