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  • Feel free to double up on Spectrox however you like. It's a strange impediment, and perhaps a different approach would be helpful. :idunno:
    Excuse me, I'm searching for a string of ever increasingly emphatic ways of backing the Chief's play...what?
    Well...your boys couldn't have generally played a sloppier game and Oakland played its heart out. Don't despair. Did you see my cinch/lock answer to your jinx comment? :eek:
    I agree. It is not always clear to me what he says. I think it is due to a mixture of his wish to support a radical discipleship view of Christianity with some of the classical Lutheran doctrines, where civilians life and normal duties are seen as not only compatible with the Christian life but an important part of it. The question then becomes, is this doctrine then moderating the call to discipleship we find in the sayings of Jesus? And when it comes to what Christ calls you to, I'm not quite sure how he intends for us to discern what that is. When he says that, I immediately think of Feuerbach's criticism of religion, namely that it becomes a projection of ourselves.

    What do you think?

    You must be getting quite the theological library now :chuckle:

    Gotten any further in Bonhoeffer?

    That won't work with me, I already know what a softy you are. :chuckle:

    And all secrets go with me to the grave...

    That reminds me of being at Mass once in an Italian parish I went to frequently. When the priest (who after decades here still has a way strong accent) mentioned the Mafia in his sermon, he actually whispered it.

    As in yada yada yada the Mafia yada yada yada... and he wasn't joking... :chuckle:


    Oh, and:

    I'm doing pretty well and trouble free, thanks. :)

    You kidding? You're nothing but trouble, I've heard. :eek:

    I kind of want to go pick up the work called Ethics by him at the library. Read some summaries of it and it sounds quite interesting. Also want to read the Letters and Papers from Prison. I need more time... :plain:

    Will be interesting to hear your thoughts as you move through Cost of Discipleship.

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