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  1. J

    An Unloving Unnecessary Monstrous Interpretation Of Matthew 7:13-14

    The OP does not deny that. The OP is about ONLY one (1) verse of Holy Scripture and about nothing else. Incorrect. Best Regards. JAG ``
  2. J

    An Unloving Unnecessary Monstrous Interpretation Of Matthew 7:13-14

    An Unloving Unnecessary Monstrous Interpretation Of Matthew 7:13-14 By JAG May 30, 2021 Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to...
  3. J

    Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.

    The Lord Jesus has shown YOU to be wrong and here's how He did it: God ~~ the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord Jesus ~~ inspired the Apostle John to write " "I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language standing...
  4. J

    Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.

    I am exceedingly happy and overjoyed to let all the solid Biblical evidence I have posted in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 stand in clear and bold contrast to what you have posted. Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 stands unrefuted. Best. JAG
  5. J

    Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.

    Part 3 Conclusion. "I say to you that MANY will come from the east and west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven." __The Lord Jesus Matthew 8:11 "For just as through the disobedience of the one man (Adam) the many were made sinners...
  6. J

    Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.

    Part 2 In order to escape Huge-Church-In-Numbers-Like-The-Stars, John Tiny Church must interpret Genesis 15:5 to say this: God took Abraham outside and said look up at the sky and count the stars ~~ if indeed you can count them. Then God said so shall your offspring be ~ and by the way the...
  7. J

    Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved.

    Will Only A Few People Be Saved? No. A Great Multitude Will Be Saved. By JAG May 25, 2021 Part 1 Do these Bible verses teach that Christians are now, and will be in the future, few in numbers? No. Luke 12:32's "little flock." Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it." Matthew 22:14's "many are...
  8. J

    How We Can Absolutely KNOW Absolutely That We Are Saved.

    So what? Not a single syllable of your point refutes the proposition of the Opening Post even slightly ~~ or refutes the clear solid Biblical statements in the Opening Post. What fake Christians do, or do not do, has absolutely NOTHING, as in zero, to do with the proposition of the Opening...
  9. J

    What's Higher Than These? Nothing Is.

    What's Higher Than These? Nothing Is. By JAG May 22, 2021 Saturday There's nothing towering above these truths so I'mon live and die on the highest pinnacles in the upper atmosphere where the "Well Done's" grow while ever aspiring to soar with the Eagles till it's time to cross the Jordan...
  10. J

    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.

    Revelation 7:9-10 forever and irrefutably settles this question. The numbers of the saved are NOT a "little flock" and NOT "only a few." Are the following people Christians? Yes or No? John saw, "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing...
  11. J

    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.

    Do these three Bible verses teach that Christians are now, and will be in the future, few in numbers? No! (A) Luke 12:32's "little flock" (B) Matthew 7:14's "only a few find it" (C) Matthew 22:14's "many are invited, but few are chosen" There are well over 2,300,000,000 Christians in the world...
  12. J

    How We Can Absolutely KNOW Absolutely That We Are Saved.

    Excellent points. Thanks for the contribution. JAG
  13. J

    How We Can Absolutely KNOW Absolutely That We Are Saved.

    How We Can Absolutely KNOW Absolutely That We Are Saved: By JAG (written for my grand grandchildren ~ May 17, 2021) All we Christians need to have the assurance of our salvation. A large number of we Christians, in the past at times, have struggled against doubt. The problem is this: Sometimes...
  14. J

    It's Amazing Grace To Be Friends With The King Of Kings.

    It's Amazing Grace To Be Friends With The King Of Kings. By JAG May 15,2021 "I have called you friends"__The Lord Jesus John 15:15 Life is sometimes hard and pain is universal touching everybody but Jesus is always there for us, with open arms hand over heart, saying I will never abandon you...
  15. J

    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations.

    All Nations Will Become Christian Nations. By JAG May 10, 2021 Jesus' Great Commission to disciple the nations is a command not a suggestion, and it's backed up by the unstoppable supernatural power of Almighty God. The Lord Jesus now has universal kingship and He says "All authority in heaven...
  16. J

    Reasons Why I Love The Lord Jesus

    He's unafraid brave very courageous. He makes heroic sacrifices to help others. He's the kind of Person that will go straight into the pain to save you knowing that nails are going to be driven into His hands and feet but He keeps on going anyway. We humans love Unselfish Courageous Givers and...
  17. J

    The Dead Old One Cell Speck Suddenly Came To Life , , ,

    We have no disagreement here. God has always existed and has always been alive. Prior to His creating nothing existed, is exactly correct. JAG Previously Wrote: There are only 3 choices: {1} An Intelligent Designer created life. {2} Life eternally existed. {3} Life sprang into being from...
  18. J

    God My Hope Is In You Always.

    Hope is one of the Apostle Paul's Big Three. "Now these three remain: Faith, Hope, Love." Ya gotta have Hope to survive bro. You can't make it on Gloom, Doom, Negative Thinking, Despair, and Pessimism. That Old Dragon Pessimism has haunted humans throughout our history, but it's time to say...
  19. J

    The Dead Old One Cell Speck Suddenly Came To Life , , ,

    Do you believe that there was a time back there in eternity, when nothing existed except the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? If you do believe that, then don't you have a logical problem with your "I believe 1 and 2, since God, the intelligent designer, who is the Living God, has existed...
  20. J

    The Dead Old One Cell Speck Suddenly Came To Life , , ,

    There are only 3 choices: {1} An Intelligent Designer created life. {2} Life eternally existed. {3} Life sprang into being from non-living substances. All three are faith based positions. I choose to believe {1} JAG Thought For Today: Christianity Is a Faith. "without faith it is impossible to...