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  • Reminds me of what we discussed a little while back, the meaning of the divine name in Exodus 3:14. It would seem that Bauckham's view is one who would agree on a "I am who I will be" understanding of that text, that the most important part is who God is, rather then what God is. Although, I'm not sure that those two questions can ever be separate, more of a difference in emphasis or way of talking about God.

    Not surprising to see that Bauckham has written a book on Moltmann.

    I'm good. Looking for some job oppurtunities. Also, reading a tome of a book: The Problem of God in Modern Thought by Philip Clayton.

    My phone wouldn't let me type a rep comment
    So it's a SMART phone then. :plain:

    Doing well. Getting on with organizing to get back into writing in the next month and enjoying Jack. How is it with you? And yes, the first bit will likely be in the Gazette. :eek:
    Sorry for the late reply.

    Do you have anything more on the exact difference between identity and nature? Is it that Christ reveals and uniquely acts out God's purpose as opposed to being God substantially?

    He seems to cover what I think is most important about the doctrine of who Christ is, namely that Christ reveals to use who God is in a unique way, that the character of Christ is the character of God. That the divine identity encompasses the crucified Christ sounds very Moltmannian, and that is where I think the traditional doctrine of the impassable nature of God might be mistaken.

    Sounds quite interesting.
    Harry sent me his flute recital recording:


    He is very talented, the crescendo at 3:14 in particular is quite breathtaking :plain:
    Sorry to hear about your father, will keep him in my prayers.

    I'm not familiar with Bauckham's Christology. Sounds interesting, feel free to write me about it if you have the time.

    I'm reading some Keith Ward. Quite like his theology, think he in many ways represents a possible synthesis of classical theism and process theism that I'm looking for.

    I remember when you last talked about your dad's health problems. I'm sorry they're still ongoing (hopefully having a diagnosis will be helpful) and I'll definitely remember him in my prayers. Let me know how the 2nd. opinion goes, okay?
    Thank you for asking. I am unwell and a long way from home. So I have a tough journey ahead to get to the help that I need. Otherwise life is good and I am skilled at putting one foot in front of the other til destination is achieved.
    Blessings my Dear.

    They really are ridiculous, their behavior exhibits absolutely zero grace :chuckle:
    Still here and still waiting for a basket of sprouts. Yet again I've had to add an empty basket to the others and it's just not good enough...:plain:
    I can do that. :chuckle:

    Oh... okay... yeah, I'd thought the two were connected. Hmm... well, that's a bit trickier then, and I don't say that lightly.
    :chuckle: Now I just have to remember to deliver...

    Is the possible move in the going forward part? Not a for sure thing, or for sure just not yet?
    It's the suspense that kills ya. I'm glad I can help provide it for you. :chuckle:

    Sounds like a tough place to be re: the job. I sure hope things work out for you. How long before you have to commit, or have you already?

    Thanks for the kind words, kmo. I really appreciate it. I'll keep them in mind, and maybe I'll drop you a line one day soon.
    Never fear... I'll come up with an awesome/fearsome suggestion when you least expect it. :)

    And if you don't want the job, that's a very important consideration. Sometimes our gut instinct really is our best guide. Do you have any choice in the matter?

    Thanks, kmo. I'm going through some hard times IRL right now. Running against the grain on TOL certainly doesn't help any, I'm a little tired of getting beat up for it. TOL has really changed my opinion of a lot of things and if it wasn't for a handful of Christians here who remind me that TOL isn't the last word (or even the first word), I don't know where I'd be right now, faithwise. My concepts of religion and faith are altered.

    And on that last... :chuckle: I totally deserve that. Although only my closer friends are aware of the extent of it, I really should win some sort of revolving door award. :eek:
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