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  1. J

    The Supernatural Is Really Heaven's Natural Laws At Work.

    I don't, at the present time, have any thing else to add to what I have said in the thread. Thank you for your interest in the OP and for your contribution to the thread. God Bless. JAG ``
  2. J

    Professor Bobby Brainy Loves His God Science.

    Professor Bobby Brainy Loves His God Science. By JAG September 24, 2021 "Scientific knowledge is my God," said Professor Bobby Brainy, "I bow down to Scientific Certitude. I worship Scientific Factuality." "What about Christianity's Greatest Commandment to love God with all your heart?", asked...
  3. J

    The Supernatural Is Really Heaven's Natural Laws At Work.

    My view is that there is no "supernatural" in the life of the Lord Jesus but that he uses the natural laws of Heaven to do mighty deeds both in Heaven and on earth. "Supernatural - of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature"...
  4. J

    The Supernatural Is Really Heaven's Natural Laws At Work.

    I don't think He was restrained by any laws. Was there something in the OP that made you think that was asserted? Best. JAG ``
  5. J

    The Supernatural Is Really Heaven's Natural Laws At Work.

    Agreed. That's why I said this in the OP: "Not to be picky, but there is nothing "magical" involved in Christianity's supernaturalism."__JAG Best. JAG ``
  6. J

    The Supernatural Is Really Heaven's Natural Laws At Work.

    "Christianity is magical"__ John Internet Poster JAG Replies: Not to be picky, but there is nothing "magical" involved in Christianity's supernaturalism. There are natural laws in the unseen world and, in my view, one of those laws is that physical material reality can be changed and...
  7. J

    Our Guardian Angels watch Over Us.

    Our Guardian Angels Watch Over Us. By JAG September 18,2021 Based on . . . Matthew 18:1-10 Hebrews 1:14 Psalms 34:7 many have concluded that each of we Christians have at least one, or more, Guardian Angles that are assigned to watchcare and protect us during our lifetime. Matthew 18:10 “See...
  8. J

    Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.

    Jesus Can Not Be Defeated. By JAG September 16, 2021 Because God can NOT be defeated and Jesus is God. Jesus is the Word and "In the beginning was the Word and . . . the Word was God" {John 1:1} . . . . . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and He can not be defeated by Sin...
  9. J

    God Loved Us And Gave Us ♫ Sarah Brightman ♫ And Many Other Blessings Too.

    God Loved Us And Gave Us ♫ Sarah Brightman ♫ And Many Other Blessings Too. By JAG September 3, 2021 Gave us Sarah Brightman . . . to brighten our lives with songs like the beautiful "Canto Della Terra" duet with Andrea Bocelli, and the lovely captivating "Sarai Qui" sung with Alessandro...
  10. J

    The New Testament's Demons Are As Real As It Gets.

    The New Testament's Demons Are As Real As It Gets. By JAG August 31, 2021 They are bodiless spirits of fallen angels. They strongly desire to get back inside a body ~ and the bodies of pigs will do just fine. How can we be certain they are bodiless spirits? Because if they had bodies of their...
  11. J

    Atheism And Ceasing To Exist Oblivion

    My view regarding those who remain locked-down in unbelief is that they will experience the perish of John 3:16. Locked-down sustained unbelief is, at root bottom, an unbeliever's way of telling God, de facto, that they do not want, and will not tolerate, their Creator telling them what to do...
  12. J

    Atheism And Ceasing To Exist Oblivion

    Is your question about John 3:16 or John 10:27-28? (You quoted both texts) JAG
  13. J

    Atheism And Ceasing To Exist Oblivion

    Atheism And Ceasing To Exist Oblivion. By JAG When you die, is that the end of you? Or do you continue to live on and on somewhere after you die? Atheists answer those questions as follows: Some atheists say they do not know if humans cease to exist after death, that there may be an...
  14. J

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Best Regards. JAG
  15. J

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question and thank you for making some very good points. God bless. JAG
  16. J

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked.

    I'm interested to hear your view on this: Do you believe the New Testament teaches that God's people, we Christians, ought to rejoice at the vengeance inflicted on the wicked and proceed to mentally and emotionally wash our feet in their blood. Is that the message you get from reading the New...
  17. J

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked.

    Does the New Testament teach that God's people, we Christians, ought to rejoice at the vengeance inflicted on the wicked and proceed to mentally and emotionally wash our feet in their blood. Is that the message you get from reading the New Testament? Yes or no? Thoughts For Today: Do I take...
  18. J

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked.

    Each Christian can decide for themselves how they will interpret and apply Psalm 58: 3-10 in light of the clear bold clarity of these two passages spoken by God Himself. 'Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked . . . rather am I not pleased when they turn from their [evil] ways and...
  19. J

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked.

    The Sad Heartbreaking Unnecessary Death Of The Wicked. By JAG August 23, 2021 "There are some men that ought to be killed". said Bitterlycold Hard. "That's true", replied Merci Grace, "the police shot to death Badd Mann who refused to drop his gun. Mann had just murdered three bank tellers."...