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  • He has. There was some fellow posting around that caught his eye. I didn't find the fellow as elevating. He thought that my disagreement with that fellow was somehow a personal slight and unfriended me. It's been a one sided contest of this sort since. It's sad to see, but I tried talking to him about it to no avail. Now I just shake my head at him when he tries something like this.
    Stux means it as an insult and it comes from the same irrational place that had him suggesting Quixote's, a thread more comprised of others comments than my own, should be a blog, as should Jack's thread, for even less reason. :plain:
    Merry Christmas kmo. :) Wishing you every joy of the season.

    Coffee is a habit, and although I've never been a smoker (got so sick the first time I tried it that I lost any desire to try again... talk about excellent aversion therapy :eek:) I wonder if there isn't a similarity. It acts on the brain, it has strong mental/emotional connotations and the muscle memory motions are there.

    It's good you're not addicted, but you're missing out on some good Alzheimer's protectant. :eek:

    On the "mostly guidance" part: :chuckle:
    Nothing big. Went to my fathers place yesterday to have the annual Christmas dinner where the entire family is gathered. Today will be fairly relaxed and tomorrow there will be the Christmas church service.

    Depends on why you don't. If you don't like coffee, then you're not crazy. If you do... then all bets are off. :)

    You sound like you're on top of this whole Christmas thing. Is that you naturally, or you with proper guidance? :eek:
    Okay, I'm more awake now. But I still had to look up panpsychism. :eek:

    It didn't help that you left off an 's.'

    On the other hand, it didn't hurt, either. :chuckle:
    I've done almost no shopping yet. :eek:

    On the process philosophy, I think Jesus' divinity is very important, so I'd have more of an issue with that, and if miracles and the resurrection are problematical, then that too is a problem. The resurrection is fundamental to the sacrifice. I think some mixing and matching could work, but I'm leery of mixing and matching on an instinctual level, even if I don't have all the tools necessary to explain why.
    That bakery stuff just strikes me as nonsense. Claiming that stuff is persecution is a mockery of the real persecution.

    I don't think picking up the cross meant that it would sometimes be difficult to get a cake with any message we wanted on it from a specific bakery. :chuckle:

    I have some trouble wrapping my mind around the constant focus on homosexuality and gay marriage. I could at least understand it if it was about forcing religious institutitons to officiating the weddings, but this is about secular marriages.
    "Thinketh no evil" is a very weird translation of the Greek. The verb is λογίζομαι, which means to reckon, take into account or impute. So a more accurate translation would be "does not take evil into account" or something along those lines.

    And yes, I do think there is a tension between that and thinking of hell as punishment. If God is love and love does not take evil into account, then there seems to be a tension if you claim that God sends people away as punishment. I always come back to the prodigal son. His repentance depended on him turning around towards his loving father, not on the father having to be appeased first.
    Good, you do that. Glad you got it and got a laugh out of it. :chuckle:

    And okay, that would be great. Whenever you have time or the mood strikes you.
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