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  • Weekend was good. Visisted my brother on saturday. My father is coming for a visit tomorrow.

    I will get back to you on Bonhoeffer, have to take a little glance at the relevant chapters to refresh my memory first.

    Been watching some Walter Brueggemann lectures lately. He is a fascinating thinker, his view on the Old Testament is quite interesting. Not sure if I can get behind everything he says, but he gives Christians some good reminders of the importance of the Old Testament texts.

    You're welcome. And don't lose it. There are only so many of them, Charlie. :)

    If you've read two books on the subject, you're way ahead of me. You'd be way ahead of me even if you hadn't. :chuckle: What do you think of it? How does it fit in with your theology?
    Don't ever consider it as butting in. You can chime in anytime you like, I'm giving you a free ticket. :)

    It's very tough for me, very complex, I had to take one part of a sentence at a time just to somewhat grasp the gist of what he's saying. :eek:

    Like psychology, philosophy has its own vocabulary.
    Hey Kmo, just getting on as the days go really. How are you, all set for Christmas? Hope things are well.


    That seems to get really good reviews. Haven't seen it here. Although, I do not drink much IPA or other pale ales this time of year, tend to prefer the more rich and darker ones when it is cold and dark outside :chuckle:

    Merry Christmas, kmo. :)

    It was a beautiful day yesterday, and today the forecast is 79 and mostly sunny. As for holiday spirit without cold weather and snow (or what you'd consider cold weather, since to me 50 is freezing :chuckle:): since it's all I know, weather doesn't really play much of a part. If we were having a heat wave, maybe. Just think what it's like for everyone who lives in the southern hemisphere. Christmas for them comes during the summertime. :)
    No :chuckle: I'm terrified of heights, so that will never happen :eek:

    I'm alright. Enjoying the saturday evening, just had a very nice bock beer.

    Re-read that Bonhoeffer passage now, had to descramble my mind after the exam :eek: That is a wonderful commentary on Matthew 7. The part on the word full of power wrapped in weakness is classical theologia crucis, which is one of the parts I think Luther got right, namely really focusing on what it means to say that God himself is revealed in the crucified Christ.
    Did you read his following commentary on the end of the sermon of the mount yet? That is a classical challenging passage from Bonhoeffer, makes you reflect.

    How is the weekend treating you?

    I like the Christmas avatar :chuckle: Although I pictured the same image, just with H&G instead of Garfield and Odie... :plain:
    Not a problem. In fact, I'm happy to see you engaging him. I'm about talked out in that one and going back and addressing the problems of his attempt to formalize after just finishing with zips...meh. :plain:

    I'll have the odds and action up in the NFL thread later. :cheers:
    I will have a look at it tomorrow. I just finished my exam, been writing for a bit under 14 hours today :eek:

    The exam is in modern criticism of religion. Have to write a comparison of the criticism of religion in Feuerbach, Freud and Nietzsche as well as what kind of anthropology and theology they operate with.

    Which chapter is that in Bonhoeffer?

    Now I picture H&G wearing pilgrim hats and wielding Uncle Scrooge style blunderbusses :chuckle:

    That is one crazy dream :chuckle:

    Semester is going fine. Have a home exam from monday to wednesday.

    Had a small break in the driving due to school, but I only miss one 4 hour session and the driving exam now.

    How are you?

    That's what vacations are for. :) Semester is going well. Thanksgiving break is so welcome, but I'm going to try to write a few papers during it too. :e4e:
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