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  1. J

    The Heart Of The Gospel:

    Fully agreed -- if by "death penalty" you mean the human race deserves death because of the imputation of Adam's sin AND the fact that ALL humans have actually repeated Adam's sin. The fact that humans deserve death is assumed in the OP, even though not explicitly stated, because our...
  2. J

    The Heart Of The Gospel:

    Thanks for that valuable contribution -- much appreciated. God bless. JAG []
  3. J

    The Heart Of The Gospel:

    The video - about 1 minute The word for word text of the video: The Gospel In A Nutshell: "2 Cor. 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Let me unpack those 15 Greek words: He God made Jesus sin. What do you mean He made...
  4. J

    I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero.

    I fully agree. I could not possibly agree more. Best JAG []
  5. J

    I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero.

    Yes indeed. As I said in the OP: ♪ ♪ ♪ Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe Sin left a crimson stain He washed it white as snow ♪ ♪ ♪ Best JAG []
  6. J

    I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero.

    I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero. What about the sins we do commit, being imperfect, as we live the Christian life? 1 John 1:9 "if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Yes indeed! By His Grace and Mercy I Ain't...
  7. J

    I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero.

    You, as a Christian, are in very good condition . . .. Legally. Very comforting thoughts here below: God "plays", so to speak, by His own rules. Rules that both unleash and limit His wrath. God would be totally justified in unleashing His wrath upon everybody because all we humans (before...
  8. J

    Humanism's Slippery Slope Of Moral Relativism:

    Yes indeed. Add this; The "to be as God" as THE main motive of Eve (and I think Adam too. Adam no doubt heard the we will "be like God" thingy from Eve and liked the idea). That is, "to be like God" in the evil sense of being equal with God. WET PAINT DO NOT TOUCH (so they reached out and...
  9. J

    Humanism's Slippery Slope Of Moral Relativism:

    The women marrying themselves movement is growing. They even have a name for it: Sologamy. JAG Writes: The sexual revolution that started in the 60's has not yet hit bottom-Sodom. But it will. Just give it time...
  10. J

    Artificial Intelligence -AI- Is No More Dangerous Than:

    Huge enormous Asteroids hitting the Earth (some big ones have hit the earth in the past.) Nukes (many are now in the hands of potentially dangerous lunatics) The San Andreas fault that the experts say has the potential to do major worldwide catastrophic damage. Viruses (there are viruses out...
  11. J

    You, Me, Moses and Elijah.

    You, Me, Moses and Elijah. By JAG February 24, 2023 Getting Encouragement from Discouragement. We are not the only ones who, at times, get discouraged. Even the greatest heroes of the faith, sometimes, get despondent and even want to give up and die. Moses . . . . . .talking to God: "If this...
  12. J

    Death And The Christian (Some Comforting Bible Verses.)

    I hope they will be of great comfort to him -- as they are to me and other Christins. God bless. JAG []
  13. J

    Death And The Christian (Some Comforting Bible Verses.)

    "After this it was noised abroad that Mr. Valiant-for-truth was taken with a summons, by the same post as the other; and had this for a token that the summons was true, “That his pitcher was broken at the fountain.” When he understood it, he called for his friends, and told them of it. Then...
  14. J

    Death And The Christian (Some Comforting Bible Verses.)

    "For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands" 2 Cor.5:1 ________________________________________ Absent From The Body Is To Be At Home With The Lord: "We are confident, I say, and would prefer...
  15. J

    Death And The Christian (Some Comforting Bible Verses.)

    I plan to post about 11 Bible verses (or passages) that give we Christians great comfort for the soul when it comes our time to actually experience the death of our present physical bodies. I hope you, the reader, will add your thoughts and/or any of your fave Bible verses that relate to the...
  16. J

    Unbelievers, Faith Is A Simple Test: To Find Out If You Are Teachable?

    If it turns out that you are not teachable, then obviously you know more than God knows and there will be no place for you in God's Heaven. Heaven can only have one Supreme Being. A Supreme Being that will never consent to become a student to be taught wisdom and truths by any of His fallen...
  17. J

    John MacArthur: Distinguished Calvinist Preacher.

    John MacArthur . . . . (John Fullerton MacArthur Jr.) . . . . is a very distinguished Christian pastor, expository preacher and Reformed Calvinist systematic theologian. He is also an excellent primitive traditional Patriarchal Family man. He is married to his wife Patricia and they have four...
  18. J

    Which verse is your least favorite?

    Thanks for taking the time to write your thoughts on that. Interesting. "Lucifer"__Jefferson Regarding Lucy: I've always thought Lucifer was a rather cool name for El Diablo. A short interesting article on: Best. JAG `
  19. J

    God's IQ And Human Comforts.

    Nailed it. Exactly! Speaking about winning: Here is why we the people of God cannot possibly lose: "I was victorious"__The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah "I was victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne." __The Lord Jesus Rev. 3:21 JAG []
  20. J

    Which verse is your least favorite?

    Ultra cool. I smiled. JAG