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  1. J

    The Dead Old One Cell Speck Suddenly Came To Life , , ,

    JAG Writes: You have no Empirical Evidence that your original ancestor was at one time a dead one-celled speck that lived in the Primordial Slime and then later begin to pulsate with life. Pulsate , , just a slight boom , , boom , , boom , , , I mean the one-celled speck was not always alive...
  2. J

    Death You Are Defeated. Thank You Lord Jesus.

    Death is the separation of the body from the soul. Uncle Sin fathered it but Death was never God's original plan. Adam and Even were created to live but the Serpent loves Death and he slyly maneuvered Eve into embracing guaranteed rot. Satan is a crafty little devil, Rot-Monger, Death-Dealer...
  3. J

    It's A Secret. You're Not Supposed To Know . . . .

    . . .You're not supposed to know things that God does not want you to know, and God obviously does not want you to know everything. This fact --- that there are some secrets that God does not want you to know --- is one major reason why "without faith it is impossible to please God." You must...
  4. J

    The Intelligence Of The Anti-Faith Secular Humanists Will Vanish

    JAG Writes: I recently wrote a letter to my grandson that said: Happy Birthday. You will want many more Happy Birthdays and the path to get them is to feed your mind and heart daily on the truths in the Bible the word of God and then stay far away from the pseudo-intellectual God-haters [Romans...
  5. J

    Some people love this "pandemic" because their lives are boring

    That WAS indeed humorous. I enjoyed reading that one. Thanks. In the same vein I just today wrote this below to an especially nasty ugly-talking liberal who was strongly in favor of bowing down to Dr. Foochie and to the Gov-ment regarding Covie. JAG Writes: On the tombstone of Masked Casper...
  6. J

    "Science, Politics, And COVID: Will Truth Prevail?"

    The above title is from a current {2/18/2021} article published by Hillsdale College. Here is one excerpt from that article: "Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary after people are vaccinated! All...
  7. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    In Conclusion . . . "I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" ___The Lord Jesus in Matthew 16:18 NIV Note the phrase "I will BUILD my church" Does not this phrase and this verse clearly suggest that the numerical size of His church will not forever be a "little...
  8. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    Continued . . . Now consider Hebrews 11:11-12 and Romans 4: 16-17 Hebrews 11:11-12 says that from Abraham came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. This is a NEW TESTAMENT verse that says clearly that the Christian Church is NOT going to...
  9. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    Continued . . . Now add Revelation 7:9-10 which says that there is a great multitude of the saved from every nation, tribe, people and language and they are so numerous that no one can count them. "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count from every...
  10. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    Continued . . . These 5 biblical passages present the coming HUGE-ENORMOUS numbers of the Christian Church. (1) Genesis 22:15-18 with (2) Galatians 3:6-9 with (3) Romans 4:16-17 with (4) Hebrews 11:11-12 with (5) Revelation 7:9-10 Start quote. "So also Abraham "believed God, and it was...
  11. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    Continued . . . Genesis 22:15-18 God said to Abraham, "indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore . . . and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed." Note the particulars in...
  12. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    Continued . . . . Genesis 22:15-18 "The angel of the LORD called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, "I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as...
  13. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    Will Christians become as numerous as the stars in the sky and as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore? Yes! (See Hebrews 11:11-12) Do these three Bible verses teach that Christians are now, and will be in the future, few in numbers? No! (A) Luke 12:32's "little flock" (B) Matthew...
  14. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    That "few that find it" interpretation, as applied to future Christendom, was on life support years ago and has now long been dead and buried deep with no hope of resurrection. As applied to a 21st century application it is barely worth the effort to bury it deeper. "9After this I looked, and...
  15. J

    God's Great And Good Plan To Rescue And Restore Dying Humanity.

    JAG Writes: God has a saving-plan for the world. Humanity is in serious death-trouble due to the entrance of sin and sin's death worldwide. Not even the Jewish Law {Moses} could defeat Death and bring Eternal Life. But God is the kind of Person that will go straight into the pain to rescue...
  16. J

    What Do You Think God Should Have Done With These People?

    Wise choice anywhere anytime. By the way, I stopped doing the thread-tangent thingy years ago. The principle I follow can be found generally in Nehemiah 6:1-4 and can be specifically found in 6:3 Best. JAG ``
  17. J

    Err On The Side Of LOVE.

    Err On The Side Of LOVE. By JAG March 14, 2021 Sunday It's impossible for we humans to always "get it right" with regard to the precise balance between LOVE and Justified Harshness. But err on the side of LOVE. Strongly emphasize such things as: ■ God wants all men to be saved and to come to...
  18. J

    What Do You Think God Should Have Done With These People?

    Why do you waste time with questions like that? Do you think the title of the Opening Post is the ONLY thing that you could have commented upon? Is there some need to be picky? To be argumentative? Best. JAG ``
  19. J

    What Do You Think God Should Have Done With These People?

    " "What Do You Think God Should Have Done With These People?" The question was rhetorical, that is, the expected answer is God should have done with them exactly what He did do with them and of course the OP explains why. JAG ``