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  • kmo, what good news you have today. :)

    I'm so, so happy to hear about your dad, what a relief that has to be for everyone. Such great news.

    And your sister too - Wow! Congratulations, Uncle kmo. :D

    Is this a first grandchild for your parents, then? What do your parents think? (Once your mom got over the surprise :chuckle:)
    Also, infinity is not really an enlargment of finitude. There is no proportionality or ratio between finitude and infinity, it is an absolute difference, one is the negation of the other (Clayton would probably argue that finitude is the real negation if infinitude is primordial, although he also calls them equi-primordial concepts).

    How are things?


    That had to result in an insurance claim for you... :plain:

    It is harder to conceive of infinity being a projection for a couple of reasons. It is argued that the idea finitude presupposes the ideaof infinity. Through introspection you can understand that you are finite and then reach the concept of infinity, in that sense the concept of infinity is derived from your own finitude. But it is argued that in order to really grasp that we are finite, we must already presuppose the concept of infinity. Clayton (using Descartes among others) thus argues that the idea of infinity actually is primordial, finitude is just primordial in the sequence of discovery. Perfection on the other hand supposes that God maximally posseses some values, the projection (if it really is a projection) is in what those values are
    There are a lot of things that we can remember that younger people can't relate to. It means we're getting old. :eek:

    I took three more semesters of Spanish at the college level too, and danged if I can remember much when it comes to verb conjugations, but I remember enough vocab to get me by reading signs and such. Same with the French. Conversationally? Not a chance. :chuckle:

    As for regrets... would I do some things differently? I think everyone can say that at some point in life, it's part of life.

    I did come home at half time. :chuckle: And was happy knowing that Seattle had tied it up... until I checked the score later. :(

    I'm doing alright. So who is playing in the Super Bowl this year? Can't say I really know much about American football :eek:

    Read any more Bauckham? Been reading quite a bit of that Clayton book. The historical survey on the relationship between the theology of perfection and the theology of infinity is quite interesting. On the one hand, a pure theology of infinity leads to a God who can only be approached in silence, an absolute abyss of unknowability (since any definition, for example goodness, at all would imply delimitation and thus a negation of infinity). Clayton argues that theology of perfection may be charged with being God projected by mankind, humanity enlarged so to speak. Not sure I agree with that so far, I'm unable to be persuaded about a relativism that strong, most of the perfections are what I would consider absolut values.

    Very, very few payphones around here, although we still have the call boxes on the freeway.

    Yeah, I've really come 180 degrees since 2003. I don't understand myself at that time, to tell you the truth.

    And no, I didn't read those at all. Obviously we moved in different circles. :chuckle: I actually read a lot of WWII and Cold War/espionage history/fiction back in the day. I took both Spanish and French in high school and had plans to backpack through Europe after high school. A lot of dreams fell by the wayside. :)

    You did ask me about Super Bowl last year, I remember. :) I barely know what teams are playing, so while I'll be visiting where the game is the main attraction, I'll probably leave at half time. :eek:

    Do you have plans? Making some good food for the game?
    For me, I'm saddened by the cost in lives, first and foremost. On both sides. Second, the mind-boggling cost of the war which could have gone to so many other things. The cost in lost good will toward America. The loss of American credibility. The destabilization of culture and economies over there. And on and on.
    :chuckle: Yeah - panic everywhere. Can you imagine if they (okay we) couldn't text or tweet anyone to tell them what was happening? :shocked:

    The scenes where he and his wife are holding their newborn...they didn't use a real baby and it totally shows. As for the pro/anti, I kind of think that if you go in with a bias, you'll see your bias reinforced, but who knows, maybe not.

    If you're anti-war, you'll be saddened by the women and children killed, and view them as valiantly defending their homeland from invaders. And you'll see the real psychological and physical toll of the hell that is war. (not that both views wouldn't see that as well.)

    If you're pro military, the depiction of American military might and of individual valor and so on may really resonate, as would the real footage at the end of the movie of Americans lining the road when his funeral procession went by. And it was moving, I was moved.
    I'm guilty as charged. :eek: Being on campus is really a revelation, it's like walking in zombieland sometimes. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little, maybe. But still... I honestly wonder what would happen if all their (okay our) phones just went pfft into thin air. :chuckle:

    Oh, I'll have to go look. You always make good posts. :)

    I wasn't too keen on seeing it either, to tell you the truth. But it was one of those movies that makes a cultural mark, so I decided to go see it. Well done, (except for the obviously fake baby you may have heard about) but I definitely had very mixed thoughts about it afterward.
    Are you one of those hipster types, with an ironic old school phone? :eek:

    First week back to school. It's been a long week. :)

    I was reading through the Bad Religion social group, a thread about Chuck Baldwin made me go back and look for something. Those were some good times. :)
    I'm okay. Quiet days. Messed up back right now... Frustrating. Wish I was back east to enjoy some snowstorm. Hope everything's going well w/you.
    Thank you for good wishes!
    I have a couple of rather serious issues but am getting the help I need! Time will tell but in general I am in good shape and good health!
    Thanks, kmo. I do too.

    When I upgraded to the iPhone 6 I was able to use the com box without any problem, so hopefully at some point your phone will let you.
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