
New member
I don't believe the 666 is a year because the Bible says that 666 is the number of the name of the Beast. And I also don't think Islam is going to have any special significance in end times other than that it will be an evil ideology responsible for evil just like communist, fascism, the "war on terror" and all the other evil ideologies. I don't think Islam in and of itself has any significance. It's just a general evil and false religion like all false religions. And in the end times, all the world religions will be abandoned for the religion that worships the Anti-Christ, except for people that hold to faith in Jesus. In the end times there will be 2 groups, those that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and those that worship the Anti-Christ. Islam won't really even be a religion any more once the end times are in full swing.

I generally agree with what you're saying here. 666 is the "number of the Beast." (Rev.13:18) But what is the Beast? Is it "the Anti-Christ"? The term "Anti-Christ" is not found in Revelation. Somebody said it was the same as the "Beast," but who said that? The Anti-Christ is mentioned by John in his letters: IJohn 2:18,22; IJohn 4:3; and 2John 7. John indicates that there were many antichrists, and they had appeared in his day. So "Anti-Christ" couldn't mean AN INDIVIDUAL, and neither would it mean that "he" is coming in the future.

So what is the "Beast"? It is the world-wide systems of government. They fall VERY short of perfection (perfection's number is "7"), so God gave this governmental system the number of TRIPLE 6.

Isn't that the truth? The governments of this world earn a triple 6---they all fall way short of perfection.


New member

if you search daniel for the word number, you get this

Daniel 9:2 In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

that is why I started thinking it was a year

very few history books have anything happening that year
some have islam attacking shortly thereafter
gibbon gets closer than any of them
he also points out the problem others have with the dates

“In this inquiry I shall unfold the events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbours of Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran; that protected the majesty of Rome, and delayed the servitude of Constantinople; that invigorated the defence of the Christians, and scattered among their enemies the seeds of division and decay.”

The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

I will always remember the first time I read this. It was early on in my research of the Apocalypse, Islam, and the Byzantine Empire and I was not sure where this was leading me but at that moment in time a historian of the eighteenth century told me I was on the right track.

Gibbon's footnote on the date is very interesting. His date 668 is at least five years earlier than most historians and I think he is still two years off

it's the year 666

back to
the apocalypse

"666" simply refers to the severely lacking governmental systems of the earth---referred to as the "Beast" in Revelation. It is not an individual, but is the entire combined systems of the world that are governmental in nature. "Seven" is a number of completeness, and therefore a triple "six" means really incomplete...in fact, severely lacking in its ability to bring peace and security to the earth.

That is all it means. There will be no individual that sets himself up as "God" or sit in the temple as God or do any miraculous acts. It is erroneous to say that the "man of lawlessness," or, the "son of perdition" of 2 Thessalonions 2:3,4 is the Beast of Revelation. The former is religious, the latter is governmental.

The "son of perdition" is actually the combined churches of false Christianity, and the "Beast" is all the earthly governments that are at present taking the place of God's own government---his Kingdom. This Kingdom will soon smash all worldly governments and rule the earth by the authority of Jesus Christ. (Daniel 2:44)


If Revelation 12:5 (KJV) is definitively the Lord Jesus, does 666 become any clearer? I think that it's reasonable that 666 is a metonym for someone or for something. Is it possible that 666 was someone or something that has already been and gone? It seems clear that 666 is associated with some cataclysm but could it have been a cataclysm at the time, but afterward it's only a small blip on the radar of history? Maybe because, since she was born in the first century, she has gone on to conquer the whole world? But maybe there was a point in history when this, her eventual destiny, was not commonly predicted, and so in this local contemporary context, it was a true cataclysm? If 666 has anything at all to do with King Solomon, the first successor of King David, it could be that 666 actually crucified the Lord of Glory. The thinking being, that only King David would have not crucified Him, and the best of those who are not King David is Solomon. What is the end of 666? Has that happened? Why did the Lord Jesus say, "It is finished?"



The number is not Six hundred and sixty six, but the number six three times. 3 is number for God and 6 is the number for man who was created on the 6th day.

6. 6. 6. is the number of a man. The 144,000, who are of the first resurrection and who are to take the thrones that have been prepared for them to reign on earth as kings for 1,000 years, are the risen body of the Anointed one, (Not Jesus).

When 144,000 is divided by six three times the man is revealed. 144,000 divided by 6 = 24,000 divided by 6= 4,000 divided by six = 666.66666666666666666 add infinity, the eternal man/God.

The only exception of all mankind, as recorded in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures to have ascended to the very throne of the Most High where he was anointed as his successor, and translated in order that he should never see death.

The only exception of all mankind to have ascended into heaven is the one who came down and filled the man Jesus with his spirit, and who gave his life in place of his chosen successor, the man Jesus, who now sits in the Fathers heavenly throne.