7th Grade Students Required to Write 'Allah Is the Only God' in Tennessee


New member
However, it appears that Tennessee students don’t study Christianity per se. There is not, for example, one class day dedicated to the basic Jesus story.

Hanvey promised that students would eventually come across a reference to Christianity when history teachers reach the “Age of Exploration” in eighth grade. Then, students will hear about Christians persecuting other Christians in some countries in Western Europe.


Well-known member
There are Sura's in there that had me so enraged I had to put it down. I did my homework and read commentaries.
I now realize ever more fully what a threat Islam is to all other religions.
If an 'outsider' were to read the Old Testament, and presume it to be intended to be taken literally, I suspect they would be equally shocked by it's absurd violence, brutality, and misogyny.

Islam is no more the Koran than Christianity is the Bible. And the contents of these books are no more literal than the person reading them presumes them to be.



New member
local pastor in that area gives a little bit more detailed response on what is being taught in the classroom in a facebook video.
“We have a number of our families in our church that are really upset and up in arms over all of this new Islamic indoctrination in our public school system. I know some say, ‘Why can’t you just leave well enough along, it’s not that big a deal, they’d have to throw the history books out if they change it.’

Let me tell you something, when they are in sixth grade they get a half a page of watered down Christianity that has about as much Bible as a thimble, if you will, and now there’s 28 pages they have to learn about Islam, and Mohammad, and how it all came about, and about the holy Koran, and the Five Pillars of Islam, and how they pray, and when they pray, and where they pray, and how they pray, and why they pray, and about pilgrimages and all this and then they say that Allah is the only God,” Locke said in the video, recorded yesterday.

“Of course they get around that by saying, ‘Well, Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and both Christianity and Islam and Jews all serve the same God.’ Let me tell you something, that’s a bunch of bunk. We do not serve the same God and there has been an absolute Islamic invasion and indoctrination of our kids and now tomorrow, of all days, on Sept. 11, they get to take a test about the Nation of Islam.

I just wished this pastor home schooled his children instead and would advise members of his church to do the same.


New member
If an 'outsider' were to read the Old Testament, and presume it to be intended to be taken literally, I suspect they would be equally shocked by it's absurd violence, brutality, and misogyny.

Islam is no more the Koran than Christianity is the Bible. And the contents of these books are no more literal than the person reading them presumes them to be.

Wake up! The events of the Old Testament are a history. They do not call us today to slaughter the infidel.
I do not presume. That would be your venue!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
:mock: Muslims.

If you don't want your children indoctrinated into Islam, don't send them to public school.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, subtlety it would be forcing conversion to Catholicism, which is exactly what is happening with making children write the shahada, subtlety desensitizing the children to Islam by writing.

Reading and writing are powerful tools, if you don't believe me read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, for example, it put a whole nation to sleep (metaphorically speaking) given way to the Holocaust of 11 million human beings, if not more.

School should not be a place of indoctrination, lately it seems that that is exactly what is happening.

I don't mean to deny the power of reading and writing in general. I'm denying them power in the context of this assignment. Or similar ones, like the Nicene Creed. And frankly, if this story was reversed and an atheist was complaining that students had to write the 10 Commandments for an assignment I'd be surprised if the current opponents would take their side and agree it was forced conversion to Christianity.


New member
Commentaries by who?

When I bought the Quran at the book store I also bought a commentary by a Muslim scholar.
It is titled "Introduction to the study of The Holy Qur'an" by Maulana Muhammad 'Ali.
His interpretations are not in keeping with Islamic extremists but it was first published in 1936 so perhaps the militancy of today requires another interpreter?


Well-known member
Wake up! The events of the Old Testament are a history.
What they are, are historical myths. And as with all myths, they are not intended to accurately portray historical events, but to convey cultural ideals and truisms through the use of crafted story-telling. Just as are the stories of the Koran, and of other traditional religious myths throughout history.
They do not call us today to slaughter the infidel.
Neither does the Koran. Except in the minds of those who do not understand the what myth is, or who refuse to accept their religious idols as the mythical artifacts that they are.


New member
What they are, are historical myths. And as with all myths, they are not intended to accurately portray historical events, but to convey cultural ideals and truisms through the use of crafted story-telling. Just as are the stories of the Koran, and of other traditional religious myths throughout history.
Neither does the Koran. Except in the minds of those who do not understand the what myth is, or who refuse to accept their religious idols as the mythical artifacts that they are.

I have a Qur'an in front of me and there are Surah's which do call for death to those who will not convert.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What they are, are historical myths. And as with all myths, they are not intended to accurately portray historical events, but to convey cultural ideals and truisms through the use of crafted story-telling. Just as are the stories of the Koran, and of other traditional religious myths throughout history.
Neither does the Koran. Except in the minds of those who do not understand the what myth is, or who refuse to accept their religious idols as the mythical artifacts that they are.

took about five seconds with google


educate yourself


New member
Hall of Fame
I have a Qur'an in front of me and there are Surah's which do call for death to those who will not convert.


Surah 9:123

O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.

Qur’an:9:5 - “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

Ishaq:578 “Crushing the heads of the infidels and splitting their skulls with sharp swords, we continually thrust and cut at the enemy. Blood gushed from their deep wounds as the battle wore them down. We conquered bearing the Prophet’s fluttering war banner. Our cavalry was submerged in rising dust, and our spears quivered, but by us the Prophet gained victory.”


There's nothing (or at least there shouldn't be) alarming about requiring students to do a translation--even from another religion.

My own feeling is that both Islam and Christianity have their own fundamentalist versions of "Shari'a Law" and that most afraid and defensive Christians are looking into a mirror when they deem to find out about Islam.

The sacred language of any religious text is not meant to be rational or logical. In the Quran it is said that when Mohammed died, he was taken up in the sky on a giant white stallion. In the Bible, we can read that Jesus walked on the water and calmed a meteorological storm on the Sea of Galilee.

We are talking about profound metaphors here, not factually correct historical events.

We shouldn't be afraid of our children translating such texts.


New member
Hall of Fame
There's nothing (or at least there shouldn't be) alarming about requiring students to do a translation--even from another religion.

My own feeling is that both Islam and Christianity have their own fundamentalist versions of "Shari'a Law" and that most afraid and defensive Christians are looking into a mirror when they deem to find out about Islam.

The sacred language of any religious text is not meant to be rational or logical. In the Quran it is said that when Mohammed died, he was taken up in the sky on a giant white stallion. In the Bible, we can read that Jesus walked on the water and calmed a meteorological storm on the Sea of Galilee.

We shouldn't be afraid of our children translating such texts.

Please point me to the verse in the new testament (since you claimed christianity has its own version of sharia law) that instructs us to murder non believers and force convert people.



Please point me to the verse in the new testament (since you claimed christianity has its own version of sharia law) that instructs us to murder non believers and force convert people.

In Revelation it states that the blood of the unfaithful will reach to the level of the horse's bridle for a distance of 200 miles. And Jesus is the one who rides that particular horse, with swords of lightning shooting from his mouth.

You know as well as I do how easy it is to recognize the underlying violence and revenge fantasies among many of today's faithful.

Today Christianity and Islam are partaking in other-worldliness fantasy, bigotry, patriarchy, arrogance, homophobia, hypocrisy and elitism.

And the ancient theological phrases both faiths espouse are neither compelling or attractive in today's global culture.

Both give faith a bad name.


By the way, neither Jesus or Mohammed advocated killing the unbeliever. This is not to say that their later chroniclers and followers did.