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  1. J

    Which verse is your least favorite?

    Here is one more: . "But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Jude 1:9 * I have read some commentaries on Jude 1:9 * Some Christians have concluded that...
  2. J

    Which verse is your least favorite?

    Thank you for posting that. It was interesting. Regarding Deut. 25:11-12 Just to be chatty, allow me to speculate (pure speculation) Preliminary observation: The picture of a wife actually grabbing the private parts of her husband's opponent in a fight is strongly weird and bizarre. Just...
  3. J

    Which verse is your least favorite?

    Maybe this one .... "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity." Deut 25:11-12 🙂
  4. J

    God's IQ And Human Comforts.

    God's IQ And Human Comforts. By JAG October 10,2022 Just how intellectually brilliant is the God that created and designed the human brain that created and designed that machine up there? Answer: His intellectual brilliance would be off the charts. God's intelligence level would be...
  5. J

    Powerful Warrior Angels.

    "If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12they will lift you up in their hands." Psalm 91:9-12
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    Powerful Warrior Angels.

    Powerful Warrior Angels By JAG October 6, 2022 I heard this story: There was a Christian woman who was walking to her car in a lonely parking lot late in the evening. Suddenly three evil looking men stepped out from behind cars where they had been hiding. The three men started walking...
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    We Will Get The Answers When We Get To Heaven.

    "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish" John chapter 10 All of Christ's sheep listen to His voice. All of Christ's sheep follow Him. All of Christ's sheep have been given eternal life and none of them shall perish...
  8. J

    We Will Get The Answers When We Get To Heaven.

    You can KNOW the answer to that. You can KNOW it for an absolute fact. "Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow...
  9. J

    We Will Get The Answers When We Get To Heaven.

    You may be right on that. Nonetheless, the difficult questions do matter for many Christians now living in this 21st century insane asylum and its comforting to have the verses in the OP in one's mind as we make our journey to a better and saner place. Best. JAG
  10. J

    We Will Get The Answers When We Get To Heaven.

    Many of our intellectual problems and difficult questions can be pleasantly and reassuringly stored here: "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children forever." Deuteronomy 29:29 And . . . Regarding some questions the Lord Jesus said...
  11. J

    Why Have Conservatives Been Unable To Stop The Liberal Revolution That Threatens Their Culture?

    Create a list of all the criminals and immoral scumbags that are on your side of the political aisle and put them up here in the thread and go worldwide historywide with your list and you'll have thousands and thousands of vile filthy scumbags on your side of the political aisle. Do it. JAG
  12. J

    Why Have Conservatives Been Unable To Stop The Liberal Revolution That Threatens Their Culture?

    My view: You are biased and prejudiced against conservatives and therefore, everything you say must be viewed in light of that. ______________ Here is another quote from Buchanan I wanted to put into this thread: "A new generation has grown up for whom the cultural revolution is not a...
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    Why Have Conservatives Been Unable To Stop The Liberal Revolution That Threatens Their Culture?

    False. Social liberals promote and support pure evil. By the way . . . Here is another quote from Buchanan that I wanted to put in this thread. "Americans who look upon this cultural revolution as politics-as-usual do not understand it. It means to make an end of the country we love. It...
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    Why Have Conservatives Been Unable To Stop The Liberal Revolution That Threatens Their Culture?

    Good points. Thanks for the update. Best. JAG ``
  15. J

    Why Have Conservatives Been Unable To Stop The Liberal Revolution That Threatens Their Culture?

    The hypocrisy on both sides of politics in America and the West is HUGE and enormous and growing larger by the hour. And their hypocrisy is just one of their MANY sins. JAG ``
  16. J

    Why Have Conservatives Been Unable To Stop The Liberal Revolution That Threatens Their Culture?

    Is a question asked by Patrick J. Buchanan in his classic work The Death Of The West. Says Buchanan: One reason is "The Liberals have captured the institutions where the young spend most of their waking hours -- MTV and primetime, movies and magazines, schools and colleges -- the Liberal...
  17. J

    Females As Leaders/Pastors Of Males In Evangelical Churches.

    Read this one first: Inside the Evangelical Fight Over Gay Marriage | Time This one is the biggy If you are an Evangelical, be prepared to be startled. __________ Then later this one . . . The strange decline of US evangelicalism ( JAG
  18. J

    Females As Leaders/Pastors Of Males In Evangelical Churches.

    Females As Leaders/Pastors Of Males In Evangelical Churches. By JAG Jan 4, 2022 "I like the freedom to be a preacher", said the Reverend. Henrietta Smartr Thangod, senior pastor of the Rebellious Saints Evangelical Mega-Church. "What about sodomy", asked the Rev. Deal Infacts, "do you like...
  19. J

    The Old Guard Dies, But It Does Not Surrender.

    The Old Guard Dies, But It Does Not Surrender. By JAG January 1, 2022 "THE OLD GUARD DIES, BUT IT DOES NOT SURRENDER." __General Cambronne Napoleon's French elite Old Guard fighting fiercely at the Battle of Waterloo was brave and courageous but it could not hold the line against Wellington's...
  20. J

    Feminized America.

    Feminized America. (regarding the parts that are) By JAG December 27,2021 Emasculated and Intellectualized too. (large swaths of America are) Males CAN become feminized, emasculated, and intellectualized ~ whole nations of males can become weak and whipped to their knees by Niceness. "Pale...