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  1. J

    What Do You Think God Should Have Done With These People?

    Jeremiah Chapter 7 They were dealing with each other unjustly Jeremiah 7:5 They were oppressing foreigners Jeremiah 7:6 They were oppressing the fatherless {orphans} and widows {the defenseless} Jeremiah 7:6 They were killing innocent people Jeremiah 7: 6 They were stealing, murdering...
  2. J

    God And Job And Suffering: All Is Well That Ends Well

    We hear a lot about God and Job's sufferings. The book of Job has 42 chapters and some 99% of the verses talk about Job's sufferings. However nobody knows how long Job suffered and some interpreters think it was a relatively short time. Some think Job suffered for a few months and others think...
  3. J

    The Bible Is The Story Of God And His Plan To Fix The World

    "I am making everything new"__The Lord Jesus Rev.21:5 Nothing on this earth has the power to defeat the finished work of the Lord Jesus. "It is finished" said Jesus while on The Cross. Here are the most powerful finished events in all of human history. No power n the Universe can defeat these...
  4. J

    The Cross They Found In The Wreckage Of The World Trade Center 9/11

    On September 9, 2001 terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center Typo correction. On September 11, 2001 terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center ,, Best. JAG
  5. J

    The Cross They Found In The Wreckage Of The World Trade Center 9/11

    Here is a pic of The Cross Monument located at Ground Zero in New York City.
  6. J

    The Cross They Found In The Wreckage Of The World Trade Center 9/11

    On September 9, 2001 terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, brought both towers to the ground, killed 2,977 people, and caused over 25,000 injuries, with $10 billion in infrastructure damage. 343 firefighters were killed, and 72 police officers. In the midst of...
  7. J

    The Trinity - 1 Yet 3 - Makes Human Family-Love-Relationships Possible

    The Trinity is all about Love. The Trinity is heart-warming. It is the Trinity that makes human loving family relationships possible , , , but first let is "get the math out of the way." All orthodox Christians are Trinitarians, that is, we believe there is one God who exists in three Persons...
  8. J

    Another tally of anti-trinitarian threads

    My view is one of the very best actions any forum can take is to delete all threads against a Trinitarian view. Let them all vanish into the ether of the Internet never to be seen again. If they reappear, the good news is the forum can delete the new ones faster than the anti-Trinitarians can...
  9. J

    Hello I am JAG {formerly JAGG} I had to re-register

    Thank you. JAG ``
  10. J

    Hello I am JAG {formerly JAGG} I had to re-register

    Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you too. JAG
  11. J

    Hello I am JAG {formerly JAGG} I had to re-register

    I am glad to see TOL with a new format. God bless TOL and all the good folks here. JAG {formerly JAGG}