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  1. J

    It Is Not The Critic That Counts.

    Me too. JAG
  2. J

    We CAN Consciously Choose What We Believe.

    Thanks for your comments. Best. JAG ``
  3. J

    The Death Of Science.

    Exactly. JAG ``
  4. J

    The Death Of Science.

    Here are some . . . General Observations: What's interesting here, is the fact that the leadership of America and the social-political influencers in America, and many of America's activists and voters are engaged and locked down in an ongoing bitter political-ideological WAR ~ with the net...
  5. J

    The Death Of Science.

    The Death Of Science By Victor Davis Hanson Excerpts: "The scientific method used to govern much of popular American thinking . . . Is this yet another of the scientific community’s Platonic “noble lies,” as when Fauci assured the public last year that there was no need for masks? He later...
  6. J

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.

    Agreed. JAG ``
  7. J

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.

    One example of what the OP is about. Charles "The Enemy" Templeton vs. Billy Graham/And All Billy's Fellow Christians. Templeton was at one time a widely known evangelist who was associated with the Billy Graham ministries. Templeton turned against God, and turned to the worship of his true...
  8. J

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.

    JAG Writes To The Evolutionists: You have no Empirical Evidence that your original ancestor was at one time a dead one-celled speck that lived in the Primordial Slime and then later begin to pulsate with life. Pulsate , , just a slight boom , , boom , , boom , , , I mean the one-celled speck...
  9. J

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.

    I LOVE science. True science. My view is that God LOVES true science too, for example Math , , , My view is that Math originated in the nature of God who is the Original Mathematician --- just as all the other disciplines also originated in the nature of God. God Is The , , , , Original...
  10. J

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.

    I put this OP in the Religion Department because, me thinks, it will end up being a religious discussion (if there is any discussion.) JAG ``
  11. J

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.

    Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth By JAG October 23, 2021 Scene: A high brow cafe near the University of California at Berkeley where political activist Secular Humanist scientists gather to pontificate, preach, plan, and plot. John Citizen Goode, sitting nearby sipping soda and...
  12. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    Yes of course. War is the results of the sin Principle operating in the world. The Lord Jesus came to defeat Sin and Satan and to restore the world. "I make everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev. 21:5 No more war or pain or death in heaven for the old order of thigs has passed away. Rev. 21:3-5...
  13. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn “ ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’...
  14. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    JR, Thank you for the video. Just to be chatty with you, I will note that I do not self-identify with "systems." Why not? Because "systems" commit you to believing in many of that system's "bad boogers" that are in direct conflict with whole classes of Biblical passages. Instead of committing...
  15. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    You live in your world and I will live in my world. "God from all eternity did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures...
  16. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    Christendom does BOTH. American Christendom BOTH feeds starving children AND justifies just wars like WW2 and we shall continue to do so. Only the dead have seen an end to war. Pacifists have no significant voice in the global conversation. Great book here...
  17. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    There is a significant number of Biblical truth-principles to support this: And I like this one too: JAG
  18. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    I support monthly with $ money several Christian Charities for example Samaritan's Purse The Sovereign God controls the world and the Iraq War served His good purposes. All Christians do not agree on these issues. The Sovereign God wanted Saddam removed from power and executed along with his...
  19. J

    We're Not Ready To Say Goodbye To War Just Yet.

    Lets see how you would actually apply that up there to this situation: Badd Mann had just murdered two bank tellers and he was now pointing his pistol at three police officers who had already yelled out "Drop your gun" two times. Badd Mann screamed back, "I will not drop my gun." At this point...
  20. J

    Let's Wait Patiently For Joe To Destroy The Democratic Party.

    Regarding POTUS Joe: My personal political strategy is to wait patiently until liberal policy-excesses lays upon the American electorate sufficient severity motivating them collectively to move back to the conservative right to correct the liberal policy excesses. Yes there is a human cost to...