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  1. J

    The Cross Has Defeated Unlove. Love Wins The War For The World.

    The Cross Has Defeated Unlove. Love Wins The War For The World. By JAG August 17, 2021 "i want to be loved", said John Doe. If John would change that to "I want to love" John would end up getting what he wanted because John can control that. Getting love and loyalty from human beings is not...
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    Worthless Bravery In Battle {Wasted Courage}

    Spot on. Great point. Thanks. JAG ``
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    Worthless Bravery In Battle {Wasted Courage}

    Worthless Bravery In Battle (Wasted Courage). By JAG August 10, 2021 First, love God with all your heart, obey Him, then be successfully-brave during deadly death-dealing battles. The fighters of the tribe of Manasseh were Spartan-like. "They were brave warriors, famous men", but "they were...
  4. J

    God Loved Us And Gave Us Nutmeg.

    God Loved Us And Gave Us Nutmeg. By JAG August 4, 2021 God loves us in the Small Matters of life and gave us the cheerful greens of summer, the heart-warning warm colors of Autumn ~ the reds, oranges, browns, and yellows . . . . . . and God gave us Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Jasmine...
  5. J

    Thoughts End Up Being Things.

    To the thread: Here is one example of a Faith-Thought that changed reality and its taken directly from the New Testament {Matthew 14:22-33} The Apostle Peter actually walked on water because of a Faith-Thought in his mind. Lets start with some basic facts: (1) Human beings cannot walk on...
  6. J

    Thoughts End Up Being Things.

    Note to the reader: I wrote this from the point of view of a Bible believing Evangelical, which is what I am. This piece has nothing to do with Norman V. Peele's The Power Of Positive Thinking. __________ Thoughts End Up Becoming Things. By JAG July 30, 2021 When you invite a thought into...
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    Pale Percy Pessimist On America As Sodom.

    Pale Percy Pessimist On America As Sodom. By JAG July 26, 2021 "God will most likely soon destroy America, just as He destroyed Sodom", said Pale Percy Pessimist, the aspiring Chief Executive Officer of The Perpetual Perpetuators Of Pessimism In America. "God said He would spare Sodom for the...
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    America The Protector.

    Agreed. "There is a time for war" Eccl 3:8 There is a time for peace." Eccl. 3:8 God is a God of peace. God is a God of War. "The God of PEACE will soon CRUSH Satan under your feet." (New Testament) (Note the contrast between PEACE and CRUSH.) God is a God of War. Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a...
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    America The Protector.

    It is not arguable that God controls the world and that America is part of the world that God controls. The universal Christian doctrine that God controls the world does not say that God morally approves of the sins committed by His creatures. God can, and does, control the world, and God does...
  10. J

    America The Protector.

    Note to the thread. I have poor eyesight. My use of larger fonts is NOT me shouting. I use larger fonts ONLY because I have poor eyesight JAG
  11. J

    America The Protector.

    Neither the OP or my follow-up post says or even implies that America had a right to invade Iraq. Are you arguing with imaginary people? Part of my point was this: It is the Sovereign God, and NOT politicians, the media, the naysayers, and the Perpetuators Of Perpetual Pessimism, that...
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    America The Protector.

    America militarily protected Christendom and God's developing John 3:16 Human Race Love Project from tyrannical enslavement by Hitler's German Nazism in World War 2 (1939 - 1945) with some 400,000 American military deaths. Freedom isn't free or cheap. World War 2 deaths worldwide, all causes, is...
  13. J

    America The Protector.

    America The Protector. By JAG "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes." Nehemiah 4:14 America is God's shining city on a hill and America belongs to God (Psa. 24:1). Don't forget...
  14. J

    Christendom, Thou Art Strongly Beloved.

    Christendom, Thou Art Strongly Beloved. By JAG July 3,2021 Christendom: World Changer. Indestructible Solid Rock. Giving Hope to mankind, Body of the Lord Jesus, Vehicle of Salvation, comfort for the troubled soul. Precious. Christendom thou art Everything to me. I LOVE you very much...
  15. J

    Bobby Foole And His Little God Of Gold.

    Bobby Foole And His Little God Of Gold. By JAG July 1, 2021 "The fact is", said Bobby Foole, "I truly LOVE sin and evil and I hotly crave to practice both of 'em." "I understand", replied Harris Dookins, Foole's philosopher counselor. "Moreover", added Foole, "I crave to be my own God...
  16. J

    Twelve Legions Went To The Rim.

    Just to be chatty . . . Christian fiction stories, that convey Biblical truths, are enormously popular within Christendom, for example: John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. Start quote. "The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come is a 1678 Christian allegory written by...
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    Twelve Legions Went To The Rim.

  18. J

    Who Was The Beast Of The Book Of Revelation?

    Who Was The Beast Of the Book Of Revelation? Short answer: Nero Caesar. Read on , , , _________________ {The following was taken from He Shall Have Dominion. by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. It is not a word for word quote but the substance of this below is Dr. Gentry's. I typed it in. It is not on...
  19. J

    An Unloving Unnecessary Monstrous Interpretation Of Matthew 7:13-14

    Not a single word in your post up there refuted this: JAG Wrote: "Humans put forth their own interpretation of Matthew 7:13-14 and their own interpretation has consequences. Their own interpretation of Matthew 7:13-14 also tells us what they think God is like in His nature. The interpretation...