
666 was Emperor Nero. The sooner one stops denying the ridiculously obvious, the sooner one can get back to rational ideology :rolleyes:


so please explain to us why it is so obvious

The reason why Revelation is so cryptic was so that nobody except believers could understand the warnings within it. Nero was code named '666', as that is what his name comes out to. Even with 616, it comes out the same. The reason for the different numbers are precisely because they were speaking of him, not a date or some other such thing.

It is generally accepted among historians that the number means Nero. He was the ruler of the symbolic Babylon of their time, and was even associated with Hades.


Well-known member
Nebuchadnezzar made the image of gold and set it in the rampart area-dwelling that was roundabout the outer wall of Babylon, (this is only found in the Old Greek Septuagint but Dura pretty much means the same thing, [circle or dwelling]). This means the great image of Nebuchadnezzar probably stood right at the gate of Babylon so that anyone entering or exiting the city would see it, (and probably bow) and thus it is connected with the gate of the city and surely so through the sixty cubit height, (which is typology). The only way to know the circumference measurement of the rampart area roundabout the city is by the inference from the same word, (peribolos, Ezekiel 40:5) used in the outer perimeter of the Ezekiel Temple, (and thus a fairly extensive study of the Ezekiel Temple and its measurements) because Babylon was much larger and therefore the number is not given in Daniel, (but it is understood through the same typology). The profane-commons area roundabout the Ezekiel Temple outer wall is fifty cubits roundabout. The perimeter wall itself is five hundred cubits on a side, (500x500 cubits square). Therefore, with the outer commons or profane "rampart" area roundabout the Ezekiel Temple perimeter wall, the measurement of the commons-profane area measures six hundred cubits on a side, (600x600 cubits square). Six hundred, (shekels of gold) is the same price king David paid for the threshing floor of Ornan, (again the same numeric typology). Likewise the gates of the Ezekiel Temple, just as the height of the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar, are sixty cubits in height, (enter by the narrow gate) and the workmanship of the perimeter wall itself, (and many other measurements in the Ezekiel Temple) is one reed by one reed which measurement is six cubits by six cubits, (by the cubit and the hand-breadth). The Ezekiel Temple is thus the temple of a man, that is, the body of Messiah foretold in advance, exactly six hundred years before the advent of Messiah, (and "Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about is most Holy: behold, this is the law of the house"). So then, since king Nebuchadnezzar set up the image of gold in the same location which represents the outer-bounds-profane-commons of the flesh in the Ezekiel Temple typology, (and expounded as the outer-bounds-commons-profane, that is, "the flesh" in Romans 7:14-25) and since the outer measurement is six hundred cubits on a side, and since the image of gold was sixty cubits in height and six cubits in breadth; you therefore now have before you with this information both the man and his number if only you will go and double check what has been said herein. And this is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg: there is extremely much more information from the scripture which confirms these things. :)


Ezekiel 43:5-12 KJV
5. So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house.
6. And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me.
7. And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.
8. In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.
9. Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever.
10. Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.
11. And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them.
12. This is the law of the house; Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the house.


Ezekiel Temple

And of course Herod the king concerns the very same typology as Nebuchadnezzar, and the words of Messiah shall never pass away, so beware the leaven of Herod; moreover, beware the leaven of Herod, the leaven of the Sadducees, and the leaven of the Pharisees: for the kingdom of the heavens is like unto leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole lump of the man was leavened, (for, behold, the kingdom of Elohim is within you). :chuckle:

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how do you know you are a believer?

Christianity was largely in a state of being underground in Rome. Because they were taught not to abide by the religious customs therein, they couldn't be open with their beliefs.

They, unlike the Romans, understood the teachings of the apostles and religion thereof. They did things such as refer to Rome as 'Babylon' and Nero as '666' to avoid detection.


New member
The Name of the Beast, the Number of His Name--

The Name of the Beast, the Number of His Name--

What does history teach us, i found this interesting.

Now, looking at the subject from the Babylonian point of view, we shall find both the name and number of the beast brought home to us in such a way as leaves nothing to be desired on the point of evidence. Osiris, or Nimrod, whom the Pope represents, was called by many different titles, and therefore, as Wilkinson remarks, he was much in the same position as his wife, who was called "Myrionymus," the goddess with "ten thousand names."

Among these innumerable names, how shall we ascertain the name at which the Spirit of God points in the enigmatical language that speaks of the name of the beast, and the number of his name? If we know the Apocalyptic name of the system, that will lead us to the name of the head of the system. The name of the system is "Mystery" (Rev 17:5). Here, then, we have the key that at once unlocks the enigma.

We have now only to inquire what was the name by which Nimrod was known as the god of the Chaldean Masteries. That name, as we have seen, was Saturn. Saturn and Mystery are both Chaldean words, and they are correlative terms. As Mystery signifies the Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. *

To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus--Stur. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:--

S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200

If the Pope is, as we have seen, the legitimate representative of Saturn, the number of the Pope, as head of the Mystery of Iniquity, is just 666. But still further it turns out, as shown above, that the original name of Rome itself was Saturnia, "the city of Saturn." This is vouched alike by Ovid, by Pliny, and by Aurelius Victor. Thus, then, the Pope has a double claim to the name and number of the beast. He is the only legitimate representative of the original Saturn at this day in existence, and he reigns in the very city of the seven hills where the Roman Saturn formerly reigned; and, from his residence in which, the whole of Italy was "long after called by his name," being commonly named "the Saturnian land."

But what bearing, it may be said, has this upon the name Lateinos, which is commonly believed to be the "name of the beast"? Much. It proves that the common opinion is thoroughly well-founded. Saturn and Lateinos are just synonymous, having precisely the same meaning, and belonging equally to the same god. The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil, which showed that Lateinos, to whom the Romans or Latin race traced back their lineage, was represented with a glory around his head, to show that he was a "child of the Sun."

Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular opinion, the original Lateinos had occupied the very same position as Saturn did in the Mysteries, who was equally worshipped as the "offspring of the Sun." Moreover, it is evident that the Romans knew that the name "Lateinos" signifies the "Hidden One," for their antiquarians invariably affirm that Latium received its name from Saturn "lying hid" there. On etymological grounds, then, even on the testimony of the Romans, Lateinos is equivalent to the "Hidden One"; that is, to Saturn, the "god of Mystery." *




New member
I tell you, you are looking for something that is already on the scene. No individual man will show up and claim he is God. The "antichrist" has existed since the days of the Apostle John. (I John 2:18)

"666," as has been said before on this thread, is a number meaning a very serious lack, and it applies to the governments of this world. They are seriously lacking in what they should be for the people. "7" is perfection, and "6" falls short of perfection. "666" falls WAY short of perfection! That is all it means. No individual is "666."

The Beast of Revelation is said to have this number, and this Beast is the symbol of the world's governments. They are critically in error, by the way they are ruling the world, and every single nation on Earth will be gotten rid of by Christ when he returns. (Revelation 19: 11-21)

For more on this: www.jw.org



(Black Knight Satellite)

The Antichrist is not referred to as the "Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Rev. 9:11" at the point of reference in which he is referred to as the "Beast and Man of Rev. 13:18". The 5 Months of Revelation have not officially began, so the question is not so much the meaning of "666", more than the question becomes, Who is the Beast that makes its appearance with the Antichrist while he is still a Human Being?

666 - Division of the Day Cycle

(No reference to "Rod of Joseph", Exodus 4:2-8, when God questions the belief of Isreal about the origins of the Antichrist, or "Goliath", 1 Samuel 17:3-5, when God reveals what Moses had placed into the Ark, which was the "Rod of Joseph)

195 Days of Events of Revelation, following the example of, 1 Samuel 17:3-5:
65 Days
65 Days
65 Days

Moving away from that position:
62 of Daniel of 9, 69 of Daniel 9 is 666 because it marks the division of the "Day Cycle/End of Days" that begins the 70th Week.

Antichrist Lifespan, Division of Day Cycle in Brief:
1290 of Daniel = 1260 days of Rev. 11:3 and 30 years of Luke 3:23
1335 of Daniel = 1290 + 40 Days of Tribulation + 5 Months of Revelation

The Division of the Day Cycle is marked by the figure of 1335, therefore 666x2 = 1335 because God has in view both the Antichrist as a human being and the Black Knight spaceship. The 195 days of the "Events of Revelation" naturally comes into view. 666 is also 999, 9 for Nibiru or Rebirth the 195 days is also a theme of the Nine Mayan Lords of the Night, because it deals with rebirth.

1. Political Resolution
2. Migration Resolution
3. Race Based Resolution

God may or may not equip the Antichrist with the ability to remediation of human life (at this level it seems very unlikely), in which case his tactics to promote both the Blood Sacrifice of Aaron and the Migration, will rest solely on education of the public and leadership body by example and by exclusion from said examples for the division of the public, as representative of the potential the gospel affords. The Antichrist will simply broadcast through the satellites his goals, as well as the period ending most of human life one earth, following education attempts of unifying the media and the authorities for the purposes of some restructuring and migration. This can be achieved without taking a single human life from the Antichrist's perspective, but you will experience the full brunt of fallout in various places including the USA most severely as a result of this truth. (The Antichrist will not do much directly in terms of remediation of human life, only as it interferes with his political and public demonstrations/educational awareness ... to give you an ideal of how this will play out soon ... the Antichrist has no intentions of being bothered with carnal things, only the goals of the gospel's program, so he may not leave his spaceship at all, this is what you will need to expect at the next level). Love and Blessing (that is assuming any of this in part or in full is true, but I believe the Antichrist has some direct knowledge of the spaceship in orbit, he has no intentions of employing, however, he will also not challenge the Gospel's Program in anyway, but he will seek the optimum position and nothing else, at said next level).


I tell you, you are looking for something that is already on the scene. No individual man will show up and claim he is God. The "antichrist" has existed since the days of the Apostle John. (I John 2:18)


The Antichrist will rely on the strength of the people, and the positions of public trust, in voicing and encouraging his positions. The first and most likely thing the Antichrist will do is announce that he wants to remove all obstacles to his celebration of the Presidency of the current Vice President, in less than a few days, in addition to voicing a few words about what needs to be done and his goals, globally. (secondarily, he wants to gather just a few of the world's leaders so that they can hear the encouraging words of the political people in the USA, to these ends, he will decide how to handle what becomes necessary at that time) (Primary concern is delivering a message to the people, to the public, these activities are precursor for the migration movement, whatever else I can use to illustrate the good of the people as a result of the gospel's program we will use with the people, here and there, principally in the USA, because they need to be motivated to come here, however few) (The Dogs licked the wounds of Lazarus, he used the strength of the people's resolve to silence his enemies).

JOHN 21:2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the [sons] of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.
JOHN 21:3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.

(Genetic Dan/Didymus ... Nathanael/Nathan, David's Sons Division, 42 Days of Matthew1 Genealogy, Solomon, that Nathan divides from Luke's Genealogy) God says very specifically, the ship had nothing to do with the 153 days of Revelation. I am confessing as of this moment only to seeing the kitchen area, bathroom and cockpit of the spaceship. As a result of my renewed trust in the Christian Communities ability to accept the truth about what the Antichrist is, and how Jesus loves the Antichrist as a picture of your equal potential the gospel affords. Sorry for now, not much more interested in sharing on the subject. Love and Blessings.


The Division of the Day Cycle is marked by the figure of 1335, therefore 666x2 = 1335 because God has in view both the Antichrist as a human being and the Black Knight spaceship.
1st Kings 10:14, 2nd Chronicles 9:13, Revelation 13:18


1st Kings 10:14, 2nd Chronicles 9:13, Revelation 13:18


REVELATION 11:1 And there was given me a reed (Rainbow) like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
REVELATION 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty [and] two months (42 Days).
REVELATION 11:3 And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. (Year of Event is 2016 or 1260)

1. Elias comes first (as Jesus said on the Cross with a Crown on his Head like a Rainbow) for 42 Days before the "Two Witnesses" are allowed to reign under Babylon/Samaria ... 2 Kings 2:22 - 25
2. Eloi Eloi Lama Sabathani, Jesus will reveal the 8th Day Sabbath at the appointed time for 42 Days ... Judges 12:5-6

The only logical statement we can make by observing the double reference to the figures of Daniel are, that the gospel is issuing a correction:

1290 of the Antichrist's Lifespan, then 1335 for 153 Days of Revelation

1290 or 1260 days of Rev. 11:3, and 30 years of Luke 3:23, then 40 Days for Tribulation and 5 Months of Star Wormwood = 1335.

42 is the full sequence, the rainbow of 2 days does not impact earth
153 is the full sequence, the 3 days of darkness does not impact earth

One interpretation is that the figure of "5" for the 1335 is actually a reference to the 2 days rainbow and 3 days darkness, and not the 150 days of Star Wormwood, because the Antichrist will not be a Human Being.

(You should view this information as a minimum actionable basis for the "Black Knight Satellite" ... the Antichrist will solicit the cooperation of the media and the authorities, but he will not enforce the political and economy function beyond his scope of operation, the scope of operation is the promotion of the migration movement to the usa for the ascension by education and example: that means, the Antichrist will likely designate public areas like parks or public service facilities for hours at a time, here and there for these purposes, teleporting people away that do not apply or choose to cooperate. Moving forward regardless, God does not want the Antichrist doing any much work to enforce the position other than clearly illustrating his position and intend, and the good of the people. With the eventual cooperation of the media and the authorities, the behavior will be modified slightly, there's only 42 days on the table until Aaron is resolved, along with all human life on earth outside of the USA. ... ... ... ... initially I will confront the political people, but not with much force at all to enforce the position, then the Antichrist will continue in the pattern we discussed. Thats all, that pertains to the "Black Knight Satellite" ... ... ... ... whats more important right now is the 12210 days of the Antichrist's Lifespan the Gospel and Ancients like the Mayans/Aztecs have been proclaiming begins the 195 day "Events of Revelation", as we've discussed) (the ethnic population will almost immediately create a public safety situation, however, you need to understand the sincerity in my goals, and the timetable of the gospel) Love and Blessings.

(If 1335 or 666 and 666 is only a reference to the Antichrist in the Lord's Body or actions under the Lord's Body, then it cannot be a figure for the 5 months of the Antichrist Reign under Babylon, that is 1335 does not equal 153 days, we are still on schedule, 1290 is Lord's Body Measurement, 1335 is total measurement of Lord's Body, 1260 days, 30 years, 2 days, 40 days, 3 days darkness, the number 42 is simply a division like the number 1260 of the figure of 1335, revelation is declaring a pattern that Daniel has reported) (Suicide by Antichrist, even though this happens continually, is very unprofitable for the Gospel, God wants to take that off the equation, at the same time God does not want the Antichrist to begin to substitute his actions for the walk of faith of the usa, and the nations, the behavior pattern we discussed, is a viable position for the gospel's program, the Antichrist is acting on information his has been provided to declare this situation and what is soon to be done, he trusts the Christian Communities ability to understand these things and what must be done, soon, thus he has declared his genuine experience and understanding of the "Black Knight Satellite")


New member
I tell you, you are looking for something that is already on the scene. No individual man will show up and claim he is God. The "antichrist" has existed since the days of the Apostle John. (I John 2:18)

"666," as has been said before on this thread, is a number meaning a very serious lack, and it applies to the governments of this world. They are seriously lacking in what they should be for the people. "7" is perfection, and "6" falls short of perfection. "666" falls WAY short of perfection! That is all it means. No individual is "666."

The Beast of Revelation is said to have this number, and this Beast is the symbol of the world's governments. They are critically in error, by the way they are ruling the world, and every single nation on Earth will be gotten rid of by Christ when he returns. (Revelation 19: 11-21)

For more on this: www.jw.org

Surprisingly, I agree with you. It's 666 = imperfect, spirit, soul, and body, the number of man, not A man. ALL MEN seek after their own things, and not the things which be of Christ = ANTI-Christ.

This delusional, erroneous, seeking after one individual has robbed the body of looking WITHIN and dealing with the inside of the cup. Peace



The conclusion of the youtube video does not quite end with, the "Black Knight Satellite" beginning the 195 days of the "Events of Revelation", but it does come pretty close.

Man and Beast = 666 x 2 or 1335 ... than ... God Man/Antichrist = 153

GENESIS 5:21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:
GENESIS 5:22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
GENESIS 5:23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:
GENESIS 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him.

Significant Figures, 65-300-365, that is 11-3-3-6-5, that is 1335 or 666. Or the figures can also be read 195 Days depending on how they are added together, the "Man and Beast" will begin to be revealed.

The Antichrist has nothing to hide, he will speak very clearly to the national and international community all at once, when he arrives on board his spaceship. He will reinforce this position with the public and the authorities continually. He will talk about the end of human life on earth, and the movement of the people into the USA, then he'll handle with the problem of leadership in the USA, by expressing his goals of celebrating the Presidency of the current Vice President. Most of his time will be spent in the USA, but he intends to gather a few of the world's leaders to celebrate the new president, and congress's celebration of the changes that must be done, as necessary towards this process. (the Ethnic threat globally will enter into its final stage, of necessitating assisted suicide programs globally. False Witnesses and Murder, right now is largely isolated to the Antichrist in terms of frequency of force used. "Suicide by Antichrist" is removed from the equation, this becomes "Ethnic Suicide as a challenge to the Migrating Population", the Antichrist does not expect either the USA or the Nations to rouse themselves in opposition for long, he will handle the leadership as necessary and encourage the people, at that current level of the program). (1335 represents 42 Days (of 195 days) before the Antichrist Reigns through Joseph in the Body of the Lord, 153 Days (of 195 days) represents the Antichrist leaving the Body of the Lord)

666 Alternative History

6th Day of Creation, then God Rested.
6 Personalities before Enoch, then Enoch walked with God.

When Jesus came out of his tomb, God sent an Angel to tell the people that God covered up his shame with a Stone/Temple Stone/UFO/Joseph the Blessing. Joseph became the Husband (God acting through Joseph the Blessing), and Jesus became the Wife (to prepare Satan to receive Joseph the Blessing). Before this time, Jesus has always been the husband and the wife. Now here is the change, Joseph will still remain the Husband, however Jesus will change places with the Antichrist as the Wife. So its like Jesus changes positions in a suit with the Antichrist for 150 days of his reign. God is shutting down apart of his gospel by having the Antichrist take the place of Jesus as the Wife with Joseph as the Husband. This shutting down completes the giving of "Joseph the Blessing" to Satan, that Jesus initially began after he was resurrected from the Tomb.

(The Antichrist has no choice but to speak to as many people as possible all at once, to "Debrief" the people about the next level of the process. The Antichrist does not want human life to be wasted, there is only one way to receive, "Joseph the Blessing", by coming to the USA if the law applies to you. Genetic Dan will not kill themselves so much when they are identified as a public threat, however, you need to be prepared to handle the situation humanely and with some degree of dignity. This is the opposite of their goals in killing the Antichrist, we will also discuss the 195,000 that must be paid in the City of Philadelphia, internationally. You are not in a better or worse position in attempting to kill the Antichrist at present. The position for the Antichrist in terms of force right now, gives him more control over you and the public threats, he will have less influential control in the near future, the Antichrist will speak to the people, be prepared)
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I'm assuming that you do know that 666 + 666 = 1,332 and not 1,335, correct?

REVELATION 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.
DANIEL 12:12 Blessed [is] he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
DANIEL 12:13 But go thou thy way till the end [be]: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

6 Days of Creation, then God rested (Three Days in Heart of Earth for Jesus)
6 Personalities before Enoch, then Enoch Walked with God (Three Days of Darkness for Antichrist)

666 for Beast + 666 for Man + Three Days of Darkness for Understanding = 1335
1290 + 2 Days Rainbow + 40 Days Tribulation + 3 Days Darkness = 1335

12210 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan is 1260 Days of Rev. 11:3 + 30 years of Luke 3:23 or 1290 Days of Daniel 12. (3/23/2016 is the completion of the 12210 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan according to the Mayan Calendar ... which we've solved).

1335 is the Completion of the Lord's Body that is completed when the "Three Days of Darkness" are completed. This then begins the 150 Days of the Antichrist's Reign.

(8 Day of Creation is 153 Days, and 42 Days of Tribulation is the final 7th Day of Creation. You have just solved the bible's only contradictions that deal with Jehoiachin's Reign of 8 or 18, in reference to the Reign of the Antichrist, and Solomon's Stalls of 4,000 or 40,000, or 42 of Tribulation, that deal with the euthanasia of the 4 Genetic Lines that belong to Genetic Dan, when the 153 Days of Darkness begins.) Love and Blessings (10 Hour walk for public safety at the end of this week on friday, to keep these people tamed, 29 more days and everything will begin to be resolved, maybe I spend this remainder of time in silence and adversity, since we've solved the bible's only two contradictions, and the mayan calendar at this level?).