Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.


Active member
Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth
October 23, 2021

A high brow cafe near the University of California at Berkeley where political
activist Secular Humanist scientists gather to pontificate, preach, plan, and

John Citizen Goode, sitting nearby sipping soda and listening to the ongoing
conversation, leans over and says to his friend:
"We're hearing slick Sammy Science's subtle sham shell game being propagated
here. Somebody ought to write a book entitled How Slick Sammy Science Slithers
Hither And Thither To Push on The Public His Personal Political Plans By Craftily
Claiming He Has Science On His Side."

The conversations in the cafe drones on and on . . . . .

"I don't agree with your conclusions on this issue", suddenly said John Citizen Goode.

"Shut your mouth. we have the Science on our side and you don't", screamed Professor
Samuel Slicke Hitla, "you will therefore bow down to our authority."

"I totally agree with that", upspoke Professor Badd Bobby Brainy Himla, "the ends justify
the means, and we're out to save humanity from themselves."

"Yes indeed", replied Professor Madd Muse A. Leanie, "we must save humanity with laws
enforced by police with guns."

"Count me in on that too,", muttered Professor A. Stealthy Staalinn, "the masses are
science-ignorant fools, especially religious people, and they must be controlled by force of

John Citizen Goode turns and says to his friend:
"If you dare oppose these science-tyrants and their science-bigotry, they will create an evil
name for you. They'll label you a Science Denier and then use that to do their best to destroy
you, to ruin your reputation, to destroy your influence, even to get you fired from your job if they
can. When you stop and think about it, we have Science Nazis on our trail and they want to hurt
and destroy us because we dare to oppose THEM.

John Citizen Goode, still taking to his friend, concludes the scene . . . . .
"All evil dictators who desire to be your Lord and Master, claim to have Science on their side. Their
message to you is, we know the truth and you don't, so we need to control you because we know
so much more than you do ~ and its in your long term best interest if you obey us for we have the
Science on our side and you don't. Adolph Hitler was able to recruit more followers among educated
Germans by claiming that Science was on his side. Hitler had highly educated scientists with earned
degrees from reputable universities telling the world that Hitler had the Science on his side.
And enough of the world's gullible bowed down to Hitler's scientists and to his other
We-Have-The-Truth-And-You-Don't-Experts ~ resulting in the world giving birth to hideous Nazism
and Nazism giving birth to the evil racist filthy Nazi Eugenics murder machine. John Cornwell wrote
a book on that entitled Hitler's Scientists."




Active member
I put this OP in the Religion Department because, me thinks, it will end up being
a religious discussion (if there is any discussion.)




Well-known member
Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth
October 23, 2021

A high brow cafe near the University of California at Berkeley where political
activist Secular Humanist scientists gather to pontificate, preach, plan, and

John Citizen Goode, sitting nearby sipping soda and listening to the ongoing
conversation, leans over and says to his friend:
"We're hearing slick Sammy Science's subtle sham shell game being propagated
here. Somebody ought to write a book entitled How Slick Sammy Science Slithers
Hither And Thither To Push on The Public His Personal Political Plans By Craftily
Claiming He Has Science On His Side."

The conversations in the cafe drones on and on . . . . .

"I don't agree with your conclusions on this issue", suddenly said John Citizen Goode.

"Shut your mouth. we have the Science on our side and you don't", screamed Professor
Samuel Slicke Hitla, "you will therefore bow down to our authority."

"I totally agree with that", upspoke Professor Badd Bobby Brainy Himla, "the ends justify
the means, and we're out to save humanity from themselves."

"Yes indeed", replied Professor Madd Muse A. Leanie, "we must save humanity with laws
enforced by police with guns."

"Count me in on that too,", muttered Professor A. Stealthy Staalinn, "the masses are
science-ignorant fools, especially religious people, and they must be controlled by force of

John Citizen Goode turns and says to his friend:
"If you dare oppose these science-tyrants and their science-bigotry, they will create an evil
name for you. They'll label you a Science Denier and then use that to do their best to destroy
you, to ruin your reputation, to destroy your influence, even to get you fired from your job if they
can. When you stop and think about it, we have Science Nazis on our trail and they want to hurt
and destroy us because we dare to oppose THEM.

John Citizen Goode, still taking to his friend, concludes the scene . . . . .
"All evil dictators who desire to be your Lord and Master, claim to have Science on their side. Their
message to you is, we know the truth and you don't, so we need to control you because we know
so much more than you do ~ and its in your long term best interest if you obey us for we have the
Science on our side and you don't. Adolph Hitler was able to recruit more followers among educated
Germans by claiming that Science was on his side. Hitler had highly educated scientists with earned
degrees from reputable universities telling the world that Hitler had the Science on his side.
And enough of the world's gullible bowed down to Hitler's scientists and to his other
We-Have-The-Truth-And-You-Don't-Experts ~ resulting in the world giving birth to hideous Nazism
and Nazism giving birth to the evil racist filthy Nazi Eugenics murder machine. John Cornwell wrote
a book on that entitled Hitler's Scientists."


The Bible tells us the whole world, in general, is in league with the devil against God. Because fools have rejected the wisdom of God they become dupes of the devil. Darwinian evolution is a lie from hell but dupes do not know that. Many professional researchers have gone along with the lie to protect their income or reputation among the deluded mob, even if they know the claims are not scientifically solid.


Active member
I LOVE science. True science. My view is that God LOVES
true science too, for example Math , , ,

My view is that Math originated in the nature of God who
is the Original Mathematician --- just as all the other
disciplines also originated in the nature of God.

God Is The , , , ,
Original Mathematician
Original Physicist
Original Cosmologist
Original Inventor
Original Artist
Original Scientist
Original Oceanographer
Original Philosopher
Original Epistemologist
Original Empiricist
Original Poet
Original Writer
Original Lover {wanting the best for others}
Original Chooser { Volition }
Original Economist
Original Emotion-ist {the full range of All Good Emotions}
Original Planner
Original Creator
Original Designer
Original Technologist
Original Educator
Original Everything Good , , ,

, , and we humans participate in all that up there since we are
made in the image of God , , ,

, , and that above is why human beings, made in the image of God,
have been able to build the modern world and will be able to keep making
progress in Science and Technology for ever and ever, even when the
human race makes the transition from Earthly human history to Eternity.

Humans are made in the image of God and God has , ,
~ An Intellect --- and so do we humans
~ Emotions --- and so do we humans
~ Volition {a Will, the ability to choose -- and so do we humans

God's Human Race Project ends victoriously.

Long live science. True science.



Active member
The Bible tells us the whole world, in general, is in league with the devil against God. Because fools have rejected the wisdom of God they become dupes of the devil. Darwinian evolution is a lie from hell but dupes do not know that. Many professional researchers have gone along with the lie to protect their income or reputation among the deluded mob, even if they know the claims are not scientifically solid.
JAG Writes To The Evolutionists:
You have no Empirical Evidence that your original ancestor
was at one time a dead one-celled speck that lived in the
Primordial Slime and then later begin to pulsate with life.

Pulsate , , just a slight boom , , boom , , boom , , ,

I mean the one-celled speck was not always alive --so there
was a time when Old One-Cell was as dead as a door nail , ,

, , , but , , , ,

, , lo and behold , , ,

, , ,Old One Cell at some point became alive and it began to pulsate.

Then Time Passed.

After awhile Old One Cell, increased to the size of a pecan.

Then later on Old One Cell increased to the size of a baseball.

Then to the size of a Chicken.

A chicken , , ,

Then later on as Time Passed Old One Cell has now become a Toad Frog.
{or What Ever You Claim It Became}

But Old One Cell did not remain a Toad Frog.

On no.

Old One Cell eventually became a Chimp.

Then as time Passed a "scientific miracle" occurred , , ,

Here it comes , , ,

Old One Cell now at last has become "a Ronald Reagan"
and "a Ruth Bader Ginsburg."

And all that up there happened due to , , ,

~ natural selection
~ :random mutation
~ atoms and molecules wiggling around
~ chemical reactions taking place . . .

, , , and all that was produced by

~ unthinking non-intelligent Time
~ unthinking non-intelligent Chance
~ unthinking non-intelligent Matter , , ,

, , which produced a , ,

~ highly complex Human Brain

~ and a highly complex Human Eye, and

~ a highly complex Fully Functioning Human Body


So if you believe all that up there, then you are a Great Man Of Faith
and you believe in the Religion Of Evolution.

My view is It requires MORE faith to believe in all that up there, than
it requires to believe in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He
gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
but have Eternal Life."



Bradley D

Well-known member
Much science is based on theory. Also the single cell is made of parts. Science has a hard time explaining how all those parts came together.


Active member
Science is the process of throwing out ideas because evidence, logic or reason make them impossible.

One example of what the OP is about.

Charles "The Enemy" Templeton vs. Billy Graham/And All Billy's Fellow Christians.

Templeton was at one time a widely known evangelist who was associated with
the Billy Graham ministries. Templeton turned against God, and turned to the worship
of his true little banty rooster god names Science, and then tried to turn Billy Graham away
from the Christian faith. Templeton even wrote a book titled:

"Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith"
(It's on amazon)

"For more than twenty years, Charles Templeton was a major figure in the church in Canada
and the United States. During the 1950s, he and Billy Graham were the two most successful exponents
of mass evangelism in North America. Templeton spoke nightly to stadium crowds of up to thirty thousand people."



Well-known member
One example of what the OP is about.

Charles "The Enemy" Templeton vs. Billy Graham/And All Billy's Fellow Christians.

Templeton was at one time a widely known evangelist who was associated with
the Billy Graham ministries. Templeton turned against God, and turned to the worship
of his true little banty rooster god names Science, and then tried to turn Billy Graham away
from the Christian faith. Templeton even wrote a book titled:

"Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith"
(It's on amazon)

"For more than twenty years, Charles Templeton was a major figure in the church in Canada
and the United States. During the 1950s, he and Billy Graham were the two most successful exponents
of mass evangelism in North America. Templeton spoke nightly to stadium crowds of up to thirty thousand people."

Sadly, not everyone who calls Jesus Lord is saved. Templeton was one of those false believers. He is a prime example of a dog turned again to his own vomit.

2 Peter 2:21-22

King James Version

21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.​



Active member
Sadly, not everyone who calls Jesus Lord is saved. Templeton was one of those false believers. He is a prime example of a dog turned again to his own vomit.

2 Peter 2:21-22​

King James Version​

21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.​

22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.​


