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  • :sigh:

    Thanks, it gets better with time but you never forget the pets you've loved. I'm sad for you, but glad you had so many years with her. That's a great name, Zuzu. What kind of cat was she?
    Oh, kmo. :( I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I didn't want to say it last night, but that's how my cat went too.. it was her kidneys and there was nothing that could be done. I still remember the day I picked her up where she was curled up in my quilt to make that last trip with her, and I held her through it all.

    I'm glad you had those last hours with her. It's a hard thing to do and to go through, and my heart goes out to you.
    I like the small anecdotes about Pannenberg that demonstrate the ridiculous capacity of his mind. "Before going to study with Karl Barth, he read his "Church dogmatics". Ah well, is that so much? Anyone can read a book. Then you realize that Barth's "Church dogmatics" is 10 000 pages long...:eek:
    I hope it helps too. Poor thing. :sigh: I hope she has a good night, I know you'll take good care of her.
    So sorry to hear it, kmo. I hope the vet can give you some good news. Let me know, okay? That's really hard. I had a beloved cat who made it to about the same age. Never had another one like her.
    With all this theology reading, you could breeze through the seminary soon. So when will we see Father Kmo? :eek:
    And I will read Pannenberg. He is next on my list after Jenson. Going to read Jesus -God and Man, and then probably move on to his 3 volume systematic theology. Based on what I know about him, from how Jenson uses him and how he reviewed Jenson's work, I think I will like him a lot.

    That is what is fascinating with Jenson. He show, and tries to further develop that Jewish Christian thought met with this world and formed something new. He dismisses it as another myth that Christianity got hellenized, and instead says that Hellenistic thought got evangelized in the thought of the fathers of the church.

    I read The Alchemist many years ago, cant remember much :eek:

    Nice that you got Jenson. He is a very original thinker, and you get a lot of knowledge of the fathers as well through Jenson. You can read part 2 without 1, but some parts might be tougher to follow. Part 1 is basically about God in himself and his revelation in Christ (the last 4 chapters of volume 1 are amazing), part 2 is about the opera ad extra of God.
    He rejects the distinction because he more or less dismisses it as myth that Greek categories of thought is some neutral form of human rationality in ways that for example Jewish thought it. He calls philosophy a form of theology, it operates out of certain assumptions and its own unique distinctions, certain problems which it seeks to solve. The big problem for the Greek philosophers is impermanence, the mortality of all things due to time. That is why the only required property for a god in Greek thought is immortality, which is the same as immunity to time.
    How are you?

    Been reading anything lately? :)

    I'm about finished with the two volume systematic theology of Robert Jenson. Quite interesting. He has some absolutely beautiful and original views, but I can't get behind everything he says. Reading it has re-opened an interesting topic for me, the relationship between Christianity as revelation and its relationship to philosophical theology. Although Jenson would reject that distinction I think. He argues that Judaism has its own metaphysics in a sense, and often underlines that looking for God behind the trinitarian revelation is implicit modalism, that somehow behind the trinity there is simply "God" as a monadic entity. He is quite Barthian. Think I need to read Pannenbergs systematic theology next, with his bottom up approach, to try and balance it a bit.

    1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)
    15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;
    Okay. :) Did all the ladies in the office swoon over the happy ending? :)

    Yes. He loves the tension. :chuckle:

    Oh, it only gets better from here. Just you wait, she'll have her uncle wrapped around her little finger before she can say a single word. :)
    Okay, nosy question, so feel free not to answer. :eek: Did you meet her at work? :)

    :chuckle: I think a thread might be a very good idea. I keep bumping his feminist thread and he pretends he doesn't like it but I know better. :)

    You'll be a terrific uncle, as soon as she's old enough for you to really interact with her. How old is she now? And I love the name.
    Do you both work at the same place? Or would you have been dropping her off on your way? It must be nice to work so close to where you live. :)

    There are some I'm really looking forward to. Neuropsychology. Psychology and Personality. I have a class in Gerontology and one for psychology in culture. I'm on the waitlist for Stress, Trauma and Combat Psychology. Hoping to get that, but it'll mean 18 units this semester and the system already bounced me out once. So I put it back in... we'll see if it notices. :eek: I need two upper division GE requirements still, so in remembrance of chrys (seriously!) I'm taking Women in American History. :chuckle:

    Oh, that would be hard to leave the baby. I feel for your sister and the baby.

    How are you doing as Uncle? Having fun? :)
    :shocked: :Brrrrr: I'll bet it didn't take you long to make that decision. :chuckle:

    Okay. Thanks for asking. I'm registered for the next semester, and start next week.

    How are you doing, besides dealing with those Arctic temps?
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