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  • Oh.... that's cold. Honestly, I wouldn't know what to do with that kind of weather. I bought my first ever rain boots for this winter, and I can count on one hand the times I've been in falling snow.
    El Niño does make for a milder winter in the Midwest and East, because it keeps the cold air farther north. It should be interesting to see if your winter continues as mild as it has been. I suppose there's a good and bad side for that? Less snow to shovel, but too much rain, maybe?
    So far, I think I am. But I'm not 100% sure. :chuckle:

    Thanks, kmo. I'm glad you're doing all right, hope those ups and downs have leveled a bit on the upside of the mean.

    Cute smileys. :chuckle: Thanks for that, we aren't conditioned to those kinds of weather situations. Will El Niño give you a milder winter than usual?
    The new year and I are having a staring contest. :plain:


    Doing all right, kmo, thanks for asking. How are you doing?

    Had to drive in the worst rainstorm I've ever driven in yesterday. I literally couldn't see where I was going - and I was on the freeway.

    It was quite nice :)

    How is Pannenberg going? Read a review of Jenson's systematic theology by Pannenberg, was interesting. Tended to agree with his review.

    Thanks, kmo, and Merry Christmas to you. I hope you're filled with all the joys (and good food) of the season. :)
    You should read my latest response to anna on exactly that concern. It's why I initially sided against Roy Moore and his Ten Commandments within the S. Ct. building in Alabama. So while I can see some trying for that and others responding or seeing it that way, it isn't inherently true and I'd say, as problematic as this next could be, intent is important in examining a case. I'd also argue that we recognize individual races in public memorials to our fallen dead and religion in Arlington.
    Thanks. I'm against establishment, but I've never seen that as the point. I didn't when I was an atheist and I don't now...maybe I was lucky, but the tiny crowd I belonged to in that discussion weren't hostile toward the majority. Maybe growing up around solidly productive, decent people involved in a charitable and heartfelt outreach stunted the growth of malice. Or maybe we just wanted to present to others what met us, which wasn't the mean spirited and gleefully sadistic nonsense too many dole out in the name of love around here. :think: Or maybe it was just that most of my crowd were tall and rangy and loved to mix in. :eek:
    Hi Kmo,

    I just responded to your latest myself. I wanted to rep your post, but the rep gun is jammed, perhaps ironically, or perhaps appropriately. It is nice to have an actual substantive discussion on the subject.
    Oh hey, good for you! I'm glad you'll be having a lot of time off. That's great. And I know it's well deserved. :)
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