7th Grade Students Required to Write 'Allah Is the Only God' in Tennessee


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Hall of Fame
From the principle and teacher asked (from the op link)

"I spoke with the teacher and the principal. They are not going to learn any other religion, doctrines or creeds and they are not going back over this chapter. Even though they discuss Christianity a little bit during the Middle Ages, they are not ever going to have this basis for Judaism or Christianity later."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The class is world history, not world religion. There is no need to teach the ins and out of each religion and complete beliefs as well as creeds in order to teach history especially to 7th graders.

Religious aspects should be limited, and certainly not include writing conversion creeds.

World history and religion often intertwine, for obvious reasons; culture being to the forefront I would say. I'd agree there's no need to teach the innermost details to seventh graders but I'd have zero problem with their being aware of the different belief systems there are out in the world as it's going to be apparent to them someday.

I'm presuming you'd be limiting any sort of 'conversion creed' per written word to Christianity for kids as well then?


New member
Hall of Fame
World history and religion often intertwine, for obvious reasons; culture being to the forefront I would say. I'd agree there's no need to teach the innermost details to seventh graders but I'd have zero problem with their being aware of the different belief systems there are out in the world as it's going to be apparent to them someday.

I'm presuming you'd be limiting any sort of 'conversion creed' per written word to Christianity for kids as well then?

Of course.


I just have, though to put it as bluntly and clearly as I can;

No child should be forced to 'study' or write out any religious text in school IMO. Seems to be the case that children aren't forced to do so here either.

And the religion of secular humanism? (You know, being taught to put condoms on cucumbers and really important things like that).


The Christian religion is superior to any other and is nothing to be ashamed of when teaching it's doctrine to children.


New member
my bad - i should have defined my terms

"fags" refers to those homosexuals who push for societal acceptance of their perversion

it does not refer to those who struggle with perverted feelings and urges and recognize that they are disgusting and perverted

All humans struggle with something, ok doser, and all humans are in desperate need of God's salvation.

God even loves those who push for societal acceptance of their perversion.

God in His infinite mercy ran after me and caught up with me and offered me His salvation and I will forever be thankful to Him for being so good to me all the time.

I try, as best as I can, to share His love for me with others at every opportunity that presents itself.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And the religion of secular humanism? (You know, being taught to put condoms on cucumbers and really important things like that).


The Christian religion is superior to any other and is nothing to be ashamed of when teaching it's doctrine to children.

Er, yeah aCW. Why does it not surprise me that you would search out cucumbers and condoms?

Let alone equate it with 'secular humanism'?



Er, yeah aCW. Why does it not surprise me that you would search out cucumbers and condoms?

Let alone equate it with 'secular humanism'?


Tell me what part of Christian doctrine is showing school children how to put a condom on a cucumber especially when they don't teach moral responsibilities (i.e. that sex outside of marriage is wrong) with it?

Don't be ashamed of the "religion" that you endorse Art. Secular humanism has brought great things to mankind:

Pain, misery, death.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tell me what part of Christian doctrine is showing school children how to put a condom on a cucumber especially when they don't teach moral responsibilities (i.e. that sex outside of marriage is wrong) with it?

Don't be ashamed of the "religion" that you endorse Art. Secular humanism has brought great things to mankind:

Pain, misery, death.

I doubt it would have particularly occurred to anyone, Christian, secularist or otherwise to bring up cucumbers and condoms aCW, so just put that one at your own door ok?

Get out more dude.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell me what part of Christian doctrine is showing school children how to put a condom on a cucumber especially when they don't teach moral responsibilities (i.e. that sex outside of marriage is wrong) with it?

Don't be ashamed of the "religion" that you endorse Art. Secular humanism has brought great things to mankind:

Pain, misery, death.

I doubt it would have particularly occurred to anyone, Christian, secularist or otherwise to bring up cucumbers and condoms aCW, so just put that one at your own door ok?

Get out more dude.

The subject of the thread deals with the politically correct things that are being taught in America's public school system. Since the religions of Islam and secular humanism have so very much in common (they both HATE Judeo/Christian doctrine with a passion) I felt obligated to share some of "teachings" of secular humanist dogma.

patrick jane

Tell me what part of Christian doctrine is showing school children how to put a condom on a cucumber especially when they don't teach moral responsibilities (i.e. that sex outside of marriage is wrong) with it?

Don't be ashamed of the "religion" that you endorse Art. Secular humanism has brought great things to mankind:

Pain, misery, death.

is it better to tell them nothing ?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The subject of the thread deals with the politically correct things that are being taught in America's public school system. Since the religions of Islam and secular humanism have so very much in common (they both HATE Judeo/Christian doctrine with a passion) I felt obligated to share some of "teachings" of secular humanist dogma.

Oh get a brain or borrow one for a bit...


The Horn

The purpose of sex education in schools is to try to PREVENT teenage pregnancies and prevent kids from getting STDs . These are appallingly widespread among youngsters .
Abstinence only has been a dismal failure and and has been disastrously counterproductive .
Public schools are supposed to be places for TEACHING, not preaching . They have absolutely no right to try to indoctrinate kids in any religion , whether Christianity , Islam, or what have you .
Now that America has become the most religiously diverse nation on earth , there are now more kids in schools than ever whose parents are not Christian . You cannot demand that kids whose parents are Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other faiths be subject to CHRISTIAN prayer and Bible readings etc .
It's the job of parents to provide religious education for their kids
by taking them to church , synagogue or mosques etc , and atheist and agnostic parents have the right to bring their children up as they choose .
You can pray all you want in church and at home if you are a Christian ; no one is stopping you . But don't demand that ALL kids in school be subject to YOUR religion .
Teaching kids ABOUT Islam is NOT "indoctrination ".
Nor is teaching kids that gay people should be treated decently and not subject to bullying and discrimination trying to "recruit " kids into homosexuality , because this is impossible anyway .


The purpose of sex education in schools is to try to PREVENT teenage pregnancies and prevent kids from getting STDs . These are appallingly widespread among youngsters .
Abstinence only has been a dismal failure and and has been disastrously counterproductive .
Public schools are supposed to be places for TEACHING, not preaching . They have absolutely no right to try to indoctrinate kids in any religion , whether Christianity , Islam, or what have you .
Now that America has become the most religiously diverse nation on earth , there are now more kids in schools than ever whose parents are not Christian . You cannot demand that kids whose parents are Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other faiths be subject to CHRISTIAN prayer and Bible readings etc .
It's the job of parents to provide religious education for their kids
by taking them to church , synagogue or mosques etc , and atheist and agnostic parents have the right to bring their children up as they choose .
You can pray all you want in church and at home if you are a Christian ; no one is stopping you . But don't demand that ALL kids in school be subject to YOUR religion .
Teaching kids ABOUT Islam is NOT "indoctrination ".
Nor is teaching kids that gay people should be treated decently and not subject to bullying and discrimination trying to "recruit " kids into homosexuality , because this is impossible anyway .

Living proof that secular humanism and Islam are devout allies.


Kinda like saying apples are oranges and want to mate with each other...


If apples and oranges both had a deep seated HATRED of Judeo/Christian doctrine, your attempt at an analogy might have made sense.

Speaking of fruits: The false prophet Muhammad and many of the "pioneers" of the LGBTQueer movement both had something in common:

The love of children.




like marbles on glass
The purpose of sex education in schools is to try to PREVENT teenage pregnancies and prevent kids from getting STDs . These are appallingly widespread among youngsters .
Abstinence only has been a dismal failure and and has been disastrously counterproductive .
Public schools are supposed to be places for TEACHING, not preaching . They have absolutely no right to try to indoctrinate kids in any religion , whether Christianity , Islam, or what have you .
Now that America has become the most religiously diverse nation on earth , there are now more kids in schools than ever whose parents are not Christian . You cannot demand that kids whose parents are Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other faiths be subject to CHRISTIAN prayer and Bible readings etc .
It's the job of parents to provide religious education for their kids
by taking them to church , synagogue or mosques etc , and atheist and agnostic parents have the right to bring their children up as they choose .
You can pray all you want in church and at home if you are a Christian ; no one is stopping you . But don't demand that ALL kids in school be subject to YOUR religion .
Teaching kids ABOUT Islam is NOT "indoctrination ".
Nor is teaching kids that gay people should be treated decently and not subject to bullying and discrimination trying to "recruit " kids into homosexuality , because this is impossible anyway .

What's being lost in all the hand-wringing is that most teachers are overwhelmed with all they have to do in order to teach to the state test standards, and the idea they're actively spending their already taxed energies by finding devious ways to indoctrinate kids into Islam is simply ludicrous.

There are a lot of excellent public school teachers out there, I've known quite a few. They work very hard to give their students the very best of themselves. They worry about how to best help the struggling ones, push the advanced ones, and how to motivate and inspire the creativity and critical thinking of all of them. I doubt that making little Muslims is on their to-do list.

As the director of the school district said:

I encourage all Maury County parents to be their child's first and main teacher. It is our job as parents of our own children to instill in them the beliefs of our individual households.

Parents by the very act of being parents indoctrinate their children into their own belief system. It may not sound very appealing put that way, but that's what it is. And there are parents out there who have doubts that they've done their job well enough, dug the moat around the castle deep enough and raised the drawbridge high enough. Siege mentality isn't too conducive to being salt and light.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think someone from TOL (a fair minded lass such as yourself) should keep an eye on this subject and get back to us when the said school district gets to the topic of "Understanding the Christian religion".

i.e. When 7th grade students write "Jesus Christ is the only God", I'll buy a round of crow for all of us islamophobic bigots to eat.

Something like this was already discussed. That's not really a good analogy. A better analogy would be the students writing the 10 Commandments, The Shema, maybe the Lord's Prayer, or part of one of the Christian creeds. And while I don't know if that is part of the curriculum I wouldn't be surprised if it was. At least it would be consistent with what they are teaching on Islam.

Will you eat crow if they have to write one of those things too? :chew:


New member
I was appalled to hear yesterday in a program that the host of the program said that a lawyer (don't know if it is her lawyer, a friend that is a lawyer, etc.) cannot write or read cursive.

What??!!!!! are we going back to inscribing our Xs in legal documents?
How are we to identify that the X we are looking at is really the X we affixed in the legal document?

The host said she asked him, "why do you not write/read cursive."
His response, "I was not taught."

A lawyer cannot write/read cursive? A lawyer?

Someone called in the program and said that her son was not being taught cursive and that she at home is teaching him to write cursive.
She said that children are not even being taught how to hold the pencil correctly.

Another example of the dumb-down of our children and the steps being taken for the destruction of this great nation.

Envy is a horrible thing. Yes, envy.
When you envy someone or something, you will get in the path of its destruction.
It might take you a long time, but you will not stop until you think you have succeeded.

Prov. 27:4 --- Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous;
but who is able to stand before envy?


like marbles on glass
I was appalled to hear yesterday in a program that the host of the program said that a lawyer (don't know if it is her lawyer, a friend that is a lawyer, etc.) cannot write or read cursive.

What??!!!!! are we going back to inscribing our Xs in legal documents?
How are we to identify that the X we are looking at is really the X we affixed in the legal document?

The host said she asked him, "why do you not write/read cursive."
His response, "I was not taught."

A lawyer cannot write/read cursive? A lawyer?

Someone called in the program and said that her son was not being taught cursive and that she at home is teaching him to write cursive.
She said that children are not even being taught how to hold the pencil correctly.

Another example of the dumb-down of our children and the steps being taken for the destruction of this great nation.

Envy is a horrible thing. Yes, envy.
When you envy someone or something, you will get in the path of its destruction.
It might take you a long time, but you will not stop until you think you have succeeded.

Prov. 27:4 --- Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous;
but who is able to stand before envy?

I've had discussions about cursive writing before, and it's an interesting one with good arguments pro and con. Here's a good article on the subject:

Is cursive's day in classroom done?

Does it have to do with envy, though, or intentional steps to destruction of the nation? No.